Hello everyone,

I have used steroids on and off for the past two years, and I have made some poor decisions with dosing and duration of use. Last New Years (1/1/2011), I started using test, tren , and masteron as a 12 week cycle. The doses weren't too harsh, 525mg of test and mast and 350mg of tren per week. This cycle went very well, and I did use an aromitase inhibitor and caber while on cycle. I followed a typical tamox/torem 6 week pct, and about 2 weeks after I had finished pct, I began another cycle of test and NPP.

This is where it all went downhill.. greed and addiction to looking amazing took over.. The doses were again, not too unreasonable, taken at 700mg per week for 8 weeks. I did use an aromitase inhibitor and caber while on cycle as well. After this cycle, I again followed the typical tamox/torem 6 week pct, but I decided to run test, tren, and anadrol within one week of finishing my pct. The doses were a little higher, exceeding 1g of testosterone and 700mg of tren per week. This cycle lasted about 12 weeks, and I used an aromitase inhibitor and caber again. I did the tamox/torem pct again, and I took about 2 months off after pct was over.

Before I was fully recovered (I would say that I was maybe 50% there) I started another cycle of testosterone, deca , and winstrol , for 14 weeks with fairly normal doses by the board's standards. I used an aromitase inhibitor and caber while on again, and I have been off for 5 weeks (still in pct).

I have a few questions:

1) should I be running an extended pct? 8-10 weeks maybe? can I recover? or am I completely screwed? I do not plan on using ever again, and I want to avoid HRT if possible

2) when should I get blood work done to check my levels? 4-6 weeks after I finish pct?

For the record, I am 22 years old (I know, this is the stinger to this post), 235lbs, 6'0", and 10% body fat roughly.