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  1. #41
    kif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    I am not upset at all. Debates are what these forums are all about. Like Noles said, if he can acheive that in one year with 2 cycles he has MR Olympia genetics. I have been competing for over 20 years and been around hundreds of competitive bodybuilders. I have yet to witness anyone make progress anywhere near what is being suggested here. I will go so far as to say most who live this sport and compete dont ever get into contest shape (5%) at over 200lbs of bodyweight.
    Well I'm 232 at a whopping 13%bf lol I've never been under 10% so maybe I don't know how hard it is to get to 5%bf. My post was from my experiance 15 months ago I was 205 27%bf like I said today I'm 232 13%bf and honestly my diet is junk lately, so I guess I just figured that in my experiance if my diet had been on point the past few months I would have made close to the same gains as the OP. however since I've never been at 5% bf and I dont know how hard it is to get there. I'll Stand corrected and take your word for it. I've always said don't argue with someone that has done something you haven't accomplished yet. Knowledge is money!!!!

  2. #42
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I want all of you to listen. In 2013 I am beating Phil Heath in the olympia! Mark my words!

  3. #43
    ata1979's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    No shit, huh. . . . If shit worked like that every juicer would look like Cutler.

    Shit, 10% Bf is damn near amazing for a "normal" guy.

    Most guys below 10% are competition status like mentioned above. And just about all of them work extremely hard to keep themselves that way.

    Achievable, yes - fast < fvck no.

    Lets say you want to gain 30-40 pounds of LBM. 10-15 a cycle is about a fair high average. 6-10 months for a complete cycle(including cycle, PCT and a decent amount of time off). That is damn near 2-3 years of "safely" cycling.

    Then don't forget, you have to maintain this physique. . . . It doesn't just stay after you get it.
    5-6% BF is very hard to get too and impossible to maintain. Your aim should be 9-10% with 10-15 lbs extra mass this year. Even reaching that will take dedication and a good diet. I don't think you realize how shredded 5-6% is.

  4. #44
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkside1 View Post
    Ok thats why I am here to learn, WHAT is reasonable?
    You have come to the right place. My 2 cents is...

    Slow down. Success is a journey, not a destination.
    Stop talking openly about steroid use with people at the gym. It will come back and bite you on the ass later.
    Follow the advice given to you on here. Start a progress thread so that everyone on here can guide you with every aspect of your new life. All the way to and beyond your fitness goals.
    Again relax and slow down. No need to rush.

  5. #45
    ata1979's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kif View Post
    Well I'm 232 at a whopping 13%bf lol I've never been under 10% so maybe I don't know how hard it is to get to 5%bf. My post was from my experiance 15 months ago I was 205 27%bf like I said today I'm 232 13%bf and honestly my diet is junk lately, so I guess I just figured that in my experiance if my diet had been on point the past few months I would have made close to the same gains as the OP. however since I've never been at 5% bf and I dont know how hard it is to get there. I'll Stand corrected and take your word for it. I've always said don't argue with someone that has done something you haven't accomplished yet. Knowledge is money!!!!
    Its alot eaiser to drop bodyfat when your at 27%, gets tougher in the 12-15% range, once you start talkin single digits that takes real dedication. My personal best was measured at 8.7% once when I was 25 yrs old, besides that have floated around 10-15%

  6. #46
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    I want all of you to listen. In 2013 I am beating Phil Heath in the olympia! Mark my words!
    Ok I marked your words on the calendar.

  7. #47
    ata1979's Avatar
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    I bet less than 10% of the members on this forum have ever reached 6% and their are some dedicated mothafckers on here.

  8. #48
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kif View Post
    Well I'm 232 at a whopping 13%bf lol I've never been under 10% so maybe I don't know how hard it is to get to 5%bf. My post was from my experiance 15 months ago I was 205 27%bf like I said today I'm 232 13%bf and honestly my diet is junk lately, so I guess I just figured that in my experiance if my diet had been on point the past few months I would have made close to the same gains as the OP. however since I've never been at 5% bf and I dont know how hard it is to get there. I'll Stand corrected and take your word for it. I've always said don't argue with someone that has done something you haven't accomplished yet. Knowledge is money!!!!
    i dont know how tall you are either. But the bigger you get for your frame the harder it is to put on size. I'm lucky to put on a couple lbs of lbm a cycle.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #49
    darkside1 is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks for the info guys, yes I didnt exactly know how shredded 6% actually is because all the guys on other forums are usually just guessing way lower, today I actually talked to a guy at the gym that competes and he is at 9% and he is pretty much as shredded as Id want to be,

    so new goals after further info are 10% real body fat and 200 lbs in 1 years time, from what ive read test should be the only thing I take for my first cycle, and I will up my cals and macros accordingly etc, once I bulk up what would be the best thing for a newbie to cut all the extra fat I put on?

  10. #50
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkside1 View Post
    Ok thanks for the info guys, yes I didnt exactly know how shredded 6% actually is because all the guys on other forums are usually just guessing way lower, today I actually talked to a guy at the gym that competes and he is at 9% and he is pretty much as shredded as Id want to be,

    so new goals after further info are 10% real body fat and 200 lbs in 1 years time, from what ive read test should be the only thing I take for my first cycle, and I will up my cals and macros accordingly etc, once I bulk up what would be the best thing for a newbie to cut all the extra fat I put on?
    At 20 years old, you should not be considering cycling

  11. #51
    darkside1 is offline New Member
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    lmao I swear to everyyything I am not 20 lol, I think 20 and cycling is absolutly riciculous, how can I prove to you guys my age? Id rather go through this and get advice on how to do this right then possibly get misinformation.

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