
Age: 28
Height: 5'6
Weight: 170lbs
Body fat: 15 -18% Estimated

Been lifting pretty seriously for about 3 to 4 years. Was 115lbs 10 years ago. Came a long way.

I tried a PH cycle, did everything by the books, didn't see much. Got a few compliments, but I didn't see the results myself, I guess others did. It's been almost 4 months since I finished PCT. My sex drive is pretty damn high, like it always has been, so I'd imagine I'm recovered pretty well. Heres my cycle plan:

Test E. 250mg Mon / Thurs (totaling 500mg a week)

Natural test booster - Would this help? I've used them in the past and love the sex drive I get, plus it helped recover from the PH cycle.

I also will be taking multi, fish oils, ect. I have a bunch of hawthorne berry left over from the PH cycle, should I take that? I guess no reason not to.

I'm honest, diet isn't perfect, never will be. I do the best I can, and work out hard, diet is good, but I give in to cravings once in a while, oh well. I don't see that as a reason not to cycle.

Can someone help me with doses? Specifically the Exemestane? Is there anything else I'm missing? I want to keep this as simple as possible. I thought about adding Winstrol , but don't think thats a good idea. Any thoughts? Thanks.