07-03-2012, 10:16 AM #41
What the f*ck are you on about...
Do me a favour and do some research into the LongFeedback Mechanism, then tell me how prolactin is regulated. Then and only then will even begin to engage your bullshit.
Clearly you have a lot to learn about endocrinology and how various hormones are regulated.
Inregards to your case, did you ever get BW done confirming PRL is high?
The vasy majority of people do not run into problems with raised prolactin on 19-Nor's. But some do, which is why I state some sort of direct medication to control PRL is needed on hand when using them. Most times, an AI will suffice.
07-03-2012, 10:31 AM #42
I haven't made someone look stupid for a while, so I'm going to enjoy this.
Lesson starts in 10 or so minutes...
07-03-2012, 10:41 AM #43Banned
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What's wrong cup cake.....................are you pissed because Paris Hilton's purse dog is bigger than you................? I haven't exposed anything, if you are so certain of yourself, go ahead and post any & all info you have on me right here right now, for all to see so I can make an even bigger clown of you. I promise any info you dig up that is attached to this IP has absolutely NOTHING to do with me, I'm buried so deep, I can't even find me, if you're good enough (you're not) you well find 3 different names (none of which are me) & 3 different addresses that don't match those names...............do your worst Mr. Exposure...........lol. Any way, back on track, you refuse to do the research because you don't want to see how much of a stubborn idiot you are, there are several accounts of prolactin being lowered / controlled by an AI, you just don't want to admit it. I have clearly told you twice, in this very thread, that I myself am currently controlling prolactin with an AI, there its plenty of real life proof that this works, its not just on paper, but for some reason you refuse to acknowledge that. You're as sharp as a fvcking bowling ball.
07-03-2012, 10:47 AM #44Banned
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Swifto, good to see you brother. I was hoping you would find this thread. I have learned MUCH from you on this subject in the last few months just by simply following your post history. Pull no punches big guy, he deserves no mercy.......lol
07-03-2012, 11:11 AM #45
07-03-2012, 11:30 AM #46
07-03-2012, 11:34 AM #47
Take notes people. After anyone reading the crap being spewed by Bear in this thread... I'd take anything he's ever said on this forum w/ a grain of salt.
TBONEY... I am disputing that crap 100%. If you have ever actually tried to lower prolactin w/ an AI you would have learned this already. (excuse edited coments, had you confused w/ another "knowledglable member") lol.
IN closing... yes I stand by all comments I've made. WHY? Because they've proven to work. Not in an article, not cause someone told me it would... because it actually worked. I didn't start this shit 3mths ago. I've had gyno for 10yrs now. I know how my body reacts to different chems. I find it absolutely hilarious that a couple of clowns hiding behind computer screens w/ cartoon avatars are trying to tell me , flat out that what I have personally done to myself, DIDN"T WORK! And that their simple solution (that they FOUND ON AN INTERNET ARTICLE) is all that I need to try. Oh, and even though I've tried it already, and it STILL DIDN"T ****ING WORK!!! But I am the one that needs to do more research! Wow.[/QUOTE]
You should be banned for above statements! These kinds of threats have no place here!!!! All because someone calls you out on your bullshit!
Hopefully a mod or admn will deal with you!
07-03-2012, 11:45 AM #48
07-03-2012, 11:47 AM #49
Some guys find that smaller dosages with TREN are the way to go for less or no sides.
07-03-2012, 11:48 AM #50
07-03-2012, 02:03 PM #51
All my info is here in this thread.. take your time and read it then tell me what's really happening. Please?
I will ignore your comments on being "burried" lol for now... but I still don't understand why you think that I am being "stubborn" because something that you claim works, in fact, DID NOT WORK. What is the big problem here. It didn't work. Plain and simple. Would you like me to just lie and say it did so you can feel good about your research?!?!? F*ck off... still waiting for a pic, big guy.
You should be banned for above statements! These kinds of threats have no place here!!!! All because someone calls you out on your bullshit!
Hopefully a mod or admn will deal with you![/QUOTE]
Ban me!!! LOL hahahaha... for what ? For calling out your "respected members" ? The guy is a ****ing moron. His info is out there... it's not a big secret. This is the internet. My info is here too. SO IS YOURS Mr Tboney. WHat's the big deal. Lots of guys know how to do it... its not difficult.
And why are you guys getting SOOOOO upset because I told you over and over again that your THEORY DIDN"T WORK. I'm not arguing paper statements. I'm trying to tell you what I found out during personal experimentation!
This is comical that you're getting so upset that you want someone to Ban me. LOL Go for it. I frequent a board that guys like personal experience and don't rely on google searches for information.
F*CK... I've been on all these boards since the early days... all of them. Meso, elite, and probably years before half of the guys on here were even born. Ive only started posting again lately, and get "internet pros" bashing me because what I've found, contradicts their articles.
I really don't know what else to say here guys... you want to school me on endo.. go ahead. I will still tell you exactly what i said before. It DID NOT WORK FOR ME. What is so difficult to understand here?? Swifto?? GO ahead and school me w/ a bunch of copy&pastes... I can't wait.
07-03-2012, 02:07 PM #52
Got my pop corn ready!
07-03-2012, 02:11 PM #53
^^ Look bear... Papa-g is even smaller than I am !!
Make him look stupid!!
07-03-2012, 02:36 PM #54Banned
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Like I said hoagie, post my info, don't just run your cock sucker, do what you said, prove that you can ID me, like I said, anything related to this IP has nothing to do with me, you couldn't find me if I was standing right in front you, you have my written consent, post my info. Also, I would love to know why you keep ignoring the part of my posts that tell you over & over, "THIS IS NOT JUST A THEORY ON PAPER, PEOPLE ARE SUCCESSFULLY USING AI's TO CONTROL PROLACTIN LEVELS EVERYDAY". I'll tell you why you keep ignoring that part, because if you acknowledge it, would completely dilute your claim that this is just an unproven theory on paper. If you have a better explanation of why you always seem to ignore that part of my post, I'd love to hear it..............
Last edited by The Bear 79; 07-03-2012 at 02:53 PM.
07-03-2012, 02:38 PM #55Originally Posted by hoagie
To go F themselves. If you don't like it leave. Bear and swift are great dudes here and clearly you input not up to par. And how do you know that me? Or when the pic was taken? Or anything else for that matter. Best pack up shop and go back to the boards where your opinion still matters. Cuz it's a joke here after this thread. Further more flaming members is no way act professional nor like and adult. Best of luck to you.
07-03-2012, 02:43 PM #56
It didn't work FOR YOU, yet you claim the theory is bullshit and "doesnt work".
It may not work for everyone, some still experience an elevation in prolactin when using 19-Nor's and an AI will not suffice, but you are the minority and the sooner you realise that the better. What should I give advice to the general steroid user based on minorities such as you?
You flew of the handle and said "the theory is bullshit". Just because YOU did not have success.
If you had any idea how prolactin is regulated, you'de know that estrogen is regulator. Which means when people contorl estrogen the OFTEN control prolactin. If you cant understand that, then read it again.
I suggest you go and read what I'm about to post and drop your silly little attitude.
Now, once you have read that, can you tell me why "using an AI to control prolactin is bullshit".... I cant wait.
07-03-2012, 02:50 PM #57
I don't want to post any info... my point was your claim that you couldn't post a real pic of yourself was because of your job... when clearly, if they really wanted, they could find out anything they wanted about you, pic or no pic.
And second.... you say this over and over. But it seems as though you have not read anything that I have posted here. I will go through this for one last time for anyone who has not read my previous posts. I HAVE RUN AI'S in more than adaquate dosages in my last 15 cycles... and I've never EVER had a problem w/ my gyno. Why is it now that I have added a 19nor at much higher than my normal dosages, that I have gyno flare up worse than ever??? This the entire basis of our dissagrement. ONCE A-****IN-GAIN... I run thorough doses of AI EVERY cycle BECAUSE I have had gyno in the past. I regularly run 1g test/wk for the last 12yrs.. no probs, EVER. Why now am I having severe gyno?? Please read through your book of answers and tell me.
Hey sorry to involve you bud.. nothing personal.. but the big bear says that tiny idiots like me should be embarrassed to post pics here... seems to me that I'm taller than you and 25lbs heaver w/ lower bf... no offence, but just repeating what "our respected members" say here.
07-03-2012, 02:52 PM #58
someone is abouut to get a three count here....
07-03-2012, 03:00 PM #59
Swifto.... i've read all that before. Like I said, I didn't start this a few mths ago. I kno that "they say" that prolactin induced gyno shouldn't be a problem w/ out the presence of e2... but it happened. I always ALWAYS take a good dose of AI simply because I have had gyno issues in the past. 6wks into a "normal" cycle and I get gyno worse than ever. OK. SO I increase AI's and even switch to the good old reliable LETRO at max dosage. Wait 2wks and nothing.
SO... read, read, read... get some prami... and boom, gyno starts to subside.
Why the f*ck is everyone having a nuttty on me telling me "I'm wrong", go back and reasearch some more. F*ck that.. I've been doing this longer than a lot of guys have been alive.
Think I'm simply making this all up for attention??!?! What the f*ck man. Think I've never researched before ?
07-03-2012, 03:03 PM #60Banned
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07-03-2012, 03:04 PM #61
That's funny. You look like your 160 maybe. And after 15 cycles you clearly don't know what your doing. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you on this as I know what I am and I like me. I don't care if you do. You have acted like a 6th grader this whole thread and for a guy 8 years older then me that's really awesome. Hope your proud of yourself. Hit up the diet section and quit giving shitty advise cuz from we're I'm sitting I have nothing left for you. maybe your 16 cycle should be 4 weeks of manners and edict.
07-03-2012, 03:08 PM #62
I was right there with you in the first half. Rational, logical, well written.
Then came the second half. You lost it. It became a rant. You took things personally on a public bulletin board where no one really knows who anybody else is.
Take a breath and calm down. Your blood pressure could use it.
It's ok to get pissed every once in awhile for important stuff.
but again, you are wasting alot of energy on a public bulletin board, stirring things up.
07-03-2012, 03:12 PM #63
This thread makes me feel like you need years under your belt of aas to really mess with tren
07-03-2012, 03:39 PM #64
07-03-2012, 03:44 PM #65
07-03-2012, 03:48 PM #66
You need to understand that your the minority. It is not common that user of 19-Nors run into problems when using an AI, but it does happen. Which is why I always state caber or Prami should be kept on hand, so should tamoxifen .
Did you try running Tamoxifen with your AI on the 19-Nor's, or did you jump straight on the Caber or Prami? Did you also continue your AI or drop it?
07-03-2012, 04:11 PM #67
I have tamox on hand.. but only use it when I drop letro for fear of rebound (I had a serious rebound from letro so I alwasy follow up w/ tamox and stane for at least 2-3wks).
I've stayed on AI's, back to stane 12.5/ed after the prami started to bring pain/swelling under control.
Appreciate the different approach of actually asking questions b4 bashing me saying that I "need to go research more". I get it man... I've been around long enough, and I've researched long enough. That's why this latest experience had been so out of the ordinary. But because I've read till my eyeballs hurt I figured that a prolactin ant was the best course of action... turns out it worked.
07-03-2012, 04:27 PM #68
Well guys...just got my prami today. Gonna start taking it tonight and see if it does anything for my puffy nipps and lump
07-03-2012, 04:33 PM #69Originally Posted by cjr579
07-03-2012, 05:01 PM #70Banned
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07-03-2012, 05:07 PM #71Banned
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Last edited by The Bear 79; 07-03-2012 at 05:19 PM.
07-06-2012, 07:37 PM #72
I've been taking liq stane at 12.5mg ed, liq nolva 10mg ed and liq prami ed. Started the prami on tuesday at .125 and I'm up to .3. The lumps are still there and my nipps are still puffy. I just cant seem to win this battle. I'm currently still at the 500mg/ test and 300mg/wk tren . I just almost feel like the AI isn't doing the job. Last cycle i used liq-dex with no success and this cycle liq stane with no success.
Hope someone can shed some light on this matter because I'm feeling pretty down right now. I'm ending my 5th week so my cycle is really just getting started.
Should i drop the test dosage and increase tren dosage?
07-09-2012, 10:55 AM #73
07-09-2012, 12:26 PM #74
07-09-2012, 04:03 PM #75
I would like to bw. Don't have a doc or insurance. Thinking about using an online site to get bw. Any suggestions? My AI/serms are from the banner at the top. I've used them before but I'm not 100% convinced they work. I feel the liq stane should have stopped this problem in the first place. I think next time I'll try and find pharma grade AI/serms.
01-15-2013, 08:11 PM #76New Member
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not trying to highjack new member cant message you bear rly think u cld help me
01-15-2013, 08:39 PM #77Banned
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01-16-2013, 05:39 PM #78Junior Member
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Hey guys hate to jump in the middle of this rumble but im also dealing with the same issues. Now i have always had small lump from a cycle i around 15 years ago but it didnt bother me much. Just recently i did some high doses of test and my nipple went out of control. I was taking 1mg of Arimidex 3 times a week and up it to EOD and now to ED.
I stopped the Test to cruise for 2 weeks and get some blood work done. Im still on 1mg but its going down but since ive stopped the Test im worried im going to crash.
Any suggestion on what to do? Im going freaking nuts!
01-16-2013, 05:47 PM #79Banned
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What ester are you running, what is your body fay % & when was your last injection?
There is a proven Gyno. reversal protocol that consists of Letro. & Nolva., I'll see if I can dig it up for you.
01-16-2013, 06:13 PM #80Junior Member
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I my cycle was Test Prop, EQ and T400. Once i read on all the sides of EQ I dropped it.
So the last shot of T400 was 9 days ago and Test Prop was 5 days ago. Im 18% bf
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