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  1. #41
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
    measuretwicecutonce is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2012
    Los Angeles, CA
    ya opinions are hard to go by. did u read the sticky by Atomini? that;s very informative and i also agree with what is said in there off my own homework/research. also i don't recall if the stick says anything about pinning schedule but i would pin acetate ED not EOD for more stable blood plasma levels which will result in less sides. n even better would be if u ran it with prop n then just pinned them togethr. its a lot of pinning but as far as sides go its worth it. prop would also help reduce test based sides n bloat n see quicker gains compared to test e.

    np dude

  2. #42
    BSB is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012
    Seems as though I caught my first side... Snoring, apparently I sound like a buzz saw.

  3. #43
    BSB is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012
    Yah I couldn't get a hold of prop, just E.. I would have loved to run prop throughout. I had 4 weeks left of prop at 125mg EOD so I just am using it for the first 4 then I have to switch over ( not looking forward to the water retention on E, hopefully the AI eliminates it) ED is a bit tricky for me because I'm doing everything discreet, my wife reallly wouldn't be happy about it. If the sides become too much I'll definitely be doing ED though.

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