I've been reading a lot of posts lately where people say that they are not worried about being on trt for the rest of their lives. I think what they don't seem to understand that it's not as simple as it sounds. TRT does not mean that you take a shot of test every 2 weeks and are gtg. Aside from the fact that it will be hard to acquire the perfect dose that your body would have been comfortable with naturally, your body won't be able to adjust your levels to coincide with other processes that are occurring in your body. It will in turn hinder the efficacy of homeostasis. And the biggest wopper of them all, YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO HAVE KIDS!! (what's the point of creating the perfect specimen if you die and can't pass on your amazing genes to the rest of the world) A lot of those members comfortable with TRT should reconsider the decisions they are making.