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  1. #1
    Soulixar's Avatar
    Soulixar is offline New Member
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    33 years old. Want to give a start to my 1 st cycle.


    This is my very first post and want to apologize in advance cuz I may make some grammer mistakes since english is not my native language.

    I m 33 years old ,6.4 ,225 lbs. and been working out for 2 years.

    I train 4-5 days / week and I train madly. Despite so much dedication , money spent on supps. and solid diets unfortunately I ve started not to feel satisfied with my muscle development lately. Hence would like to start my first cycle with Testosteron E for 12 weeks.

    I m predisposed to hairloss and in order to spend much more time with my hairs ,currently using minoxidil with nizoral shampoo.

    I 'd love to hear some enlightening sentences from experienced fellows since I still have hesitations regarding the first cycle.

    All suggestions will be appreciated.


  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulixar

    This is my very first post and want to apologize in advance cuz I may make some grammer mistakes since english is not my native language.

    I m 33 years old ,6.4 ,225 lbs. and been working out for 2 years.

    I train 4-5 days / week and I train madly. Despite so much dedication , money spent on supps. and solid diets unfortunately I ve started not to feel satisfied with my muscle development lately. Hence would like to start my first cycle with Testosteron E for 12 weeks.

    I m predisposed to hairloss and in order to spend much more time with my hairs ,currently using minoxidil with nizoral shampoo.

    I 'd love to hear some enlightening sentences from experienced fellows since I still have hesitations regarding the first cycle.

    All suggestions will be appreciated.

    Test is a great start....out of curiosity, what is your diet like? Daily cals, grams protein, fat, carbs?

    Diet is the cornerstone of everything and if you don't have your diet really dialed in, you are missing out on the best way to reach clean gains initially and long term it'll support your goals with AASs.

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    That's a solid first cycle. But i too, would be interested in your diet as your gains will not be up to par if diet is insufficient.

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome, Soulixar.

    As MusleInk and stpete said, diet will be key here. It's important to remember that without proper nutrition, results will b very poor, with or without AAS. You can use the nutrition forum to fix your diet.

    Once that is fixed, you can consider the following cycle:

    Test E @ 500mg Every week. (pinned twice - mon/thur) for 12 weeks.
    You will need an AI (Aromitaze Inhibitor), you can use Adex @ .25 Every Other Day. I would start from the 1st injection.

    Once your cycle is completed, you will need to complete a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy ). This should be started 14 days after your last injection. Your PCT should consist of Clomid and Nolva dosed as such: clomid 100/50/50/50 and novla 40/20/20/20 (each number is representative of the daily dose for that week -- week1/week2/week3/week4).

    You may also want to read about HCG to take on cycle, this will help with faster recovery and prevent testicular atrophy.

    Best of luck and I cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting your diet fixed, and starting this cycle at or below 15% Body Fat.

  5. #5
    Soulixar's Avatar
    Soulixar is offline New Member
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    Thank you very much for your very kind replies.

    Here is my diet ;

    I eat 5-6 times in a day. Each meal trying to consume 40-50 gr. Protein - 30-40 gr. carb. and 15-20 gr. fat ( from almond , nut etc. )

    Best regards.

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