Hi everyone! I am new to this and sorry if these questions have been asked before.

I am 5'9 163lbs. I have been training for about 2 years. Naturally, I am considered a hard gainer and have a hard time building muscle.
I am picking up my first cycle of Test cyp this Friday to help me get a good base and I want to get a few things straight.

1) Is 500mg per week a decent dosage for my size?
2) I am running novedex as my PCT. Do i take this during or after my cycle and how much?
3) I keep hearing about AI's. Is this needed during my cycle and how much do I use?

My diet is very clean, but I just have a hard time eating a lot. I have heard people saying I should eat 3000-4000 calories per day. I typcally take in about 2600 and I am full. Is this very important? I take creatine and protein every day.

Thanks for any help you can give me.