hey guys
so basically im just getting into lifting and dieting and all of that, but I'm going in committed and with a serious attitude. Im 19, 5' 8", 180 lbs with a bf% of 21.3 which is way too high in my opinion. Im trying to cut down to about 15%. My buddy recommended me trying clen , which I did. I'm 5 days into my cycle and taking about 100 mcg which I plan on continuing for 14 days. Can I expect to see any results in this time? Im going to keep working out either way, but Im hoping seeing results from clen is going to keep me motivated when I get back to school where its harder to be healthy. Ive cut down my fat intake and am taking protein shakes. I know nutrician is the biggest component of weight loss so im paying attention to it. I plan on working out 5 days a week with 20 minute cardio at least 3 times. Should I add more cardio?
any advice you guys can give or info on what I can expect as far as results go is greatly appreciated. I'm not looking for a quick fix to my weight problems, just a jump start
Thanks in advance!!