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Thread: Deca and HCG

  1. #1
    arnoldstrong1984 is offline New Member
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    Deca and HCG

    Hi I just joined. I have some questions about Deca and HCG , maybe some of the more experienced users can help me out.

    A little background info:
    -Age 28, been training for 10 years
    -6ft 220 lbs about 15% bf
    - 1st cycle was last year, 500 mg a week of Sustanon for 12 weeks/50 mg d-bol for 6 weeks/ ran proper PCT etc. Gained about 25 lbs kept about 10 lbs

    So for my next cycle I'm planning:
    week 1-4 50 mg d-bol ED
    week 1-10 300 mg Deca a week
    week 1-12 250 mg Test Enan a week

    week 2-7 500 ius a week
    week 8-14 1000 ius a week
    week 14-18 2000 ius a week

    Arimidex 12.5 mg EOD
    Caber on hand

    week 14-18 Nolvadex and clomid for 4 weeks...40/100 for 2 weeks, then 20/50 for 2 weeks

    Ok so my questions are as follows:
    1) Will using HCG prevent me from being shutdown hard? I have heard stories of people using deca and their test levels never returning to normal, even after PCT.
    2) Is caber used in PCT or just in the case of progesterone induced gyno? Would it be better to replace nolvadex with caber in PCT?
    3) Will using HCG prevent drastic hormonal changes during PCT? My first cycle I had bad acne and it got worse during PCT. I want to try to avoid this or minimize it as much as possible
    4) At what point do I stop taking Adex? Do I continue using it through PCT? I did not use it my first cycle.

    Ok sorry for the long post! Tried to be as thorough as possible. I appreciate any advice anyone has. Thanks!
    Last edited by arnoldstrong1984; 08-05-2012 at 11:21 PM.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnoldstrong1984 View Post
    Ok so my questions are as follows:
    1) Will using HCG prevent me from being shutdown hard? I have hears stories of people using deca and their test levels never returning to normal, even after PCT.
    2) Is caber used in PCT or just in the case of progesterone induced gyno? Would it be better to replace nolvadex with caber in PCT?
    3) Will using HCG prevent drastic hormonal changes during PCT? My first cycle I had bad acne and it got worse during PCT. I want to try to avoid this or minimize it as much as possible
    4) At what point do I stop taking Adex? Do I continue using it through PCT? I did not use it my first cycle.

    Ok sorry for the long post! Tried to be as thorough as possible. I appreciate any advice anyone has. Thanks!

    I would drop both dbol and deca for your second cycle.

    Increase Test E to 500 mg weekly, pinned twice. (250 each).

    Your adex dose is outrageously high. Drop to .25 EOD. (a quarter of a mg). You can stop with your last pin.

    HCG will help you recover faster and prevent testicular atrophy. 250iu.

    PCT should consist of clomid 100/50/50/50 and novla 40/20/20/20. Start 14 days after last pin.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    arnoldstrong1984 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input. Yes I made a mistake there on the adex, thanks for catching that. Why do you say drop the deca and dbol ? I used dbol first cycle and liked it. I dont want to go over 250 mg a week of test because it gave me serious back acne the first time around.

  4. #4
    arnoldstrong1984 is offline New Member
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  5. #5
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
    >Good Luck< is offline Productive Member
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    The adex should help with the acne, as acne is a side effect of higher levels of estrogen (to my knowledge) and adex will not allow test to aromatize therefore controlling our estrogen.

    I also had bad acne on last cycle, and so far this cycle I don't have any yet. I'm using adex for the first time currently.

    Also have always read that test dose should e higher than deca dose, like 400t and 300d kinda deal.

    Good luck bro!

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