Considering a 300 mg/wk test enth cycle, pinned twice a week at 150 mg each. I have been a natural bodybuilder for 14 years now, and I am starting to get the strong itch to surpass my natural limitations. I have built quite a nice physique up until now, and have even been accused of using aas. Well, now I feel ready to use and achieve glory. The proposed cycle is on the low side for a beginner, and was extracted from this very website, which has been most helpful in my pursuit to expand my knowledge. My question is side effects related. I am a male model, and having the aesthetic features is a must. My hair has thinned over the years, but I still have a good head of hair. I use a variety of natural products/supps to maintain hair and hair health. At the proposed dose, would shedding be particularly heavy in your educated opinion and based on personal experience? If it did accelerate shedding and was too much to my liking, would these hairs grow back, or is it a permanent blow? I understand sides clear up upon cessation of use when it comes to acne and some gyno. I have researched aas extensively for the last year, just want to get some feedback on this issue. It's the only thing holding me back. I was going to throw dbol in as well since it had a low androgenic rating on this website, but now i'm hearing it's harsh on the hairline? I don't know. All I know is no tren or anadrol for me!

12 %BF
31 yrs