I just finished PCT a few days ago on a pretty successful Test/Tren cycle. Ran 4 weeks Clomid 100/75/50/25 and Nolva 40/30/20/10. Ancillaries during the cycle included A-Dex, Prami, and HCG . For the last 2 weeks I have been putting on fat in all the wrong places, despite strict diet and net weight-loss. It seems I am developing a female-pattern adipose distribution - it is horrifying.

I don’t, and haven’t had have any symptoms of gyno – no itchy nips, no lumps – but the small layer of adipose tissue all across my chest has noticeably increased. My chest was hard and lean 3 weeks ago, and now it is soft and squishy. It has a thin puffy layer of baby fat. I’ve also noticed deposits developing in my underarms and on my lats, which I’ve never had before. It’s subtle, but it really destroys the hard, ripped look I had on tren – or even before that cycle. What is stranger still is that the adipose tissue on my stomach has dramatically shrunk, and my abs look better than ever.

I started and ended the cycle at about the same bodyfat – which I loosely estimate between 9-10 percent. When I first started noticing the increased fat deposits on my chest, I thought it was calorie-related. My diet was already quite clean, so I dropped calories and started doing fasted low-intensity cardio – something that usually gets me ripped pretty quickly. It didn’t seem to have the normal effect. I cut calories further, and cut out all simple sugars – still the fat seems to be increasing. I am cutting into my gains because of my restricted calories – but whatever is going on is really destroying my physique.

Has anyone heard of this? Experienced it? I searched the threads and found only one other post mentioning female pattern adipose distribution during a cycle. I’m guessing this is estrogen related. Maybe I’m still shut-down? Any ideas what caused this, or what I should do? Will my fat distributions return to normal when my natural test production recovers? Should I get back on the clomid and the nolva for another week or two? Your input is greatly appreciated!