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Thread: My first cycle

  1. #41
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo View Post
    I know steroids aren't magic and I have to work twice as hard. But my 19 year old friend done it and he's fine I just don't want to wait to do it!
    yes some may be fine. many are not. there have been plenty of threads on here by young guys who are screwed up for a long time after. Is it worth possible not being able to get hard for months?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  2. #42
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I've heard of that but thought it was a myth. Seems pretty hardcore, I'm not sure if I'm ready. I did hear from this big guy at my gym that it's best to collect the piss though and let it sit out and ferment for a few wks before injecting it. He also said I should dip all my tabs in the urine too and then crush them up and snort them. Said its way more anabolic but I needed to be carful because it'll probably make me roid rage on everyone like crazy. I figure he knows what he's talking about because he pretty much benches all the weight and I also heard he once met a guy who met the guy that met Arnold and that guy told him he had really big arms.
    yes it is all true. i also drink dbol martinis
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #43
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo View Post
    I know steroids aren't magic and I have to work twice as hard. But my 19 year old friend done it and he's fine I just don't want to wait to do it!
    How old is he now? He might be fine for now, but issues that can arise from it could take some time to show up. I know waiting sucks man. I've been waiting for a couple years. In that time, Ive put on 40lbs natty. I plan on running my first cycle sometime early next year and feel that my gains are going to be way better then what they would have been if I ran it a couple years back.

  4. #44
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I've heard of that but thought it was a myth. Seems pretty hardcore, I'm not sure if I'm ready. I did hear from this big guy at my gym that it's best to collect the piss though and let it sit out and ferment for a few wks before injecting it. He also said I should dip all my tabs in the urine too and then crush them up and snort them. Said its way more anabolic but I needed to be carful because it'll probably make me roid rage on everyone like crazy. I figure he knows what he's talking about because he pretty much benches all the weight and I also heard he once met a guy who met the guy that met Arnold and that guy told him he had really big arms.
    god help anybody if they drank my fermented piss after the few weeks i had, i reckon it more toxic then cynaide

  5. #45
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    yes it is all true. i also drink dbol martinis
    Thats why my dbol only cycles never work..Ive been forgetting the vodka..

  6. #46
    wampo is offline New Member
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    Guys but at least I'm smart enough not to use any other steroids besides test e. Test e twice in a life-time isn't really that big of a deal ain't it? Besides your test levels come back to normal after pct is what I heard...

  7. #47
    Ares101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo
    Guys but at least I'm smart enough not to use any other steroids besides test e. Test e twice in a life-time isn't really that big of a deal ain't it? Besides your test levels come back to normal after pct is what I heard...
    Your test levels may come back but they also may not, then what? Your screwed! One cycle or a hundred cycles in a life time are all enough to shut your test down...

  8. #48
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo View Post
    Guys but at least I'm smart enough not to use any other steroids besides test e. Test e twice in a life-time isn't really that big of a deal ain't it? Besides your test levels come back to normal after pct is what I heard...
    A PCT plan does not bring your testosterone levels back to normal...there's no PCT plan on earth that can do this. Even after PCT, it will still take some time for your levels to reach where they were before you began your cycle. The point of a PCT is in part to promote normalization of the body. Through this, you've provided your body enough testosterone to function properly once the PCT is over while your levels continue to naturally rise. That's more or less the simplified version. And no, I don't know how long exactly it will take for your test levels to be back to normal after one can answer this precisely as it will vary with each person.

    In your case, if your androgen system is underdeveloped, how can you be certain your testosterone levels will fully recover? Your body, for lack of a better word, doesn't possess the necessary tools, or rather, the tools haven't reached their mature state. Yes, you might recover fine, and then again you might not. Further, you have to consider the longterm effects. Maybe you do recover, but the damage will take a toll in the long run.

  9. #49
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
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    ^ah yes. he's DONE it or he's ON it because they're is a HUGE difference at that age

  10. #50
    wampo is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    A PCT plan does not bring your testosterone levels back to normal...there's no PCT plan on earth that can do this. Even after PCT, it will still take some time for your levels to reach where they were before you began your cycle. The point of a PCT is in part to promote normalization of the body. Through this, you've provided your body enough testosterone to function properly once the PCT is over while your levels continue to naturally rise. That's more or less the simplified version. And no, I don't know how long exactly it will take for your test levels to be back to normal after one can answer this precisely as it will vary with each person.

    In your case, if your androgen system is underdeveloped, how can you be certain your testosterone levels will fully recover? Your body, for lack of a better word, doesn't possess the necessary tools, or rather, the tools haven't reached their mature state. Yes, you might recover fine, and then again you might not. Further, you have to consider the longterm effects. Maybe you do recover, but the damage will take a toll in the long run.
    How can you actually prove this? Most pro bodybuilders started at their teens, Arnold did it when he was 16 he did a dbol only cycle. He turned out fine after that! And also if teenagers body has testosterone levels already high then why arent a lot of teens getting huge in 3 month periods? How many mg of test does a teen actually produce compared to a steroid ? I mean its just completely ridiculous! I'm a teen and I can tell you that I would probably see better results using AAS than naturally.

  11. #51
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo View Post
    How can you actually prove this? Most pro bodybuilders started at their teens, Arnold did it when he was 16 he did a dbol only cycle. He turned out fine after that! And also if teenagers body has testosterone levels already high then why arent a lot of teens getting huge in 3 month periods? How many mg of test does a teen actually produce compared to a steroid? I mean its just completely ridiculous! I'm a teen and I can tell you that I would probably see better results using AAS than naturally.

    Oh, you know Arnold?!

  12. #52
    wampo is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zreinke View Post
    Oh, you know Arnold?!
    No, but I've done research on his steroid use .

  13. #53
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo View Post
    No, but I've done research on his steroid use.
    and im sure in the research you've done its got his medical history. What issues he may or may not have.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  14. #54
    manmanman is offline Associate Member
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    People using Arnold or other pros as a example of why teen use is appropriate is a joke.

    First of all how big were they before they used, they didn't train a few years then start cycking.

    I also doubt that if they knew back then what we know now there would of been a lot less youth use.

    And to the people who say about the young guys of this generation using, the ones who use to compete are usually monitored around the clock so if any issues arise they can be treated immediately, sometthinh very few people have.

    In the end you will either do your cycle and make good gains and then it's only a matter of time before you cycle again, or you will make Sure every other aspect of your training is in Check along with your diet because anyone who thinks they are ready for steroid use should have a solid diet if they know the importance of gains kept.

    Bit long sorry lol!

    Btw not everything gets long term damage, but not everyone does from a shot to the head.

  15. #55
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo View Post
    How can you actually prove this? Most pro bodybuilders started at their teens, Arnold did it when he was 16 he did a dbol only cycle. He turned out fine after that! And also if teenagers body has testosterone levels already high then why arent a lot of teens getting huge in 3 month periods? How many mg of test does a teen actually produce compared to a steroid? I mean its just completely ridiculous! I'm a teen and I can tell you that I would probably see better results using AAS than naturally.
    I never made a statement that implied damage would be assured. In a previous post I even referred to the bodybuilders of Arnold's era stating a lot of them turned out fine, however, we don't know what their condition is overall. We don't know how many of them ended up on permanent TRT at a young age. I'm sure some of them didn't but I'm sure some of them did.

    As for Arnold himself, keep in mind he's a genetic freak. In all his years, he never had a serious injury even while training with 800billion sets a day. Most guys would kill themselves training like Arnold, and if they didn't they wouldn't grow that much and would be riddled with injuries. Bring Arnold to the modern day as a young man knowing what we do now about training, nutrition and hormones and he'd be an even better bodybuilder than he was.

    All I'm saying is you don't know what will happen. Yes, you could be fine, but the odds are not in your favor. Is it going to kill you? No, but it could very well damage you in the long run.

    Last thing, of course you'd grow more if you started using steroids . I don't think anyone is implying otherwise. However, I'd have a lot more money in my pocket if I robbed a couple banks, but that doesn't make it a good idea.

  16. #56
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    I have plenty of mates on it some are fine and some have really bad sides one is 22 n can't even get it up. You can't listen to your young mates chances are they don't know a lot. People on here aren't here to shatter your dreams just give safe advise.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo View Post
    I know steroids aren't magic and I have to work twice as hard. But my 19 year old friend done it and he's fine I just don't want to wait to do it!
    then do it? members on the board telling you not to will only get you so far, if your as eager to do it and dont care for the consequences then go ahead. dont worry your buddy will help you though it so you can be as big as him!

  18. #58
    Metalject's Avatar
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    If he's going to do it no matter what anyone says, I'd prefer to see him NOT run a test only cycle. In this case, a combo of Anavar and Proviron would be the best way to go in such a circumstance. Such a cycle should provide the least amount of internal stress to a young individual.

    If test was to be used, I'd still say keep it at a TRT level. I realize he already has high test levels, but I would have him rely more on anther steroid . such as Primobolan Depot. Proviron and Primobolan Depot would also be an option. I can think of a few other options too, but these are prime examples.

    Note: before everyone jumps all over me for offering cycle advice to this kid, remember, we've all tried to advise him against it, but he's going to do it even if we tell him his head will fall off. If he's going to do it, I'm simply trying to provide the safest way possible. I'm not saying it's safe, but ways that would be the safest of all. And no, I would not have him take an AI. That, in this case would only make things worse and it's highly unlikely he'd need it anyway.

  19. #59
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    If he's going to do it no matter what anyone says, I'd prefer to see him NOT run a test only cycle. In this case, a combo of Anavar and Proviron would be the best way to go in such a circumstance. Such a cycle should provide the least amount of internal stress to a young individual.

    If test was to be used, I'd still say keep it at a TRT level. I realize he already has high test levels, but I would have him rely more on anther steroid . such as Primobolan Depot. Proviron and Primobolan Depot would also be an option. I can think of a few other options too, but these are prime examples.

    Note: before everyone jumps all over me for offering cycle advice to this kid, remember, we've all tried to advise him against it, but he's going to do it even if we tell him his head will fall off. If he's going to do it, I'm simply trying to provide the safest way possible. I'm not saying it's safe, but ways that would be the safest of all. And no, I would not have him take an AI. That, in this case would only make things worse and it's highly unlikely he'd need it anyway.
    assuming he can get his hands on these???
    also hes probably already got his 2 vials just sitting there, hes just waiting for his courage to build up to pin himself.

    some people need to learn the hard way... OP, Good luck.

  20. #60
    GIANTBEAST is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    A PCT plan does not bring your testosterone levels back to normal...there's no PCT plan on earth that can do this. Even after PCT, it will still take some time for your levels to reach where they were before you began your cycle. The point of a PCT is in part to promote normalization of the body. Through this, you've provided your body enough testosterone to function properly once the PCT is over while your levels continue to naturally rise. That's more or less the simplified version. And no, I don't know how long exactly it will take for your test levels to be back to normal after one can answer this precisely as it will vary with each person.

    In your case, if your androgen system is underdeveloped, how can you be certain your testosterone levels will fully recover? Your body, for lack of a better word, doesn't possess the necessary tools, or rather, the tools haven't reached their mature state. Yes, you might recover fine, and then again you might not. Further, you have to consider the longterm effects. Maybe you do recover, but the damage will take a toll in the long run.
    i dont get it !!! he,s not underdevelop hes already developed hes a grown man he,s growth path is closed what,s different do it now or couple years later .maybe in young guys the test is high naturally and after cycle cant go back to where it was, right? than whats the proper age for aas . after teener ?

  21. #61
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIANTBEAST View Post
    i dont get it !!! he,s not underdevelop hes already developed hes a grown man he,s growth path is closed what,s different do it now or couple years later .maybe in young guys the test is high naturally and after cycle cant go back to where it was, right? than whats the proper age for aas . after teener ?

  22. #62
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    giantbeast and OP should read
    and the rest of the stickies in the educational section, as it is obvious they have not.

  23. #63
    GIANTBEAST is offline New Member
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    25 holly shit i,v known plenty of guys doing under 25 and they doing just fine but safety first right .what about test booster supplement =ingredients is completely natural and i heard that not gonna do any thing for young folks cause our test is high?

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIANTBEAST View Post
    25 holly shit i,v known plenty of guys doing under 25 and they doing just fine but safety first right .what about test booster supplement =ingredients is completely natural and i heard that not gonna do any thing for young folks cause our test is high?
    they may be fine now, but as stated before, it can take years before you see the consequences from AAS.
    you can try the test boosters if you want, if they make a difference for you than good, I've tried tribulus before, didn't notice anything different so stopped.

    when i got my diet in check (earlier this year), that is when i noticed a difference. big difference. now every time i walk passed a mirror, i smile. lol. btw im 24 years old and plan on starting my 1st cycle in about a year or so..

  25. #65
    Schmooze is offline New Member
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    There's far more dangerous things you could be doing at your or any age, like drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. Train hard, eat well, get some sleep, take the risk, do your cycle and don't complain if things go wrong. We all take risks, just make it a well calculated risk.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmooze View Post
    There's far more dangerous things you could be doing at your or any age, like drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. Train hard, eat well, get some sleep, take the risk, do your cycle and don't complain if things go wrong. We all take risks, just make it a well calculated risk.
    DISAGREE, OP's probably better off going out drinking, smoking, clubbing, having sexual intercourse and having fun. than doing AAS.
    you know like a normal 18 and a half year old.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIANTBEAST View Post
    i dont get it !!! he,s not underdevelop hes already developed hes a grown man he,s growth path is closed what,s different do it now or couple years later .maybe in young guys the test is high naturally and after cycle cant go back to where it was, right? than whats the proper age for aas . after teener ?
    it has nothing to do with your growth plates. Different parts of your body keep developing to your older. Ur hpta to around 25, brain to late 20's. I'm not saying it messes with your brain, just using it as an example. So just because yuor tall or finished growing externally doesnt mean your body is developed.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmooze View Post
    There's far more dangerous things you could be doing at your or any age, like drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. Train hard, eat well, get some sleep, take the risk, do your cycle and don't complain if things go wrong. We all take risks, just make it a well calculated risk.

    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    DISAGREE, OP's probably better off going out drinking, smoking, clubbing, having sexual intercourse and having fun. than doing AAS.
    you know like a normal 18 and a half year old.
    i agree.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  29. #69
    GIANTBEAST is offline New Member
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  30. #70
    wampo is offline New Member
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    WOW, I can't believe the comments I'm getting. I'm better off drinking/smoking/clubbing??? Hell freaking know, did you no that drinking and smoking decreases your test levels too?? and kudos for Metalject, what is the ideal cycle for an 18 year old that will not shut down my test levels then? Anavar seems like the healthiest steroid yes but I heard it can shut down your test too -.- is there any healthy steroid cycle??

  31. #71
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post

    Don't worry. This is a flame-free board.

    So I'm going to tell you exactly what you probably already know, and most likely not what you want to hear. Cycling at your age is quite dangerous. I'l give you a few examples from my experience.

    I ran a single cycle at age 19. I developed what is called hyper-pigmentation, that I carry around until today at age 36. I have a body that represents years of hard work, but I can't show it off, I can't take my shirt off at the beach. That really sucks. Furthermore, I started TRT at age 31, which I needed from age 27 but I never wanted to go in for TRT. I have to be on it for life.

    This is all while going through extreme depression in my 20's. VERY extreme. Your friends are bigger now. Who cares? You can be the smart one and wait until you're at a safe age. By then, your friends will be out of shape and you'll be the rockstar.

    Pay now and play later. Because if you play now... you will pay later.

    Good luck, be smart.
    I'm glad you shared this with him.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo View Post
    WOW, I can't believe the comments I'm getting. I'm better off drinking/smoking/clubbing??? Hell freaking know, did you no that drinking and smoking decreases your test levels too?? and kudos for Metalject, what is the ideal cycle for an 18 year old that will not shut down my test levels then? Anavar seems like the healthiest steroid yes but I heard it can shut down your test too -.- is there any healthy steroid cycle??
    all steroids will suppress your natural hormones.
    yes alcohol temporarily lowers your test levels. It doesnt shut down your system. and shut it down for weeks.
    I'm not saying going out an drink and smoke. But a few beers on a sat night will probably harm you less long term then running steroids for a cycle
    i dont know why alot of people think steroids are harmless. They are drugs. They have side effects. Just because you may look healthier on them, it doesnt mean you are healthier. Everything has sides and risk.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  33. #73
    GIANTBEAST is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    it has nothing to do with your growth plates. Different parts of your body keep developing to your older. Ur hpta to around 25, brain to late 20's. I'm not saying it messes with your brain, just using it as an example. So just because yuor tall or finished growing externally doesnt mean your body is developed.

  34. #74
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by wampo View Post
    I would rather build 20 pounds of muscle in 3 months than in a year bro...

    Well I think I have a good diet since I'm gaining lots of strengths every week. I am thinking about doing a dirty bulk on test e because I'm so lazy counting my macroes, I'll be eating 4000 cals a day 1.5g of protein per body weight. That's a good diet tho isn't it?

    sounds very scary... But what age does my HPTA fully done?
    anyone that gains 20lbs on a cycle has no buissness doing a cycle to begin with...there needs to be a foundation or base of muscle to build will blow up with water weight and some muscle then loose it all because there is so much more to this than taking drugs...good luck...

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIANTBEAST View Post
    gh will suppress your natural gh levels. So its pretty much a waste when your young. Your hormones are already high and to run a decent dose of real gh is not cheap. So why spend a ton of money to replace what you are making naturally. And gh needs to be used for 6 months min. It takes a while to get results. I spend more a month on gh then i do on my wifes mercedes.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  36. #76
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    If he's going to do it no matter what anyone says, I'd prefer to see him NOT run a test only cycle. In this case, a combo of Anavar and Proviron would be the best way to go in such a circumstance. Such a cycle should provide the least amount of internal stress to a young individual.

    If test was to be used, I'd still say keep it at a TRT level. I realize he already has high test levels, but I would have him rely more on anther steroid . such as Primobolan Depot. Proviron and Primobolan Depot would also be an option. I can think of a few other options too, but these are prime examples.

    Note: before everyone jumps all over me for offering cycle advice to this kid, remember, we've all tried to advise him against it, but he's going to do it even if we tell him his head will fall off. If he's going to do it, I'm simply trying to provide the safest way possible. I'm not saying it's safe, but ways that would be the safest of all. And no, I would not have him take an AI. That, in this case would only make things worse and it's highly unlikely he'd need it anyway.
    i dissagree with your theory...if the op is going to do it anyways id prefer he actually get of his a$$ and learn how to do it himself then by taking the advise of some randome dude on the internet...why spoonfeed him, that exactly what hes looking for..the easyest easy way possible...just saying...

  37. #77
    GIANTBEAST is offline New Member
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    absolutely RIGHT SOMA extremely EXPENSIVE

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I'm glad you shared this with him.
    I'm glad your back

  39. #79
    AdhamE is offline New Member
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    I say go for it buddy. i ran my first cycle at 18 too.
    i weighted 165 and im 5'10 and had been training for 4 years due to football
    i did test-cyp only for 12 weeks then when i was on my pcts i took nolvadex and anavar and kept alot of my gains
    started at 165 and now sit at 187 . my advice is just shoot slightly less then 1ml every 3 day. i started at 0.8 and then progressed to 1ml
    i had no side effects , no acme . maybe a little rage and depression when i was off but nothing you cant handle
    make sure you take anavar as a pct , you keep alot of the test gains and all the var gains.
    18 is a fine age to run as long as u personally feel your mostly done growing

  40. #80
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    bahaha you fvcking clown if that is best advise you have then keep mouth shut

    anavar is a cycle not pct but the reason you got away with it is because you got played you prob took creatine or ephedrine lmfao

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