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    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    Question Need a little advice from to pro's

    my stats,
    height: 6"5
    weight: 215
    Years training: 6
    cycles: 2

    i want all your guys opinions on this cycle im running all opinions welcome, i wanna know if it should give me some nice gains and what i need to change up! thanks bro's!

  2. #2
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    oh forgot bodyfat 8% thanks!

  3. #3
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    here is the cycle! Week1-10: Test E 500mgs/ew
    week1-8: Trend E 200mgs/ew
    week1-10: arimidex .25mg/ed
    week1-10: vita b-6 200mg/ed
    week6-10: katanadrol 250mg/ed
    week1-13: Liv52 1tab/ed
    week1-13: Milk thistle 1000mg/ed

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Not a good idea at your age. you're still growing and shutting yourself down could lead to lifelong issues. I think hitting the Nutrition Section and getting a solid diet in line is the best thing for you right now. What's your current diet like right now?

  5. #5
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    well yeah and i kno i respect where your coming from but ive already done them before and honestly ill do it anyways and i was just curious as to more ways i can be the most safe i can be.

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Not a good idea at your age. you're still growing and shutting yourself down could lead to lifelong issues. I think hitting the Nutrition Section and getting a solid diet in line is the best thing for you right now. What's your current diet like right now?

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefcakes View Post
    well yeah and i kno i respect where your coming from but ive already done them before and honestly ill do it anyways and i was just curious as to more ways i can be the most safe i can be.
    There it is...the phrase that pays!

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Well then i'm right about your diet. If you've done cycles before, and your stats are current, your diet and training are seriously in need of help. And w/your current diet AAS will continue to do nothing for you.

    Now, that diet?

  9. #9
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Well then i'm right about your diet. If you've done cycles before, and your stats are current, your diet and training are seriously in need of help. And w/your current diet AAS will continue to do nothing for you.

    Now, that diet?

  10. #10
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    Okay and i read more and did my work and found that out so! this is what it will look like:Meal1- 8 eggwhites, 1.5 cup oats, 1 scoop whey, glutamine, Multivitamin

    Meal 2- 2 Roast beef sandwhiches on whole wheat, large glass skim milk, 2 scoops whey

    Meal 3- Brown Rice, Veggies, 2 chicken Breasts


    Post workout- Meal 5- Gatorade, whey isolate, glutamine

    Meal 4- Whole Wheat Pasta, Veggies, 2 Chicken Breasts

    Meal 5- Steak, Baked Potatoe, Large glass milk

    Meal 6- 2 Tuna Sandwhiches on whole wheat, 1 cup cottage cheese

    Meal 7- 3 tbsp Natural Peanut butter, 1 cup Cottage Cheese,

  11. #11
    Bevsta123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefcakes View Post
    here is the cycle! Week1-10: Test E 500mgs/ew
    week1-8: Trend E 200mgs/ew
    week1-10: arimidex .25mg/ed
    week1-10: vita b-6 200mg/ed
    week6-10: katanadrol 250mg/ed
    week1-13: Liv52 1tab/ed
    week1-13: Milk thistle 1000mg/ed
    Dont do this.

    Too young
    Too many compounds for a first cycle

  12. #12
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    ive ran i 500mg test cycle before and handled it just fine still to hard u think?

  13. #13
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    and i have the arimidex for the e block but i need one for the tren as well just to be safe but i mean the katanadrol can go no prob

  14. #14
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    im thinking Cabergoline but im not sure its needed

  15. #15
    rockhardman's Avatar
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    I don't get why ask for advice is u are going to do it anyways lol that's funny

  16. #16
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    Because these forums are for helping people helping others.... i plan to run it and at the top i said all opinions are welcome so yes say what you'd like but i know these people know what they are talking about and for that im sorry i did it at a young age and yes im sure in the future i may or may not have regrets about it but! i have accepted that and would like to kno the safest way possible to go about it. If its to hard to give me any help then i understand and will go someplace else

  17. #17
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    I understand you guys are looking out for the well being of me and for that im thankfull but i have done research and will understand everything you guys say, i just need so good cycle help bro's nothing more

  18. #18
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    Alright i think im coming at this wrong, guys id really love some help i respect these things and i understand what they can do to u but.... i also know if done correctly you can come out on top. i understand im young and could still be growing to my potential but i havent grew nor changed sense the age of 18 just more hair. id really love some help just to perfect my cycle to the best

  19. #19
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockhardman View Post
    I don't get why ask for advice is u are going to do it anyways lol that's funny
    This is like the 10th guy ( I may be exagerating a little bit) in the last 2 weeks that says "please tell me what I should do and then adds but I am going to do whatever I want regardless"

  20. #20
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    no i didnt mean do what i want ha i meant i am going to run a cycle of something either way. i already have all the stuff lots of money into it, now how i do the cycle and what to run with it thats different

  21. #21
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    the test i can handle no sides more then likely, its the tren even kno im running at a low does i didnt state this but i plan to run the tren at 100mgs the first 2 injects before i decide to get to 200 just to see how my body reacts i would have gotten tren ace if i had known a little more at the time but i still kno i can do this safe

  22. #22
    Metalject's Avatar
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    The cycle itself is pretty basic. More than likely you'll be fine.
    I'm assuming you've never used Tren before based on this being your third cycle. In that case it's usually best to start with Tren-a in case problems do arise such as extreme anxiety, insomnia, night sweats or rapid heart rate.

    Also, I doubt you'll need any type of liver protectant from this cycle. Neither Test or Tren carry hepatic natures. There have been some reports of liver toxicity when Tren was used in extremely high doses, however, most data points to hepatotoxicity being highly unlikely.

  23. #23
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the post metalject, and no ive never ran tren e and i found out better to get trend ace. i have 200mg tren e i plan to run a half cc witch being 100mgs for the first two pins would that still be to much and could cause issues? i only want to run it low long enough to see the affects if any bads on me at all are before running it at the full 200

  24. #24
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    and if i dont need the liver52 should i still run the milk this? or what are some good health aids to run just to be safe?

  25. #25
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefcakes View Post
    no i didnt mean do what i want ha i meant i am going to run a cycle of something either way. i already have all the stuff lots of money into it, now how i do the cycle and what to run with it thats different
    Please explain to me what the diff. is in these 2 statements?????

    Quote Originally Posted by Beefcakes View Post
    the test i can handle no sides more then likely, its the tren even kno im running at a low does i didnt state this but i plan to run the tren at 100mgs the first 2 injects before i decide to get to 200 just to see how my body reacts i would have gotten tren ace if i had known a little more at the time but i still kno i can do this safe
    You need to listen to solid advise or just go ahead and do what you stated above!!!! You want to do Ten E at 100mg for 2 shots to see how it will affect you before bumping up to 200 mg per shot?? If you knew shit about shit you would know that the Enethate Ester will not start to show you anything in 2 shots (1 week). It takes at LEAST 4 weeks in most case before it is felt. C'mon kid don't be another one of "those kids" in here. Think gear will store for nearly 5 years so what the fk is the rush???

  26. #26
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    2 pins (2 weeks) not 1. like that matters ive just been told tren sides such as shortness of breath and insomnia can be felt it little as 7days there is no rush but thats why im here to learn? if i new all i wouldnt be hear that should be quite obvious?

  27. #27
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefcakes View Post
    2 pins (2 weeks) not 1. like that matters ive just been told tren sides such as shortness of breath and insomnia can be felt it little as 7days there is no rush but thats why im here to learn? if i new all i wouldnt be hear that should be quite obvious?
    You need to inject every 3.5 days so 2 pin=1 week!!!!! and it does matter because the advise about the 7 days is most likely in reference to Tren Ace. Often times ppl are not clear about what ester they are taling about.

  28. #28
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    even with the long lasting esters u shoot for 3.5day pins? never heard that one before guessing it maintains blood levels better?

  29. #29
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Look...instead of us going back and forth with me correcting all of you mistakes. Go read the steroid profiles at the top. Then read the tren sticky by Atomini and the begginer cycle sticy as well.

    I am not going to give you anymore advise other than to repeat myself again. STOP! WAIT! LISTEN!

  30. #30
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    Thank you.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefcakes View Post
    Thanks for the post metalject, and no ive never ran tren e and i found out better to get trend ace. i have 200mg tren e i plan to run a half cc witch being 100mgs for the first two pins would that still be to much and could cause issues? i only want to run it low long enough to see the affects if any bads on me at all are before running it at the full 200
    There are some people who have a poor genetic response to the trenbolone hormone. It doesn't matter if it's a high dose or a low dose, they are simply poor responders. Most men will be fine, but more men will not be able to use this steroid than most steroids . However, there is also a threshold for most men in regards to how much tren they can tolerate without the harsh effects taking hold.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Please explain to me what the diff. is in these 2 statements?????

    You need to listen to solid advise or just go ahead and do what you stated above!!!! You want to do Ten E at 100mg for 2 shots to see how it will affect you before bumping up to 200 mg per shot?? If you knew shit about shit you would know that the Enethate Ester will not start to show you anything in 2 shots (1 week). It takes at LEAST 4 weeks in most case before it is felt. C'mon kid don't be another one of "those kids" in here. Think gear will store for nearly 5 years so what the fk is the rush???
    What he's saying is he's going to use steroids , that part of his mind has already been made up. He's then saying he wants advice on how best to use the compounds he's chosen, how to mix and match and so forth.

    As for side effects, takes X amount of wks to kick in, etc, this isn't entirely true. People always say it takes a large ester based compound X amount of weeks for results to kick in...often they'll say 3-5wks depending on the compound. However, this doesn't mean the steroid 's not working before then. People often just don't notice the results until you start getting to that 4-5wk mark. For example, if you take an Enanthate based compound, there will actually be a spike in hormone levels within the first 48hrs after the injection and the ester will continue to detach and the hormone will be released over the period of the next several days. If you're a true poor responder to the trenbolone hormone you should be able to notice fairly fast, more than likely in only a couple wks.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    What he's saying is he's going to use steroids, that part of his mind has already been made up. He's then saying he wants advice on how best to use the compounds he's chosen, how to mix and match and so forth.

    I know what he was saying...I was making a point that he was saying the same thing no matter how he worded it!

    As for side effects, takes X amount of wks to kick in, etc, this isn't entirely true. People always say it takes a large ester based compound X amount of weeks for results to kick in...often they'll say 3-5wks depending on the compound. However, this doesn't mean the steroid's not working before then. People often just don't notice the results until you start getting to that 4-5wk mark. For example, if you take an Enanthate based compound, there will actually be a spike in hormone levels within the first 48hrs after the injection and the ester will continue to detach and the hormone will be released over the period of the next several days. If you're a true poor responder to the trenbolone hormone you should be able to notice fairly fast, more than likely in only a couple wks.
    When I speak of "kicking" in like most I am refering to the time before most ppl FEEL the affects. I realize it's in your system quickly and starts to work. It's speaking to kids not experienced vets.

    I know what you have said before that these kids have already decided what they plan to do. I can't figure out why you are not trying to give them the advise they need but instead you give them words or encouregment.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    When I speak of "kicking" in like most I am refering to the time before most ppl FEEL the affects. I realize it's in your system quickly and starts to work. It's speaking to kids not experienced vets.

    I know what you have said before that these kids have already decided what they plan to do. I can't figure out why you are not trying to give them the advise they need but instead you give them words or encouregment.
    I'm not giving him words of encouragement. Answering a specific question is not giving words of encouragement or discouragement. Plenty of people have told him he should wait till he's older. That may be true, I have no idea how old he is. That said, it always irritates me a little bit on any message board when someone ask a direct question and no one is willing to answer it based on the poster's age. For example, someone ask is Winstrol good for strength or how can testosterone be useful in a diet? Etc, etc. If the person is under 25 a lot of people will state, "you need to worry about your diet and training. Don't worry about steroids right now, you're too young." A better approach would be to simply answer the question at hand. Winstrol is good for strength and here's why or testosterone works is useful in a diet and here's why.

    This helps the person learn about the hormones. As for the age thing, that's a separate issue. There's plenty of information that can be given on why you shouldn't cycle at 18 or whatever the young age may be and there's nothing wrong with pointing some of that out to the individual. However, if that's all that's done it doesn't answer the question at hand, often irritates the OP and then they end up doing whatever they want and often to far more detriment than they would have if the questions had simply been answered. Most people understand steroid use is not a good idea at a young age, however, they are the only ones who can decide if they're going to wait or not. It's better to educate people on all aspects rather than telling them they're idiots and too young and nothing else.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm not giving him words of encouragement. Answering a specific question is not giving words of encouragement or discouragement. Plenty of people have told him he should wait till he's older. That may be true, I have no idea how old he is. That said, it always irritates me a little bit on any message board when someone ask a direct question and no one is willing to answer it based on the poster's age. For example, someone ask is Winstrol good for strength or how can testosterone be useful in a diet? Etc, etc. If the person is under 25 a lot of people will state, "you need to worry about your diet and training. Don't worry about steroids right now, you're too young." A better approach would be to simply answer the question at hand. Winstrol is good for strength and here's why or testosterone works is useful in a diet and here's why.

    This helps the person learn about the hormones. As for the age thing, that's a separate issue. There's plenty of information that can be given on why you shouldn't cycle at 18 or whatever the young age may be and there's nothing wrong with pointing some of that out to the individual. However, if that's all that's done it doesn't answer the question at hand, often irritates the OP and then they end up doing whatever they want and often to far more detriment than they would have if the questions had simply been answered. Most people understand steroid use is not a good idea at a young age, however, they are the only ones who can decide if they're going to wait or not. It's better to educate people on all aspects rather than telling them they're idiots and too young and nothing else.
    Well I shure don't want to turn this thread into a personal debate between you and I but it reminds me ofa Russian that was banned on here not long ago. I completely respect your thought process but would like to point out that in alot of these cases you are talking to children. Children behave certain ways because they are young and inexperienced. While you may not offer DIRECT words of encouragment it doesn't mean that you still are not encouraging these children by answering there questions. Surely if someone came on here and said "I am considering killing myself and I want some advise on how to do it, and if I don't get the advise I am going to do it anyhow". Then they started asking questions about anatomy and ballistics and the affects of a 12 guage round if fired into their mouths. Would you offer up solid advise on the best placement of the barrel and how to properly pull the trigger?

    I realize my example is quite extreme but I don't see much difference. I for one would tell the kid "don't do it and give him advise on where he can get help. Kinda like here and telling the op not to do it and that he can get help in the nutrition forum.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    This is like the 10th guy ( I may be exagerating a little bit) in the last 2 weeks that says "please tell me what I should do and then adds but I am going to do whatever I want regardless"


  37. #37
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm not giving him words of encouragement. Answering a specific question is not giving words of encouragement or discouragement. Plenty of people have told him he should wait till he's older. That may be true, I have no idea how old he is. That said, it always irritates me a little bit on any message board when someone ask a direct question and no one is willing to answer it based on the poster's age. For example, someone ask is Winstrol good for strength or how can testosterone be useful in a diet? Etc, etc. If the person is under 25 a lot of people will state, "you need to worry about your diet and training. Don't worry about steroids right now, you're too young." A better approach would be to simply answer the question at hand. Winstrol is good for strength and here's why or testosterone works is useful in a diet and here's why.

    This helps the person learn about the hormones. As for the age thing, that's a separate issue. There's plenty of information that can be given on why you shouldn't cycle at 18 or whatever the young age may be and there's nothing wrong with pointing some of that out to the individual. However, if that's all that's done it doesn't answer the question at hand, often irritates the OP and then they end up doing whatever they want and often to far more detriment than they would have if the questions had simply been answered. Most people understand steroid use is not a good idea at a young age, however, they are the only ones who can decide if they're going to wait or not. It's better to educate people on all aspects rather than telling them they're idiots and too young and nothing else.
    Agreed. We are a steroid board and we are here to help. And i feel the same way, once OP has been told of the possible consequences of using at an early age, then it's on them. Some come back for help cause they are now having issues and we should be there for them then too. Not to tell them "we told you so."

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Well I shure don't want to turn this thread into a personal debate between you and I but it reminds me ofa Russian that was banned on here not long ago. I completely respect your thought process but would like to point out that in alot of these cases you are talking to children. Children behave certain ways because they are young and inexperienced. While you may not offer DIRECT words of encouragment it doesn't mean that you still are not encouraging these children by answering there questions. Surely if someone came on here and said "I am considering killing myself and I want some advise on how to do it, and if I don't get the advise I am going to do it anyhow". Then they started asking questions about anatomy and ballistics and the affects of a 12 guage round if fired into their mouths. Would you offer up solid advise on the best placement of the barrel and how to properly pull the trigger?

    I realize my example is quite extreme but I don't see much difference. I for one would tell the kid "don't do it and give him advise on where he can get help. Kinda like here and telling the op not to do it and that he can get help in the nutrition forum.
    And i see your point as well, and you are right. But ultimately, we can't hold their hands. Once told, it's their decision. It's a thin line but it's better to help than turn your back(not you) like some people do.

  38. #38
    songdog's Avatar
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    Bro at your age there isnt a safe way.Your Endo system isnt fully developed yet.So wat you are doing is asking for trouble.A year or 2 down the road when you think everything is ok.Boom it WILL hit you.So you go do wat you gotta do.Beacuse we dont give cycle advice to anyone under 25.Good luck.

  39. #39
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys and i am 21.. im not a child i may be to young to do them says all of you because im still growing but everyones differnt whos to say im not already done? its very possible i am is it not? and thanks for the wisdom metal. looks its one cycle and if i do it with all sides under control ill come out fine. so a little help is telling anyone to do it it! its saying hey your goin to do it so ill tell you what i can so you dont mess yourself up worse? there is no harm only good in that.

  40. #40
    Beefcakes is offline New Member
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    "isnt" tellling anyone to do it."

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