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  1. #41
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by freddy1418 View Post
    Guess not Lunk ill let u take that role for now I guess... but ill b back and funnier then ever blahahahahahahaha!!!!!
    Good must be met with a sense of humor.

  2. #42
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Lunk warn us please before you try this humor thing. We need to be ready for it...

  3. #43
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Lunk warn us please before you try this humor thing. We need to be ready for it...
    Im sure at yuor age Kel the doc probably did warn against sudden onsets of violent laughter

    Another chair shot for ya lol.

  4. #44
    bodybuilder87 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dren View Post
    LMAO this guy looking for a magic pill just like 75% of people out there,

    #1 you need to do a detox and clean that gut of yours
    #2 get a personal trainer for 15-20 sessions at least and learn how to train
    #3 Get a gym buddy and lift heavy
    #4 start eating a lot of food (no fried or fast food) eat what ever comes just eat until you learn how to eat proper
    #5 train a body part per week only for 3 months then come back to the forum for more advice

    as much as we all laughed at your pic, dont take it to heart but steroids is not the answer for you

    stick to the basics and in a few months you can pack on easy body weight
    Agree but more like train for a year and then come back

  5. #45
    johnnychun is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhoads90 View Post
    well what would you recommend doing it natty? Should I bulk or go on keto and cut? I just got a new job ata warehouse and it requires me to walk nonstop for 10 hours a day, LOTS of cardio
    I'm new here and haven't posted an introduction yet, so hopefully the regulars don't jump on me too bad! Reading your posts, it is really apparent that you are jumping way ahead of yourself. Right now you don't need to bulk or cut, much less worry about AAS or advanced dieting like keto - you need to clean your diet and get in shape. A simple 40/40/20 diet with clean foods and any regular workout is going to have a dramatic effect, and much quicker than you are thinking it will be. If you're walking 10 hours a day, dedicate your gym time to lifting. Find a solid plan and stick to it consistently. Keep a journal and keep track so you progress rather than jump around. Keep a log of every scrap of food you stick in your mouth.

    I can't speak for AAS, as I have never used them, but I can speak for solid diet and exercise. I've been serious about it for the last year and a half now, and the results have been fantastic and I'm still continuing to set PR's regularly. I promise, seriously stick with it and you will see results.

  6. #46
    johnnylucifer is offline Junior Member
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    At your stage of development, you can cut and bulk at the same time."Cycles" are meant for the more advanced. Clean diet and regular exercise.

  7. #47
    martymcfly85 is offline Junior Member
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    Oh yeah.... empty calories (beer) will kill that belly! Trust me i know, i HAD to quit drinking to start seeing any kind of results in my belly area.

  8. #48
    Live for the PUMP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    hey man,

    reasons why you shouldn't be hitting the juice:

    1. You don't have enough experience in the gym. You could hurt yourself.
    2. You don't have the frame to build off of.
    3. You must fix your diet first. It's evident that you have yet to learn how to eat. (see nutrition section)
    4. most important: you're too young to cycle safley. Here's why:

    fix the diet, continue training, get enough sleep and research aas for the next few years. Lose the gut with diet and cardio, then learn how to bulk naturally. With food. Gear doesn't bulk, food does.

    Best of luck to you.
    x 2

  9. #49
    diced's Avatar
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    el oh el ! jhahagh

  10. #50
    rhoads90 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnylucifer View Post
    At your stage of development, you can cut and bulk at the same time."Cycles" are meant for the more advanced. Clean diet and regular exercise.
    ???how do you cut and bulk at the same time? How is that possible?

  11. #51
    Dpyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhoads90

    ???how do you cut and bulk at the same time? How is that possible?
    It's called a recomp. Where as you gain lean body mass your body fat percentage will lower.

  12. #52
    JAB1's Avatar
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    I think you have a good attitude and are responding well to the critasism. Do exactly what these guys have told you. Learn how to eat. I would eat at maint or slightly above for a recomp/lean bulk for the foreseable future. Hell start a log, as you progress you will need to continually monitor and tweak your diet and routine. As suggessted post your diet and routine in appropriate forums and take the advice seriously. you will be amazed at your transformation if you give 100 percent to training and diet.... Good luck

  13. #53
    ineedauser is offline Associate Member
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    Hey man... I am not big of people slamming people looking for advice. EVEN THOUGH! They are asking the wrong questions. The people in this thread are right. You really need to diet and train. That is no doubt a genetic thing. I can't remember the last time I saw a skinny dude that fat. I've seen skinny fat guys before, but you my friend... take the cake. But the good thing is, that's fixable. You gotta diet, diet, diet. I can't get over how much things changed for me when I took my diet serious. I ate tons of 100% rolled oats (Quakers Old Fashioned Oatmeal), chicken, fish, and whole wheat pasta. Now, granted my genetics far exceed yours so I can get away with carb loading and not getting fat. But you need carbs in a good diet. Just don't go as crazy as I did. But diet, diet, diet! And forget that jogging nonsense... jogging is lame as hell. If you jog enough (i'm talking 3-4 times a week for a mile or more)... you will be working against putting on muscle. You wanna do cardio? Do sprints. Hard sprints. Sprint up hills for sets. Do 15 40 yard dashes with 25 seconds in between. Do 12 100 yard sprints with 1 minute in between. That will build cardio, shred fat, and put on muscle. But if will also make you more explosive. And being explosive helps you in basketball, football, baseball (etc...).

  14. #54
    lstbred's Avatar
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    10 hrs on your feet walking is not going to work nearly as much as you think, some yes, it will keep you moving but you need to, run, tread mill, elipticle or something like that.

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