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  1. #41
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    OP, let's hear your stats. BF, lifts, diet, training experience. Let's see what we're dealing with here. If you want to get jacked and have bitches on your Peter all of us wil get you there gladly, and get you ready to cycle when your body is ready to make the most of it. Let's work together here bro.

  2. #42
    mogains is offline New Member
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    train monday - friday
    monday- chest triceps, abs
    tuesday- back, biceps
    wedensday- legs, abs
    thursday- shoulders,
    friday- biceps and triceps, abs

    Meal 1
    2 whole eggs
    3 egg whites
    25g shake
    half a cup oats

    Meal 2
    5oz chicken breast grilled
    1 cups brown rice weighed cooked

    Meal 3
    5oz chicken breast grilled
    10oz red kidney beans

    Meal 4
    5oz chicken breast grilled
    1 cups brown rice
    ½ tablespoon olive oil for cooking

    Meal 5 post workout
    40g whey
    1 whole white bagel

    Meal 6
    6oz steak

    please give any advice on my diet
    Last edited by mogains; 09-20-2012 at 03:02 PM.

  3. #43
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains View Post
    train monday - friday
    monday- chest triceps, abs
    tuesday- back, biceps
    wedensday- legs, abs
    thursday- shoulders,
    friday- biceps and triceps, abs

    Meal 1
    2 whole eggs
    3 egg whites
    25g shake
    half a cup oats

    Meal 2
    5oz chicken breast grilled
    1 cups brown rice weighed cooked

    Meal 3
    5oz chicken breast grilled
    10oz red kidney beans

    Meal 4
    5oz chicken breast grilled
    1 cups brown rice
    ½ tablespoon olive oil for cooking

    Meal 5 post workout
    40g whey
    1 whole white bagel

    Meal 6
    6oz steak

    please give any advice on my diet
    Give us the macros of that diet, BF, and lifting stats. If you're lifting for strength or size and If you're bulking or cutting.
    Last edited by SportbikerKid; 09-20-2012 at 03:10 PM.

  4. #44
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    Also, does anyone know why your profile age doesn't change when you have a birthday. Also, I don't see a way to update it.

  5. #45
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportbikerKid View Post
    Also, does anyone know why your profile age doesn't change when you have a birthday. Also, I don't see a way to update it.
    post that in the board problems forum.

  6. #46
    mogains is offline New Member
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    i dont know the micros, 3j's diet helped me out and set this meal plan up for me a while ago.
    lifting 4 years. started at 115lbs, now im 175ish. im not fat or bulky, i have good lean quality muscle
    i just wanted to try out this cycle and do it once to get good amount of gains.
    still going to think about this cycle but untill i 100% make up my mind, im going to be eating and working out like i usually do. only supplements im on is protein shake / meals. i tried bascially everything in gnc when i was younger and literarly was all just a waste of money except for a few good supps.

  7. #47
    lestat85's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains
    train monday - friday
    monday- chest triceps, abs
    tuesday- back, biceps
    wedensday- legs, abs
    thursday- shoulders,
    friday- biceps and triceps, abs
    Personally, I would reorganize this split. I like to have a day I between training my back and legs. Also, it'll be tough to train triceps, if they're tired from shoulders. Just my opinion.

  8. #48
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestat85 View Post
    Personally, I would reorganize this split. I like to have a day I between training my back and legs. Also, it'll be tough to train triceps, if they're tired from shoulders. Just my opinion.
    I wholeheartedly agree. Also, that's a lot of training. Remember, you grow when you rest. Of course, everybody is built different and some can handle that. I would go into a four day split, or even mon/weds/fri, and focus on major compound lifts while upping your caloric intake. Of course I say this not knowing your BMR or your macros. Youre off to a fantastic start and have the righr foot forward. With some tweaking you'll gain like you expect you would on cycle, without needin to be. Here's the next step. Copy/past your diet in the nutrition forum, they'll have you gaining in not time. Second, post your training in the training section, they'll help you tweak and get big!!!!!! You have just gone further than most your age, congrats, you're gonna get huge AND have a PP that works!!!!

  9. #49
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    I wholeheartedly agree. Also, that's a lot of training. Remember, you grow when you rest. Of course, everybody is built different and some can handle that. I would go into a four day split, or even mon/weds/fri, and focus on major compound lifts while upping your caloric intake. Of course I say this not knowing your BMR or your macros. Youre off to a fantastic start and have the righr foot forward. With some tweaking you'll gain like you expect you would on cycle, without needin to be. Here's the next step. Copy/past your diet in the nutrition forum, they'll have you gaining in not time. Second, post your training in the training section, they'll help you tweak and get big!!!!!! You have just gone further than most your age, congrats, you're gonna get huge AND have a PP that works!!!!
    GREAT advise Bigshot!

  10. #50
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    GREAT advise Bigshot!
    Really it's the advise I was given and didn't take. This guy is taking it in, he'll do well.

  11. #51
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains View Post
    first cycle ever, need advice. Not trying to go all out, going to go with test E at 300mg a week. 150mg on monday, 150mg on thursday. just need help on a proper pct. can someone write out my cycle with a pct for how many weeks (test e and pct) and when to take the pct. thanks.

    19, 5'10, 175ish lbs solid muscle, training for 4 years.
    eat 6 meals a day, drink a protein shake 2x a day. dont eat fast food / don't eat junk food / dont smoke / dont drink. only drink water and ice tea.
    You are at a good weight/height ratio. You can do all the things you want w/out steriods . Gains come by nutrition and training overtime. Over time is the key word. It takes a while no need to rush anything..

  12. #52
    clowned is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains View Post
    i dont know the micros, 3j's diet helped me out and set this meal plan up for me a while ago.
    lifting 4 years. started at 115lbs, now im 175ish. im not fat or bulky, i have good lean quality muscle
    i just wanted to try out this cycle and do it once to get good amount of gains.
    still going to think about this cycle but untill i 100% make up my mind, im going to be eating and working out like i usually do. only supplements im on is protein shake / meals. i tried bascially everything in gnc when i was younger and literarly was all just a waste of money except for a few good supps.

    I like the part where you dont know your macros and how you also dont actually know your body composition. "i'm not fat or bulky, I have good quality muscle" LOL.
    At the end of the day no one is going to lose sleep over whether or not you decide to take roids. If you want something bad enough, you'll always get it. You want my advice, I suggest researching testimonials from people who started using at your age and how they feel about it now. Most are on Testosterone replacement therapy and most regret there decision. If you can read that and accept the likelyhood that you'll most likely become one of these testimonials one day. Then go ahead and start pinning. It's your life. No f**ks given lol.
    Last edited by clowned; 09-20-2012 at 06:29 PM.

  13. #53
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Op. Dont let the frustrations of other members dissuade you from taking our advise. Please understand there are literally dozens of young men a day who come here, ask advise, and refuse to take it. Many even insult us when all we want to do is help. I promise, if you put the gear on the shelf, and start asking about fixing your diet and training, the attitude towards you will change incredibly quickly, and when your body is ready, you'll have established both the tools and support network to use, if that's what you still wish.

  14. #54
    mogains is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clowned View Post
    I like the part where you dont know your macros and how you also dont actually know your body composition. "i'm not fat or bulky, I have good quality muscle" LOL.
    At the end of the day no one is going to lose sleep over whether or not you decide to take roids. If you want something bad enough, you'll always get it. You want my advice, I suggest researching testimonials from people who started using at your age and how they feel about it now. Most are on Testosterone replacement therapy and most regret there decision. If you can read that and accept the likelyhood that you'll most likely become one of these testimonials one day. Then go ahead and start pinning. It's your life. No f**ks given lol.
    lol i like the way to replied back, made me laugh lol, true true , i agree with you, one cycle will put me on test therapy?

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains View Post
    lol i like the way to replied back, made me laugh lol, true true , i agree with you, one cycle will put me on test therapy?
    This is where it gets complicated. It might. And it might not. In your position the chances are much greater. There is a cost/benefit ratio. I do not mean this as an insult. You don't have the tools to be big. Steroids are just a tool. One among many. And far from the front line. Let me explain it a different way:

    You are a carpenter (bodybuilder). And your going to build the best house ever (your body). You have tools, but don't quite know how to use them (your training). And you don't have lumber (food). Your trying and trying, but no house is built, so you hire mike Holmes (steroids). He shows up every day, but no house is built, because you haves bunk tools and no lumber!!!! Mike is pissed at you for wasting his time, so he takes what little lumber you had, and kicks you in the balls hard. You may recover, or he may ruin you beans and carrot. Then you come on here and bad mouth Mike, saying he's a shat carpenter because you don't have a house.

    Hopefully that puts it a little more into perspective.
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 09-20-2012 at 06:41 PM.

  16. #56
    clowned is offline Junior Member
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    Not straight away. But more then likely in your late 20's or early 30's you'll have the testosterone level of an 80 yr old man and will need it. You think any girl is going to find that sort of guy attractive. especially when your struggling with erectile dysfunction and unable to give her kids. lol a few years of glory and a lifetime of hell. F**k that man. Along with that steroids are addictive. The appeal is extremely high at your age. The likelihood of you doing only one cycle and stopping is virtually 0. Not to mention your tendons aren't strengthened and considering your knowledge they'll probably tear, f**king you up big time in that you'll be unable to train. Don't stress out though, theres a ton more list of problems that come along with early AAS use. But i cbf writing everything out lol.
    Last edited by clowned; 09-20-2012 at 06:45 PM.

  17. #57
    clowned is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    This is where it gets complicated. It might. And it might not. In your position the chances are much greater. There is a cost/benefit ratio. I do not mean this as an insult. You don't have the tools to be big. Steroids are just a tool. One among many. And far from the front line. Let me explain it a different way:

    You are a carpenter (bodybuilder). And your going to build the best house ever (your body). You have tools, but don't quite know how to use them (your training). And you don't have lumber (food). Your trying and trying, but no house is built, syou hire mike Holmes (steroids). He shows up every day, but know house is built, because you haves bunk tools and no lumber!!!! Mike is pissed at you for wasting his time, so he takes what little lumber you had, and kicks you in the balls hard. You may recover, or he may ruin you beans and carrot. Then you come on here and bad mouth Mike, saying he's a shy carpenter because you don't have a house.

    Hopefully that puts it a little more into perspective.
    Are you high on crack?

  18. #58
    mogains is offline New Member
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    lol true true, F man, im tryna make me some MO GAINS, guess juice has to wait then.

  19. #59
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    Come on man. I'm trying to extend the olive branch to this kid. How does that help anyone?

  20. #60
    mogains is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clowned View Post
    Are you high on crack?
    lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, i likes his story, it makes sense, but the crack part lmaoo

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains View Post
    lol true true, F man, im tryna make me some MO GAINS, guess juice has to wait then.
    You're a smart man. Remember, when you win mr Olympia, name your supplement line BIGSHOT!!!!!! See you in the nutrition section, you've got a body to build!!!!!

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains View Post
    lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, i likes his story, it makes sense, but the crack part lmaoo
    Its funny, I agree. But it's also the only approach I've seen work, well, EVER!!!!! This young man is gonna look back to here in 5 years, thanking every bone in his body that he waited, and learned!!!!

  23. #63
    mogains is offline New Member
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    if i were to do a cycle, this would be it

    week 1-12 test e 300mg a week. 150mg monday, 150mg thursday.
    .25 eod every other day throughout the cycle.
    use pct 2 weeks after last pin. 4 week pct. torem 90/60/60/30

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains View Post
    if i were to do a cycle, this would be it

    week 1-12 test e 300mg a week. 150mg monday, 150mg thursday.
    .25 eod every other day throughout the cycle.
    use pct 2 weeks after last pin. 4 week pct. torem 90/60/60/30
    Are you ALWAYS this hard headed????

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains View Post
    if i were to do a cycle, this would be it

    week 1-12 test e 300mg a week. 150mg monday, 150mg thursday.
    .25 eod every other day throughout the cycle.
    use pct 2 weeks after last pin. 4 week pct. torem 90/60/60/30
    You broke my heart Mogains. JK. You are your own man, and are fully capable of deciding what is best for you. But do me a favor. Think on it. Take a week. Go through his forum and read the threads about others in your position. Many members poor their hearts out, telling their stories of cycling to young, and the consequences they've individually endured. At least then you will fully understand the risks. The only situation worse than messing up your body is messing up your body and realizing that if you researched a little more, you might have known better.
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 09-20-2012 at 08:44 PM.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Are you ALWAYS this hard headed????
    Convince me you weren't the same at 19. I think I was even worse! The best we can do is try, and know that we'll have one more person saying 'don't do what i did!!!' five years from now.

  27. #67
    mogains is offline New Member
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    deff, not going to start it anytime soon, im prob not even gunna start it at all. from 1-10 of taking juice , im at 1 right now. going to keep looking at this forum and gain more knowledge.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    You broke my heart Mogains. JK. You are your own man, and are fully capable of deciding what is best for you. But do me a favor. Think on it. Take a week. Go through his forum and read the threads about others in your position. Many members poorer their hearts out, telling their stories of cycling to young, and the consequences they've individually endured. At least then you will fully understand the risks. The only situation worse than messing up your body is messing up your body and realizing that if you researched a little more, you might have known better.
    You cant save em all Bigshot...lets go get a beer...your buying

  29. #69
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    Sounds like you're going to do whatever you want, regardless of the advice given. You were offered one on one help by a member and still insist on doing a cycle. It's disappointing seeing that, especially after other members defend you.

    Please take the advice from the members here and focus on diet and training. It will be better for you in the long run. Trust me, the time will pass much faster than you think.

  30. #70
    mogains is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Are you ALWAYS this hard headed????
    only when im high on crack

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    You cant save em all Bigshot...lets go get a beer...your buying
    And he doesn't invite me?... I'm insulted

  32. #72
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    Mogains, That's the smartest thing you've said all day. Now YOU are paying for the beer!!!

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    Convince me you weren't the same at 19. I think I was even worse! The best we can do is try, and know that we'll have one more person saying 'don't do what i did!!!' five years from now.
    At 19 I was married and serving in the Marine Corps during Desert Storm...I didnt have the luxury of being hard headed!
    Last edited by Lunk1; 09-20-2012 at 08:49 PM.

  34. #74
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    Oh and, dont touch aas. I'm one I the lucky ones who did it a few times since I was. 17 and came out relatively healthy. But I have low sex drive and high blood pressure.

    Seriously reconsider.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreMos View Post
    And he doesn't invite me?... I'm insulted
    Gmos..your always invited but no beer for you...2 many cals

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Gmos..your always invited but no beer for you...2 many cals
    Water it is!

    And I can DD

  37. #77
    mogains is offline New Member
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    i dont even drink, but for this, i might have to, beers on me. someone has to buy it, im under- age hahaha

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogains
    i dont even drink, but for this, i might have to, beers on me. someone has to buy it, im under- age hahaha
    Not in Canada my friend.

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    At 19 I was married and serving in the Mrine Corps during Desert Storm...I didnt have the luxury of being hard headed!
    I challenged you to convince me. You sir, have succeeded. Thank you for your service.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria

    I challenged you to convince me. You sir, have succeeded. Thank you for your service.
    He was in ww2 and 1 as well.

    We call him,


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