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  1. #41
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    I live in on the Gold Coast AUS and have talked openly to about 4 doctors. only one doc was extremely negative about it and I ended up walking out. the others were quite willing to listen, advise and help. I got referrals to decent endocrinologists etc. also I've talked to my old doc in Perth about it and same results.

    Doctors are there to help, IMO, if youre going to cycle, you're going to cycle reguardless. so it's kind of against 'what they do' as doctors really, which is help you to look after your own health.

    They wouldn't turn someone with a drug problem away would they... and what's worse, a drug addict or a responsible AAS user.

    Just my 0.02

  2. #42
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia

    You dont want it on medical records, insurance company will think christmas has come early when you ask for a quote

  3. #43
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I swear doctors sometimes set you up also or at least the dont think about how something may effect you or your life in the future. One of my docs prescribed me ??? for pain shortly after one of my back surgeries. After I got it I did some research on the internet and found one of the primary uses for this (besides pain management) was for depression. I went back and told her to write me a prescription for hydrocodone and NOT anything that can be associated with depression or anything like that because I dont want ANYTHING in my folder that could be misconstrued into thinking I have depression in any way.

    Things like this can cause problems in your future you may never thing about such as security clearances. Dont fool yourself thinking you will never need anything like that. Trust me you never know what the future holds.
    Did they prescribe you neurontin? I had some quack doctor prescribe me that. He claimed it'd help with the back pain. And aside from the problem sleeping due to hallucinations that occurred as soon as I closed my eyes (not even asleep) and the strange thoughts (I kept thinking I was going to go over the balcony on my 2nd story apartment), it did nothing for the pain.

  4. #44
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voshi View Post
    I live in on the Gold Coast AUS and have talked openly to about 4 doctors. only one doc was extremely negative about it and I ended up walking out. the others were quite willing to listen, advise and help. I got referrals to decent endocrinologists etc. also I've talked to my old doc in Perth about it and same results.

    Doctors are there to help, IMO, if youre going to cycle, you're going to cycle reguardless. so it's kind of against 'what they do' as doctors really, which is help you to look after your own health.

    They wouldn't turn someone with a drug problem away would they... and what's worse, a drug addict or a responsible AAS user.

    Just my 0.02
    Did you read the horror stories from the rest of the thread?

  5. #45
    bistbrah's Avatar
    bistbrah is offline Junior Member
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    going for a checkup next month and getting blood work done just part of the routine, dont gotta tell her anything. u can request counts on different things after all its ur freakin blood and health yo. if after cycle they find something its confidential.

  6. #46
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Did you read the horror stories from the rest of the thread?
    Sure did. I got life and health insurance last December.. I claimed on my Endocrinologist AND gyno surgery. That involved filing 'pre existing' forms (declarations from GP and surgeon to release medical history and access records) as it was less that the 12 month waiting period. They looked into my GPs and specialists notes.. of which had records of steroid use , and still payed out.

    As far as work goes, I had a full medical a month ago for my job now, which I started a week ago, and again no issues. I've never had issues with employers or medicals while cycling and being honest with my doc.

  7. #47
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post

    You dont want it on medical records, insurance company will think christmas has come early when you ask for a quote
    as above bro. maybe I'm lucky. can always change doctor and insurance company.. it was up to me to provide my insurance company of which GP and specialists to pull records from.

    Not saying any of you guys are wrong.. but that has been my experience so far.

  8. #48
    fries's Avatar
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    When I told a doctor, he just warned me of the possible issues of steroid use and I informed him of my research and the products I'd be using to make sure my cycle was as safe as possible. He laughed it off and that was that.

    Then again, I didn't have insurance at the time (between jobs) so there was no one, other than the authorities, that he could have really reported it to.

  9. #49
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    What do you guys tell your doctor when you want full blood work done?

    Can you not ask your personal doctor to keep the information between each other, due to future risks?

  10. #50
    Wazz's Avatar
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    I'd say Don't, HOWEVER~ I feel it really depends on your Doctor/Patient relationship...

    I was blown up & on HIGH Narcotics for over 6 years, My Pain Doctor & I became rather close, to the point we talked about anything & everything (Narcotic). Surprisingly he feels the FDA are a bunch of idiots for banning Heroin as a medical drug because its an amazing pain medication. He's an Anestesiologist. Now, This guys saved my life several times to include Meningitis. So we're close, almost family. Drug discussions are a big deal with him & I have no doubt his fascination & support would be there (& will) when I start my first cycle. He will want tests before & after to see how it'll react with any pain medications I remain on.

    We have Doctor/Patient confidenciality & the Law is always a tuff area when it comes to AS. I'm not going to cycle without his support. I know I'll have it, even if its not in my official record.

    FWIW, so long as you have trust & feel you won't get in hot water then you should be OK. If you're worried it probably means you already know its a bad idea. I have other Docs I'd never tell!

  11. #51
    Metalject's Avatar
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    If you go to the doctor because you're having some type of problem you need to tell the DR. about everything you're taking. This is the only way they can know what's going on inside your body. Sure, you'll get some DR's that lash out at you pretty hard, I had one scream at me once, but it just makes sense to tell them what you're doing. You can't get into any legal trouble because of this...they're not going to call the police.

    About the DR. who screamed at me...I was about 4 weeks out from a show and started running a fever slightly over 104 degrees and passed out at work one day. Was only out for a few seconds. When I came to I noticed my legs from my ankles all the way to my knees (both legs) looked like they had been attacked by a weed eater under the skin. Obviously I needed some help. Went to the doctor and told him everything I was taking and he proceeded to yell and scream at me telling me I was an idiot, that steroids had caused the problem and that if I wanted the problem to go away I should just stop using steroids. He did no blood work, nothing. I went to another doctor, told her the situation and went from there. Long story short, all the capillaries in my legs had burst. I was severely dehydrated. At the time I was working two jobs, one of which was contraction outside in blistering heat, training for a show, 2 a day cardio and my body just shut down.

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