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  1. #1
    MUSTANG_18 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2001

    New winter cycle

    Hey guys, I have posted this on ELite and Triedia and I figured I would post it here to see what you'll think and get your thoughts...I am gonna be eating about 3600-3800 cals a day and about 500 grams of protein, the carbs are not going over 250-300g's a day Max. I am gonna bulk without adding any fat and I know it is possable with a good diet.
    D-Bol at 50mg/Day for weeks 1-5
    Cyp at 1250mg/week for weeks 1-2
    Cyp at 1000mg/week for weeks 3-10
    Fina at 150mg/Day for weeks 5-12
    Clomid 3 days after my last shot of Fina
    Liquidex at .50mg/Day for weeks 5-15
    The reason I am using liquidex starting week 5 is because I want the added water weight and quick mass the D-Bol gives. I am gonna use DNP starting when my Clomid starts at 200mg/day for 42 days to help me keep my gains made off the cycle while losing body fat. What do you all think ?


  2. #2
    Skyline is offline New Member
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    Why not just use liquidex through? You will still blow up in the first 5 weeks and will be less like to get any test side effects (gyno); right? Anyone agree?

  3. #3
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    Nice cycle your frontloading with the cyp?

  4. #4
    DEI's Avatar
    DEI is offline Junior Member
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    How about adding some deca through the cycle, t3 the last weeks before clomid, and clen with clomid Bro.

  5. #5
    MUSTANG_18 is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by Skyline
    Why not just use liquidex through? You will still blow up in the first 5 weeks and will be less like to get any test side effects (gyno); right? Anyone agree?
    I want the quick mass and strength gains that the D-Bol yeilds from the water retention it causes and if I use the Liquidex along side it the effects will be far less then without.
    pureanger, I am just doing a little front load at the start as I have a couple left over Testex.
    DEI, Deca through out the cycle would not be a bad idea but I am using a high dose of Fina and Dec-Fina together would increase the chance of progesterone sides.


  6. #6
    The Iron Game Guest
    Hey there Mustang, can I say anything to make you change your mind? You dont need these high doses yet.

  7. #7
    DEI's Avatar
    DEI is offline Junior Member
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    Now that you mentioned it, your fina dose is high indeed (so is the cyp), anyway you might consider using some winstrol to prevent progesterone problems.

    What are your goals with this cycle (lbs.)?

  8. #8
    Iconn's Avatar
    Iconn is offline Associate Member
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    My cycle I'm starting soon is similar. I don't know how old you are or how many cycles you have had but I can tell you my cycle.

    weeks 1-4
    45mg d-bol ed (15mg 3 times/day)

    weeks 1-2
    Testosterone propionate 800-1000mg/week (cant decide which)

    weeks 3-10
    Testosterone cypionate or maybe sustanon (I don't get bloated from Sust) 800mg/week 750mg/week respectively

    weeks 5-12
    Trenbolone acetate 75mg eod
    Winstrol 50mg tablets - 1 ed

    Using proviron throughout and Arimidex when need.
    Clomid after.

    Tell me if you think that is too high of dosages.
    I'm 6'3" 225, been working out for 6 years (3 serious) and this will be my 2nd cycle.

  9. #9
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.

    I agree with IG that those doses are high, but it's your show, bro.

    The liquidex is right on target, IMO. By the time you start taking it and it becomes active you will have built up some estrogen, so that works.

    Looks good otherwise.

  10. #10
    Adaptek's Avatar
    Adaptek is offline Junior Member
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    Please any newbies reading this do not follow this cycle.
    Only a very advance bodybuilder would use these doses.

    This cycle is a good way to send you to an early grave.

    You should listen to the advise from The Iron Game and DEI, let these guys put together a proper cycle for you.

  11. #11
    Mike Guest
    winny wont help with prog sides most likely - here's my suggestions

    Lower your test doses - load at a gram then run at 750-800 but throw in low dose of EQ for hunger say at 300-400/wk then to make up for your lowered test - throw prop in the last few weeks so you can start clomid immediately after prop then the dnp

  12. #12
    Kullman's Avatar
    Kullman is offline Member
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    I basically did that cycle as my last bulking cycle, except used 1000mg's throughout and didn't use dnp . Depending on your Experience it looks ok. How many cycles have you done? It is possible to not put on fat bro, it's very hard but I'm sure you will be able to do it, just keep the diet extremely strict. Goodluck man


  13. #13
    MUSTANG_18 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2001
    Thanks guys....I will consider lowering the D-Bol dose and maybe drop the Test to 750mg/week (that will give me more for my next cycle ) The Fina dose is what E2 and myself went over and we both thought it would be a good dose but I will consider droping it to 100mg/Day and just running it for a little longer...I have done 3 cycles I guess....1 of them was just messing around with some gear I had but the others were very well planned out. Right now I am currently 6'0 about 210-213 and unsure of my body fat


  14. #14
    Kullman's Avatar
    Kullman is offline Member
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    Sounds good, let us know what you decide to do


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