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Thread: No serm no ai

  1. #121
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Sep 2012
    Your very young and immature. The immaturity shows and that's not an insult. Read your first post a few times. You stated who needs an AI or pct yet your the he who needs it the most, you have Gyno and and are shut down.

    Your 170 right now, correct? Even experienced bodbuilders are lucky to add 5-10lbs of real muscle a year with blasting and cruising the whole time. Muscle is very hard to build and steroids believe it or not don't just build muscle permantntly. They help you past barriers but it's the real diet and exercise that is what builds quality tissue.

    You need to train hard and eat right for the next 7-10 years. I am confident that you can go from 170 to 205 without steroids. If you put in the work you I'll never lose those guns and have a great natural baseline for growth, I can show you how.

    I can help you undo the damage you have done, I can help you learn to eat right and train hard but only if your willing to listen. I cannot help you if all you are focused on is harming yourself.

    Research, learn listen, then decide and act with due dilegence.

  2. #122
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Sep 2012
    I would ask all members to halt any further communication with Terminator. This is for his best interest, I have done everything I can possibly do for him to fix him up and point him in the right direction. It's up to him now, he is a grown man, but does not understand what steroids are and what they do. Please do not entertain his ideas, please do not make fun of him or call him names, if he bothers you look the other way. This is the best we can do for him. I hope he reads this thread over and over and pulls an understanding out of it to save him from future headache.

    Terminator I am doing this to save you not to harm you. You have been given wise council and I hope you follow. Best of luck with your wife and child.
    We wish you the best and a bright future.

  3. #123
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ agreed well done Phased !!!

  4. #124
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    I would ask all members to halt any further communication with Terminator. This is for his best interest, I have done everything I can possibly do for him to fix him up and point him in the right direction. It's up to him now, he is a grown man, but does not understand what steroids are and what they do. Please do not entertain his ideas, please do not make fun of him or call him names, if he bothers you look the other way. This is the best we can do for him. I hope he reads this thread over and over and pulls an understanding out of it to save him from future headache.

    Terminator I am doing this to save you not to harm you. You have been given wise council and I hope you follow. Best of luck with your wife and child.
    We wish you the best and a bright future.
    I mean this with due respect Phased...even you may want to walk away from this one! I have not seen a whole lot of ppl in this thread do anything but support this kid and back up your comments. There are just some (many unfortunatly) that "are what they are" and not even you can change that. There comes a point in some of these threads where it just simply is time to "throw in the towel"

  5. #125
    frank13's Avatar
    frank13 is offline "AR's Official Turkey Bacon Expert"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    How about reading post #81 & 82 before jumping to conclusions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Are you advocating thinking before speaking?
    i think u 2 owe me an apology i think my point was proven

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