Well looking at your profile I see you are 23 y.o....I am going to see about having this thread moved to the 18-25 y.o. sub forum for you.

Before I do I am going to ask if you are aware of the risks associated with steroid use at your age? You could face permenent damge to your endocrine system resulting in anything from high BP, erictile disfunction up to a life of TRT (testosterone replacement therapy)

Also...to be honest about your choice of cycle. EQ is what I refer to as a 1 trick pony, meaning it mainly cuases you to want to eat. I am assuming at 15% BF even though you are rather light, that is not your goal. It also raises your RBC count which can have negative affects

1st cycles should ALWAYS consist of TEST only since test is the base for all cycles and it's important to guage the bodies reaction so that you are clear about what compound is causing side affects.

Good luck bro!!!