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  1. #81
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    On whether it's a good idea for a young teen who doesn't eat properly and doesn't have time for the gym to go on a cycle of radical hormones?

    Yes, we all talked and we think it's great.

  2. #82
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    OP, read the whole thread again...

    and keep re-reading until you get the point...

  3. #83
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps View Post
    On whether it's a good idea for a young teen who doesn't eat properly and doesn't have time for the gym to go on a cycle of radical hormones?

    Yes, we all talked and we think it's great.
    I'm very smitten with this ladies sense of humor

  4. #84
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I'm very smitten with this ladies sense of humor
    yea i like her sense of humor too

    dont know what smitten means tho...

  5. #85
    Cheifjuana is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog
    2 servings of greek yogurt

    10:00 Am
    2 PBJS

    Tuna sandwich (or lunchmeat)

    Tuna sandwich (or lunchmeat)

    2 chicken breasts (microwavable packets one)
    easy rice the microwavable (any flavor)



    More chicken or pasta whatever my mom made lol

    oatmeal maybe cereal

    3 zma pills
    Why are you eating all day like that? You said you wanted to get big not graze like a bird. You should eat in a 4-7 hour eating window consuming all of your calories in a small amount time. Why? Your body needs time to digest food. If your body doesn't have enough time, it will constantly store fat. Even if you work out every second and eat like that with cardio you will never get results and will have a weird body appearance/portion. Your body needs also needs time to burn fat, store insulin , and hgh. When you constantly eat you constantly don't store what you need to grow.

  6. #86
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    If I could eat 2 PBJs as a bodybuilder I would be soooo happy...

  7. #87
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps View Post
    If I could eat 2 PBJs as a bodybuilder I would be soooo happy...
    what about in the off season?

    not ED, but once a week or so...

  8. #88
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    There are certain things I just can't have in the house, and PB is one. If I could buy 2 slices of bread and just enough PB and J for one sandwich, I would. But otherwise...I just know myself too well and can't have it around.

    Sucks because this is the one cheat meal I can't find in most restaurants.

  9. #89
    Cheifjuana is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps
    If I could eat 2 PBJs as a bodybuilder I would be soooo happy...
    4 peices of whole wheat fiber toast 200 calories, 2 tbsps of naturally more peanut butter with flax seed 160 calories, 2tbsps of sugar free jelly 30 calories. Add bacon and a protein shake and you got yourself a pbn'j for bodybuilders and half a meal

  10. #90
    Cheifjuana is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps
    There are certain things I just can't have in the house, and PB is one. If I could buy 2 slices of bread and just enough PB and J for one sandwich, I would. But otherwise...I just know myself too well and can't have it around.

    Sucks because this is the one cheat meal I can't find in most restaurants.
    Dude you never heard of uncrustables?

  11. #91
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    Never tried one! Are they any good?

  12. #92
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps View Post
    Never tried one! Are they any good?
    They're delicious. I used to eat Uncrustables every single day as a kid when my parents sent me to Summer Camp. They're basically peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on fluffy white or whole wheat bread without the crust. They carry them in almost every grocery store in a variety of flavors.

    Here are the flavors:

    PB & Grape Jelly
    PB & Grape Jelly on W. Wheat
    PB & Honey on W. Wheat
    PB & Raspberry Spread on W. Wheat
    PB & Strawberry Jam
    PB & Strawberry Jam on W. Wheat

    PB & GJ at room temperature with a glass of milk was my personal favorite as a kid.

  13. #93
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps View Post
    There are certain things I just can't have in the house, and PB is one. If I could buy 2 slices of bread and just enough PB and J for one sandwich, I would. But otherwise...I just know myself too well and can't have it around.

    Sucks because this is the one cheat meal I can't find in most restaurants.
    i can relate, whenever i buy a jar of PB its gone within a day, lol.

    same with nutela (chocolate hazelnut spread) :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    They're delicious. I used to eat Uncrustables every single day as a kid when my parents sent me to Summer Camp. They're basically peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on fluffy white or whole wheat bread without the crust. They carry them in almost every grocery store in a variety of flavors.

    Here are the flavors:

    PB & Grape Jelly
    PB & Grape Jelly on W. Wheat
    PB & Honey on W. Wheat
    PB & Raspberry Spread on W. Wheat
    PB & Strawberry Jam
    PB & Strawberry Jam on W. Wheat

    PB & GJ at room temperature with a glass of milk was my personal favorite as a kid.

    and they come with the crust already cut off. lol

    we dont have these in australia

    so gotta make my own

    i get free bread tho since im a baker, so i just take a couple slices for myself then give the rest of the loaf away or whatever...

  14. #94
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    I do a lot of baking for people at work, church functions, etc. so if I bake something with peanut butter then I can usually save a few tbsp for myself.

    Raspberry is my favorite! I've gotta try these things.

  15. #95
    Tasmaniac is offline Associate Member
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    Try the peptides mate. They won't screw you up and they will give you some nice results. GHRP-2, MOD GRF and IGF-1 would do the job. After 5 or 6 years of doing that you'd have a nice base with a crap load of new muscle fibres which should make you huge after a test cycle.

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