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  1. #1
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    Dec 2012

    albuterol during PCT

    hey everyone. im about to finish my cycle and start my PCT of just Nolvadex 40/40/20/20. im currently aiming to produce lean gains with as minimal bloat and fat retention as possible. this is one of the main reasons as to why i am looking into albuterol. so basically i have a few questions:

    1: can albuterol be taken during PCT? will it still be effective and will it have any effect on nolvadex or will it still be okay?
    2: should ketotifen be taken alongside albuterol?

    im really just looking to lose those few extra body fat percentages which are quite difficult. i just feel that albuterol could really help with this.

  2. #2
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    How come you're stopping your cycle so early?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    How come you're stopping your cycle so early?
    im not stopping it early?

  4. #4
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by enlarged-traps View Post
    im not stopping it early?
    Lol, come on now, there's no need to play that game. I know exactly who you are, it is very evident by your posts and your interests in oral steroids as you're too much of a wimp to pin.

    Anyways, to address your original question, I wouldn't bother messing around with shit like Albuterol and Clenbuterol due to some of the side effects they carry along with them. I'd much rather just do it the old fashioned way with a calorie deficient and a switched up workout routine.

    Aren't you like 6'1 170 pounds though? You should bulk rather than cut IMO.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Lol, come on now, there's no need to play that game. I know exactly who you are, it is very evident by your posts and your interests in oral steroids as you're too much of a wimp to pin.

    Anyways, to address your original question, I wouldn't bother messing around with shit like Albuterol and Clenbuterol due to some of the side effects they carry along with them. I'd much rather just do it the old fashioned way with a calorie deficient and a switched up workout routine.

    Aren't you like 6'1 170 pounds though? You should bulk rather than cut IMO.
    yeah im too much of a wimp to pin, who cares? albuterol isn't anywhere near as bad as clenbuterol from what ive researched. there's a reason why it's legal and clenbuterol is illegal. i'd rather do it the old fashioned way too but considering ive tried it before and still never managed to have visible, defined abs then i should resort to other means.

    why should i bulk? you dont know what my goals are mate. and im 175lbs lol.

  6. #6
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by enlarged-traps

    why should i bulk? you dont know what my goals are mate. and im 175lbs lol.
    I know what your goals are, you want a lean 'aesthetic' physique similar to your idol, Zyzz. If I recall correctly, Zyzz was in the ~195 pound range in his prime. He didn't get there just from doing cutting cycles of Anavar only, bro, he bulked on cycles of Test Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate.

    Pinning isn't nearly as bad as you think, in fact if I was around 23-25 years old I'd be pinning EOD like it was nothing! You wipe the top of your vial with an alcohol pad, you inject the same amount of air as you're injecting into the vial with a syringe, you withdraw the amount your injecting, you draw up air, you recap, you place a new needle on, you inject some of the air out and leave a bubble (conservation technique), recap, and flick the bubble to the top of the plunger. After that you prep the site you're injecting with an alcohol pad, place a bandaid on your hand, take the cap off your syringe, apply slow pressure on the syringe until its in, and inject! Easy as 1-2-3. It's much safer than oral only cycles you're planning on doing. You only get one liver.
    Last edited by Shsm; 12-10-2012 at 02:29 AM.

  7. #7
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Well, you should never cut during PVT or for several weeks after, or else you can kiss goodbye to whatever gains you make. In PCT no cardio and eat above maintenance.

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM
    Well, you should never cut during PVT or for several weeks after, or else you can kiss goodbye to whatever gains you make. In PCT no cardio and eat above maintenance.
    Agree. That's where heavy nutrition is most crucial.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    I know what your goals are, you want a lean 'aesthetic' physique similar to your idol, Zyzz. If I recall correctly, Zyzz was in the ~195 pound range in his prime. He didn't get there just from doing cutting cycles of Anavar only, bro, he bulked on cycles of Test Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate.

    Pinning isn't nearly as bad as you think, in fact if I was around 23-25 years old I'd be pinning EOD like it was nothing! You wipe the top of your vial with an alcohol pad, you inject the same amount of air as you're injecting into the vial with a syringe, you withdraw the amount your injecting, you draw up air, you recap, you place a new needle on, you inject some of the air out and leave a bubble (conservation technique), recap, and flick the bubble to the top of the plunger. After that you prep the site you're injecting with an alcohol pad, place a bandaid on your hand, take the cap off your syringe, apply slow pressure on the syringe until its in, and inject! Easy as 1-2-3. It's much safer than oral only cycles you're planning on doing. You only get one liver.
    lol at how you think my idol is zyzz. im literally laughing. i want to disregard study, bang girls non stop, have no future and have gym as my only priority in life!!!!! thats totally me bro! i dont want to be his size, maybe a bit smaller. besides a lot of people claim that his physique is probably attainable through just hard work, a great diet and constant gymming. anyway, i would say my goal weight would be 90KG. another 10KG on what i am now and at 10% bodyfat or below, and id be extremely happy. i know pinning is probably easier than i think, but it would be far too obvious that i am on the juice and i dont want my mates and family questioning me or having suspicions lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    Well, you should never cut during PVT or for several weeks after, or else you can kiss goodbye to whatever gains you make. In PCT no cardio and eat above maintenance.
    my gains are keepable anyway. its not like i did a cycle which bloated me up and filled me with water. im basically looking for lean and clean gains whilst staying at a low bodyfat percentage year round (if possible).

    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Agree. That's where heavy nutrition is most crucial.
    yeah this is true. thanks. so a month after my PCT i could try out some albuterol?

  10. #10
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    You used Zyzz as your avatar on one of your previous accounts and claimed it was you lol...

  11. #11
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Well, you seem to know everything, good luck!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    You used Zyzz as your avatar on one of your previous accounts and claimed it was you lol...
    oh no the world must be going to end!!!!1!!111!! he has a good physique. so what? he is my height and also an ectomorph build. why would i aspire to have the build of a mesomorph when it's never going to happen?

  13. #13
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by enlarged-traps

    oh no the world must be going to end!!!!1!!111!! he has a good physique. so what? he is my height and also an ectomorph build. why would i aspire to have the build of a mesomorph when it's never going to happen?
    ??? You intentionally lied to me and other members claiming that picture was of you until I reverse image searched it and posted it for the others to see which is a dick move considering I'm one of the only members here that's helped you the most

    Enough though, I reported you and PMed a monitor letting them know this is your fifth account on this website with all of your previous accounts (Sharmabrah, Sharmthetics, Striving4Aesthetics, Doont-Hunter) being banned


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    ??? You intentionally lied to me and other members claiming that picture was of you until I reverse image searched it and posted it for the others to see which is a dick move considering I'm one of the only members here that's helped you the most

    Enough though, I reported you and PMed a monitor letting them know this is your fifth account on this website with all of your previous accounts (Sharmabrah, Sharmthetics, Striving4Aesthetics, Doont-Hunter) being banned

    lol one of the only members? ive got help from lovbyts, muscleink, marcus, and quite a few other well respected posters on here. you probably helped me the least out of all of them. if i had realized you were a year younger than me i would never have asked for your help. surely you have better things to do than cross search images just to get people banned and checking IP addresses. pretty sad if you ask me brah.

    dear god you have too much time on your hands champ. you need to gettt outttttttttt brah.

  15. #15
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Why is a 6'1 175lb man doing taking steroids for anyways? If you needed gear to get to that point, you need to learn how to diet and train.

  16. #16
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    Well, you should never cut during PVT or for several weeks after, or else you can kiss goodbye to whatever gains you make. In PCT no cardio and eat above maintenance.
    This ya dumbass..listen to the guys that know wtf they are talking about....

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