Some people in ramping up the dosage with steroids .... whereas I believe in shocking the system, getting the steroid -blood-level high from the get-go, and then reducing the dosage.

This is my first week on juice, although it's my 4th cycle. I'm doing Sustanon and Tren E on their own.

This week so far I've taken 1.25 grams of Sustanon, and 1.2 grams of Tren E. (I started 7 days ago).

Only real noticeable effect is getting out of bed at 4am to go have food (which is a form of insomnia coz I lie there for ages trying to get back asleep before I'm like **** it, get up and eat). Also my recovery time from working out has drastically decreased; I did a leg workout the other day which I though would leave me limping for days, but I was waking fine the next day.

The Tren E should take hold very very soon, so at that point I'll reduce my dosage to:

Sustanon: 100mg per week (no need for an automatising compound, let the Tren do its job)
Tren E: 800mg per week

I'll see how that goes for me. If the sides are bad, I'll drop it down to:

Sustanon: 100mg per week
Tren E: 400mg per week

And I don't get Tren cough at all whatsoever, lucky me. So far so good anyway.

Worst case scenario, I have access to prescription drugs that will ease the side-effects as the Tren leaves my system (i.e. drugs to induce sleep, drugs to reduce blood pressure and heart rate).

By the way, does anyone know a good website where I can buy an empty STERILE 10ml vial? I have a load of 1cc amplues of Sustanon which I want to transfer to a vial.