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12-16-2012, 09:09 PM #41
Well, i'd simply reccomend running Testosterone at a TRT dose (around 100mg weekly), as this will keep bloat down. You've already injected 1,200mg of Testosterone into yourself as a part of your frontloading plan... but this should for the most part reduce within a matter of a couple of weeks, so once again i'd reccomend 100mg weekly of Testosterone from here on out. By the time a couple of weeks pass since you frontloaded that insane amount of Testosterone, you will more than likely have very high Estrogen levels and you'll have to wait for that too to clear if bloating is an issue. If you wish to run Testosterone even higher than a TRT dose and want to still eliminate any incidence of bloating, then you'll need to run an AI with it. As far as it goes with Trenbolone... yes, you did inject WAYYYY too much. I hope you have realized that 1,200mg of Trenbolone is the equivalent of 6,000mg of Testosterone. I really hope I don't need to point out the problems with that...
Your proposed cycle of 233mg weekly of Testosterone with 583mg weekly of Trenbolone is a much better plan than the one you originally started out doing. And of course, this should go without saying but i'll say it anyways.... if you want to look "absolutely shredded and put on nothing but lean muscle", your diet is going to dictate that. But if you make sure to keep Estrogen under control by either using a TRT dose of Testosterone (or running an AI with higher Testosterone doses) while maintaining a solid diet that favors lean muscle with very little to zero fat gain, you shouldn't have a problem achieving that.
12-16-2012, 10:26 PM #42
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OK, here's what I'm thinking. From here on in:
Weekly: 233mg of Sustanon, 583mg of Tren E
I'll call my dealer tomorrow and get a price on Arimidex (hopefully it's not too expensive). What dosage and frequency would you suggest for Arimidex if I were to run it for the entire cycle? I'll probably go with a 12-week cycle.
12-16-2012, 10:28 PM #43
12-16-2012, 10:32 PM #44
Might I suggest Aromasin (AKA Exemestane) instead of Arimidex . I personally feel it is the better, more superior AI in every way. Note that the board sponsor calls it 'Liquid Stane'. Run Aromasin at 12.5mg daily to start. After the first week, reduce it to 12.5mg every other day.
Lunk's suggestion of having Caber or Prami on hand is a good one too, that is always a must.
12-16-2012, 10:35 PM #45
12-16-2012, 10:47 PM #46
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I'm on a budget so I'll get whatever's cheaper, Aromasin or Arimidex .
So the Aromasin dose is: 12.5mg EOD
What's the Arimidex dose?
I've put on 3 kg (that's 6.6 pounds) in the past 7 days and that obviously ain't muscle so I better get an AI into me.
I'm not worried about Prolactin. All it does is make you impotent, right? I wank too much anyway.
12-16-2012, 11:06 PM #47
No, it can also make your nipples lactate and possibly exacerbate gyno if Estrogen levels are in the right proportion and acting on receptors. Up to you if you want to ignore the Prolactin issue or not...
As far as Arimidex goes, 0.5mg per day should be sufficient (1mg per day is for more serious cases), and you can even go as light as 0.5mg every other day. But try to get Aromasin if you can, it is far better in various ways and has advantages over Arimidex (ability to disable the aromatase enzyme PERMANENTLY, thus no chances of Estrogen rebound which is a risk with Arimidex and Letro).
12-16-2012, 11:07 PM #48
Both Aro and Adex start EOD
NOOOOO...prolactin can cause serious gyno and leaky boobs.
12-16-2012, 11:14 PM #49
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OK I'll ask my dealer about Aromasin and the price. If he hasn't got it, or if it's too expensive, I'm going with Arimidex .
As for the Prolactin thing.... I'm not concerned... I just simply don't have the genetics to lactate or grow tits.... I know this from having run over a gram of Test and a gram of Deca at the same time for weeks on end.... never even got an inchy nipple.
Thanks guys, I'll let you's know how I get on.
12-17-2012, 05:14 PM #50
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Latest revelation: My resting heart-rate is 110. I had it taken by a pharmacist guy at the pharmacy.
Probably shouldn't take any more juice til that goes down a bit... yeah....
Blood pressue on the other hand is fine though.
12-18-2012, 11:08 AM #51
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OK so I injected 1.5 grams of Sustanon and 1.2 grams of Tren E in my first week... which wasn't a great idea but I don't have a time machine so let's not get into that.
Today is my 5th day without injecting anything. From this point forward, my routine will be:
Every 3 days: 250mg Sustanon, 200mg Tren E
The question I'd like to ask is, have I waited long enough to inject again? My resting heart rate was 110 lastnight, but it was reduced to 88 today.
Would you suggest that I start injecting again today, or should I give it another day or two for my Test & Tren levels to reduce a little further ?
(By the way I have ordered Arimidex and I'll have it in two days' time).
Just as an side, there's no noticeable ball shrinkage, but I am impotent, but as I said, I'm not bothered by it though, I'm glad to have a break from my dick.
I'll start on hCG in maybe two weeks' time to curb the ball shrinkage which is inevitably in the post.Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 12-18-2012 at 11:12 AM.
12-18-2012, 11:43 AM #52
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Sorry for the shameless bump but I'd like this to be seen before I head to bed tonight (coz I might inject before bedtime).
12-18-2012, 12:19 PM #53
I would like your cycle history and stats!
12-18-2012, 05:14 PM #54
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12-18-2012, 05:42 PM #55
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Tested my left arm, then my right arm.
Left arm: 136/87, pulse = 119
Right arm: 135/84, pulse = 116
My blood pressure is fine.
Pulse is high though. The heightened pulse could be explained by me taking psudeoephedrine for my cold, but still that doesn't mean it's safe to increase it further by injecting more Tren .
Opinions please?
12-18-2012, 08:02 PM #56
That is a very high resting rate IMO...I would leave any gear alone till you get that sorted out. It could be from soooo many things from diet and excersise to meds...yes of course real psuedo will cause increase in HR...
Drop anything and everything and see what happens! If it satyes elevated I would see a doc!
12-18-2012, 08:12 PM #57
A few more questions:
Is your resting heart rate always high (before you started this cycle)? What other medications do u take? Is your pulse regular (does your bp cuff have an irregular pulse detector - they're surprisingly common)?
The pseudoephedrine obviously complicates things bc as you stated it commonly causes an elevated pulse.
12-18-2012, 08:22 PM #58
I agree thats really high for resting HR. Is this normal for you? Were you taking anything that could elevate your heart rate prior to your cycle? I think you should stop everything and see what happens. You might need to go to a doctor like Lunk said. The last thing you want is heart problems bro.
12-18-2012, 08:29 PM #59
Sorry but one more question, why the rush to dose now when just 5 days ago you took over 2 weeks worth of Sust and Tren E, according to your cycle plan? Sust is mostly long acting esters (over 50% is usually composed of decanoate + isocaproate) and your Tren is enanthanate not acetate.
12-18-2012, 09:25 PM #60
if my RHR was 119 id be freaking out! mine is usually 54..
its 119(ish) when im doing light moderate pace on the elliptical! that does NOT sound good at all. how do u feel dude?
12-18-2012, 11:04 PM #61
Mine was peaking one night as soon as I started cardio. I mean I just barely got going and I was hitting mid 160's. Freaked me out. Came home and did some research. I had not eaten anything and shortly after I ate a decent meal I started dropping. Called a PA friend who advised me that as long as it doesnt stay there for long periods of time and it's a steady rate vs a pulsing rate (if that makes sense) then not to worry. I normally hover in the mid to high 60's.
Some ppl can run normal at 70-90 but 119 seems high. If it doesnt go down when relaxing then something is causing it and the longer it stays high the more dangerous it is
12-19-2012, 01:15 AM #62
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My pulse is normally normal (when not juiced up). I can't remember the exact figure but maybe about 70.
After taking several pulse readings lasnight, I decided that it would be unwise to take any more juice since my Resting Heart Rate was coming up consistently as greater than 110 (from 112 to 119). I called my doctor on his mobile phone after midnight and told him, that over the past 4 days, my pulse had been steadily climbing, 90, 99, 110, 119. I asked him what I should do (he could have done a house call, or he could have told me to go to the emergency room). He just told me not to take any more meds (especially psuedoephedrine) and to go lie down, calm down and go to sleep. I even asked him if I should go to the emergency room, but he just said "no you'll be fine, go to sleep, and if it's still high in the morning, come to make an appointment".
I had a pretty damn bad cold yesterday, sore throat, blocked sinuses and chesty phlegmy cough. To deal with my cold, yesterday I took psuedoephedrine, cetirizine, a Ventolin inhaler, Exputex cough syrup, and Valium. All of these could have contributed to my high pulse rate (I reckon psuedoephedrine was most influencing of them all).
This morning, having just got up out of bed, all of yesterday's drugs won't be out of my system entirely yet but their levels should of course be a lot lower.
I used my heart monitor again just now, twice on the left arm, twice on the right arm, here's what I got:
Left 1: 125/85, pulse = 94
Left 2: 122/84, pulse = 93
Right 1: 131/79, pulse = 91
Right 2: 129/77, pulse = 96
This of course is a lot better, as none of the pulse readings are high enough to be classified as tachycardia (doctors say tachycardia is >100). My blood pressure's fine too.
My cold has pretty much cleared up, I've just got the sniffles now and a slight cough, so I won't be taking any more cold medications (especially psuedoephedrine!).
Ok so right now I'm gonna inject 250mg of Sustanon along with 200mg of Tren E.
I'll be using my heart monitor regularly over my cycle to keep an eye on things -- I believe this piece of apparatus to be a MUST for anyone on Trenbolone . I won't be shy to go straight to the doctor, or even the emergency room, if either my blood pressure or pulse hits the roof.
I'm really glad I bought this heart monitor, because without it, I would have just kept taking more Tren without knowing my heart was working overtime. Best $45 ever spent.Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 12-19-2012 at 01:19 AM.
12-19-2012, 04:23 AM #63
12-19-2012, 07:23 AM #64
Your a god damn fkn idiot....your RHR is still knocking on 100 and all your concerned about is more AAS! Your another damn statistic! This whole thread has been a testimate to your ignorance. Everytime you have been given great advise you have blown it off!
I see issues in your future because you have issues now!
12-19-2012, 08:57 AM #65
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I expect to have an elevated Resting Heart Rate while on Tren , it was in the terms and conditions when I signed up.
My psychological choice of limits are different to yours, that's all. When my Resting Heart Rate was 119, I desisted from taking more AAS as I thought it was too risky. Not because Jesus thought it was too risky, nor because Muhummad thought it was too risk, but because I thought it was too risky. Some of us are more reckless than others, it's simple a fact of life -- we have librarians and we have motorbike racers.
I'm happy to put up with a Resting Heart Rate of 95 to 100 for the duration of my cycle. I'm fully aware of both the short-term and long-term effects of tachycardia, and I accept them. A doctor won't even entertain treating you for tachycardia unless your heart rate is above 100.
It's been 7 hours since I took that injection of 250mg Sustanon with 200mg Tren E. My Resting Heart Rate right now is in the range 95-100. I'm fine with that.
Of course we'll never know the truth about what caused the 119 yesterday, but I reckon it was the psudeoephedrine that played the greatest role.
I'll be taking my pulse and blood pressure 3 times a day for the next 12 weeks or so. I'm taking risks by taking AAS, and in particular Trenbolone , but I am minimising those risks. How many people do you know that actually regularly check their heart by themselves at home with their own heart monitor while their on cycle? Well in my own bodybuilding gym, I was the only guy. God knows who has heart issues in that place. I even suggested to the gym owner that their should be a free-to-use heart monitor on the front desk for gym members to use.
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)