Hey everyone, question for the more seasoned/educated members here. Was chatting with a local bb competitor here, and we got on the topic of AAS, more specifically esters. He so informed me that one must change up the ester every 8 weeks to be able to keep making gains from that particular substance. For example, if you a test cycle with say, enanthate , you must switch to say cyp at the 8 week mark to continue making gains. I have been studying the topic of AAS and using now for about 4 years myself, and have never heard of this "must do fact". Keep in mind he wasn't referring to say starting with prop for the quicker kick, then switching to something like enth or cyp later on. He was simply saying you have to switch up the ester after 8 weeks for any particular substance (test, tren etc.) to continue making gains, or at least good gains. Anyone ever hear of this?? Interesting thing too, is he learned this info from a local pro by the name of scott milne. Educate me!