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  1. #1
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Dorian talks about his steroid use

    He talked in an English Russian accent which had me in stitches lol

    Believe what you want, weather you think he is lying or telling the truth but he did state at his peak he took 1000mgs test, 500mgs deca , 50mgs dbol and 8ius of gh but he did this for 3-4 weeks and came down and repeated.


    Seems very genuine and just goes to show its not all about steroids , thats what I try and get across all the time.

    Its not all about the drugs but training and diet is more important..!
    Last edited by marcus300; 01-03-2013 at 09:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    Cool post Marcus... Just watched the first one... gonna watch the rest now.


  3. #3
    ecruz's Avatar
    ecruz is offline Member
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    Good post!!

  4. #4
    lordoftheoctagon is offline Junior Member
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    Everything that marcus said was true. Ive seen this video and have even skyped with dorian himself for 2 hours. We talked about a number of things, his drug routuine being one of them. He never went over 1g of test a week tho. He even used insulin in 96' and 97'. He didnt like it to much he said. Loves his Dbol ....that came out of his mouth haha. I could tell you some of the stories he told me, he's a great guy. Down to earth, honest, and REAL!

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    This is good I hope guys realise now you dont have to be walking pharmacy to get big.

  6. #6
    lordoftheoctagon is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    This is good I hope guys realise now you dont have to be walking pharmacy to get big.
    You know whats funny about this tho? People will see this and STILL think its a lie, like the pro's are keeping a secret from them about gear.

  7. #7
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    The translator is hot!

  8. #8
    taaa is offline Junior Member
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    Nobody has ever died from swallowing a whole bottle of Dianabol but I guarantee you that if you swallow an entire bottle of Aspirin, you wont live to see tomorrow
    love that quote

  9. #9
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Before anything else, thank you for this great post Marcus!

    Dorian, is the man. He is down to earth, honest, straightforward and obviously amongst the most intelligent pro BBs history has witnessed. I believe I have seen almost every video and read every interview in which he was featured so far. There is a video of him, which is available on youtube, where he deconstructs some of infamous Dorian rumors on the internet, which include old ones as well as some recent stuff, in which he gets on a scale and says ''10lbs of my current BW is cock.'' The guy is British, and equally smart in any way that a Brit can be.

    I don't even care if he intentionally understated the dosages of his hormone use, I am a firm believer of the notion that genetics and dedication (training, diet, rest, mental focus and discipline) are the most important determinants in this game as opposed to the twisted idea that more drugs = better results. Fuk that, seriously, how retarded does one need to be in order to claim this and not realize certain obvious facts that we stare at every time we look at the pictures of BB legends of the Golden Era, where no one had access to synthetic HGH, Insulin and many other AAS varities of our day, let alone fancy supplements... How many units of HGH and Insulin did Arnold have to run in order to attain the demi-god like body with an insane chest to waist ratio as well as biceps with peaks reminiscent of Himalayas? Zero units, god damn it. Instead, he had an insane level of goal-oriented mentality, to an extent where he fled from the army-base where he was serving mandatory in order to attend a BB show, came back, was put in prison for fleeing. How many scoops of Vitargo, a.k.a. ''The best carbohydrate in the world'' did Sergio Olivia took PWO? None, he ate rice PWO, good old freakin' rice! Franco used to deadlift 3.5 times his body weight -RAW, how many juice monsters do we have on this site who weigh 220lbs and can deadlift 700lbs RAW, or not raw?

    I have more reasons to believe Dorian than not to believe him. He still had a waistline. He was a much bigger and fuller version of his so-called rival, Shawn Ray. Those who don't believe his statements about his HGH and Slin use regarding how low his doses were, should look at Ronnie Coleman and better explain why Dorian had a waistline where this wasn't the case anymore once Coleman era kicked-in.

    On a personal note, I had a PT with whom I worked together for 3 years and this dude was one of the most genetically gifted people I have ever seen. Somewhat a simpleton, but always well-intended and naive, he had his own emotional issues and couldn't really proceed in life in terms of a career, wasn't a money maker at all. He barely could afford to eat 3 chicken and rice meals a day, he was big on eggs since they are cheap, I used to buy his whey and creatine for him because he asked for way too little money for our training sessions, which I was aware of. At some point, I did a favor to him and bought him enough Test Prop that would last him for 8 weeks when injected at 100mg ED. This was all he had, along with Whey concentrate and Creatine mono, I watched him turn into a BB demi-god 5 weeks into his Test only cycle.He couldn't even train as frequently or as heavy as he would like because he had to work all the time in order to make a living and survive. At that very point in life, my eyes were wide-open and the argument for ''genetics'' was confirmed to be the ultimate truth. No HGH, no slin, no IGF-1, no orals, no Tren no Test derivatives no nothing, this dude was full, tight, vascular and strong 5 weeks into a what I would consider ''light'' cycle, unfukingbelievable. Now, would you believe your own eyes or the shit you hear from forum trolls everywhere? I choose to believe what I see, not what I hear.
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 01-03-2013 at 02:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Alinjr is offline Senior Member
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    Great Post.

  11. #11
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Oh yeah, my post above also goes to a-holes who stack 3 compounds as early as into a 2nd or 3rd cycle, which one of these compounds is Tren and the other is Winstrol so that they can ''bulk and cut'' all within the same cycle.

    You wanna bulk? Eat. You wanna cut? Decrease the carbs, lower the sodium and do cardio twice a day you lazy-ass drug dependent mofos.

  12. #12
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer
    Oh yeah, my post above also goes to a-holes who stack 3 compounds as early as into a 2nd or 3rd cycle, which one of these compounds is Tren and the other is Winstrol so that they can ''bulk and cut'' all within the same cycle.

    You wanna bulk? Eat. You wanna cut? Decrease the carbs, lower the sodium and do cardio twice a day you lazy-ass drug dependent mofos.
    Ha ha, I missed you TJ. Secretly I think you're a Yorkshireman. Say it how you see it, say what you like and like what you bloody well say

  13. #13
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Great post, the guy is so down to earth you can't help but like him.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Before anything else, thank you for this great post Marcus!

    Dorian, is the man. He is down to earth, honest, straightforward and obviously amongst the most intelligent pro BBs history has witnessed. I believe I have seen almost every video and read every interview in which he was featured so far. There is a video of him, which is available on youtube, where he deconstructs some of infamous Dorian rumors on the internet, which include old ones as well as some recent stuff, in which he gets on a scale and says ''10lbs of my current BW is cock.'' The guy is British, and equally smart in any way that a Brit can be.

    I don't even care if he intentionally understated the dosages of his hormone use, I am a firm believer of the notion that genetics and dedication (training, diet, rest, mental focus and discipline) are the most important determinants in this game as opposed to the twisted idea that more drugs = better results. Fuk that, seriously, how retarded does one need to be in order to claim this and not realize certain obvious facts that we stare at every time we look at the pictures of BB legends of the Golden Era, where no one had access to synthetic HGH, Insulin and many other AAS varities of our day, let alone fancy supplements... How many units of HGH and Insulin did Arnold have to run in order to attain the demi-god like body with an insane chest to waist ratio as well as biceps with peaks reminiscent of Himalayas? Zero units, god damn it. Instead, he had an insane level of goal-oriented mentality, to an extent where he fled from the army-base where he was serving mandatory in order to attend a BB show, came back, was put in prison for fleeing. How many scoops of Vitargo, a.k.a. ''The best carbohydrate in the world'' did Sergio Olivia took PWO? None, he ate rice PWO, good old freakin' rice! Franco used to deadlift 3.5 times his body weight -RAW, how many juice monsters do we have on this site who weigh 220lbs and can deadlift 700lbs RAW, or not raw?

    I have more reasons to believe Dorian than not to believe him. He still had a waistline. He was a much bigger and fuller version of his so-called rival, Shawn Ray. Those who don't believe his statements about his HGH and Slin use regarding how low his doses were, should look at Ronnie Coleman and better explain why Dorian had a waistline where this wasn't the case anymore once Coleman era kicked-in.

    On a personal note, I had a PT with whom I worked together for 3 years and this dude was one of the most genetically gifted people I have ever seen. Somewhat a simpleton, but always well-intended and naive, he had his own emotional issues and couldn't really proceed in life in terms of a career, wasn't a money maker at all. He barely could afford to eat 3 chicken and rice meals a day, he was big on eggs since they are cheap, I used to buy his whey and creatine for him because he asked for way too little money for our training sessions, which I was aware of. At some point, I did a favor to him and bought him enough Test Prop that would last him for 8 weeks when injected at 100mg ED. This was all he had, along with Whey concentrate and Creatine mono, I watched him turn into a BB demi-god 5 weeks into his Test only cycle.He couldn't even train as frequently or as heavy as he would like because he had to work all the time in order to make a living and survive. At that very point in life, my eyes were wide-open and the argument for ''genetics'' was confirmed to be the ultimate truth. No HGH, no slin, no IGF-1, no orals, no Tren no Test derivatives no nothing, this dude was full, tight, vascular and strong 5 weeks into a what I would consider ''light'' cycle, unfukingbelievable. Now, would you believe your own eyes or the shit you hear from forum trolls everywhere? I choose to believe what I see, not what I hear.
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Oh yeah, my post above also goes to a-holes who stack 3 compounds as early as into a 2nd or 3rd cycle, which one of these compounds is Tren and the other is Winstrol so that they can ''bulk and cut'' all within the same cycle.

    You wanna bulk? Eat. You wanna cut? Decrease the carbs, lower the sodium and do cardio twice a day you lazy-ass drug dependent mofos.
    I agree, good post's

    I do believe DY experiment with higher dosages because I knew Paul Borreson who use to advice and help DY with his early aas use but from watching the videos I think he told what worked best for him, I also know he liked shorter cycles and this was confirmed in the videos....

  15. #15
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    this is good i hope guys realise now you dont have to be walking pharmacy to get big.
    yes yes yes!!!! This-------------^

  16. #16
    Contact's Avatar
    Contact is offline New Member
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    Out of all the vids, blood and guts is my favorite.

  17. #17
    Mrcivil's Avatar
    Mrcivil is offline Associate Member
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    Would love to know how this compares to pros now days

  18. #18
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Franco used to deadlift 3.5 times his body weight -RAW, how many juice monsters do we have on this site who weigh 220lbs and can deadlift 700lbs RAW, or not raw?
    Checking in.

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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  20. #20
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    its the one and ONly DoRIAN YATES!!!!!
    not everyone can do it like him
    alot of people use 10X what he use and wont get to half his size

  21. #21
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    Great post Marcus.

  22. #22
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Contact View Post
    Out of all the vids, blood and guts is my favorite.
    DORIAN was one of the best MR.O champs out there.

  23. #23
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Before anything else, thank you for this great post Marcus!

    Dorian, is the man. He is down to earth, honest, straightforward and obviously amongst the most intelligent pro BBs history has witnessed. I believe I have seen almost every video and read every interview in which he was featured so far. There is a video of him, which is available on youtube, where he deconstructs some of infamous Dorian rumors on the internet, which include old ones as well as some recent stuff, in which he gets on a scale and says ''10lbs of my current BW is cock.'' The guy is British, and equally smart in any way that a Brit can be.

    I don't even care if he intentionally understated the dosages of his hormone use, I am a firm believer of the notion that genetics and dedication (training, diet, rest, mental focus and discipline) are the most important determinants in this game as opposed to the twisted idea that more drugs = better results. Fuk that, seriously, how retarded does one need to be in order to claim this and not realize certain obvious facts that we stare at every time we look at the pictures of BB legends of the Golden Era, where no one had access to synthetic HGH, Insulin and many other AAS varities of our day, let alone fancy supplements... How many units of HGH and Insulin did Arnold have to run in order to attain the demi-god like body with an insane chest to waist ratio as well as biceps with peaks reminiscent of Himalayas? Zero units, god damn it. Instead, he had an insane level of goal-oriented mentality, to an extent where he fled from the army-base where he was serving mandatory in order to attend a BB show, came back, was put in prison for fleeing. How many scoops of Vitargo, a.k.a. ''The best carbohydrate in the world'' did Sergio Olivia took PWO? None, he ate rice PWO, good old freakin' rice! Franco used to deadlift 3.5 times his body weight -RAW, how many juice monsters do we have on this site who weigh 220lbs and can deadlift 700lbs RAW, or not raw?

    I have more reasons to believe Dorian than not to believe him. He still had a waistline. He was a much bigger and fuller version of his so-called rival, Shawn Ray. Those who don't believe his statements about his HGH and Slin use regarding how low his doses were, should look at Ronnie Coleman and better explain why Dorian had a waistline where this wasn't the case anymore once Coleman era kicked-in.

    On a personal note, I had a PT with whom I worked together for 3 years and this dude was one of the most genetically gifted people I have ever seen. Somewhat a simpleton, but always well-intended and naive, he had his own emotional issues and couldn't really proceed in life in terms of a career, wasn't a money maker at all. He barely could afford to eat 3 chicken and rice meals a day, he was big on eggs since they are cheap, I used to buy his whey and creatine for him because he asked for way too little money for our training sessions, which I was aware of. At some point, I did a favor to him and bought him enough Test Prop that would last him for 8 weeks when injected at 100mg ED. This was all he had, along with Whey concentrate and Creatine mono, I watched him turn into a BB demi-god 5 weeks into his Test only cycle.He couldn't even train as frequently or as heavy as he would like because he had to work all the time in order to make a living and survive. At that very point in life, my eyes were wide-open and the argument for ''genetics'' was confirmed to be the ultimate truth. No HGH, no slin, no IGF-1, no orals, no Tren no Test derivatives no nothing, this dude was full, tight, vascular and strong 5 weeks into a what I would consider ''light'' cycle, unfukingbelievable. Now, would you believe your own eyes or the shit you hear from forum trolls everywhere? I choose to believe what I see, not what I hear.
    Bump! Amazing post, and from Marcus as well. I need yall to mentor me during my next cycle. I really do. This is amazing!

  24. #24
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Oh yeah, my post above also goes to a-holes who stack 3 compounds as early as into a 2nd or 3rd cycle, which one of these compounds is Tren and the other is Winstrol so that they can ''bulk and cut'' all within the same cycle.

    You wanna bulk? Eat. You wanna cut? Decrease the carbs, lower the sodium and do cardio twice a day you lazy-ass drug dependent mofos.
    Crude but well said i applaud you sir.

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