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  1. #1
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    advice on my tren e and test e cycle?

    my age 24
    height 1.71m=5.6 foot
    weight 83kg= 183 pounds
    18% bodyfat
    goal: 12%
    2nd cycle ( last cycle was years ago, dumb,young, no clue)
    Diet- defecit 500cal, high protein, moderate carbs, low fat.

    weight training 4 days a week:
    Mon: chest and calves
    tues: legs and bicep
    Wednsday:some walking
    thursday: shoulders and abs
    Friday:back and tricep
    saturday: some walking

    week 1-10 tren e 300mg ( 2 shots of 150mg in the butt, monday and thursday)
    week 1-12 test e 600mg ( 2 shots of 300mg in the butt, monday and thursday)
    using one one needle a time so only 2 pins a week
    week 1-12 10mg aromasin everyday
    week 13 1 shots of pregnyl every 2 days ( for ball size)
    week 14-18 aromasin 25mg/25/12.5/12.5
    week 14-18 clomid 50mg/50/50/50

    Starting today. Have Researched for about 3 months so I'm aware of sides. i'm going to do it, bought the stuff but just want your guys opinion, maybe cycle needs to be tweaked or maybe i'm missing something? I know i dont know everything so any help will be great.
    All comments are highly appreciated! thanks
    Last edited by Kisho; 02-04-2013 at 01:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Brick's Avatar
    Brick is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho
    my age 24
    height 1.71m=5.6 foot
    weight 83kg= 183 pounds
    18% bodyfat
    goal: 12%
    2nd cycle ( last cycle was years ago, dumb,young, no clue)
    Diet- defecit 500cal, high protein, moderate carbs, low fat.

    weight training 4 days a week:
    Mon: chest and calves
    tues: legs and bicep
    Wednsday:some walking
    thursday: shoulders and abs
    Friday:back and tricep
    saturday: some walking

    week 1-10 tren e 300mg ( 2 shots of 150mg in the butt, monday and thursday)
    week 1-12 test e 600mg ( 2 shots of 300mg in the butt, monday and thursday)
    using one one needle a time so only 2 pins a week
    week 1-12 10mg aromasin everyday
    week 13 1 shots of pregnyl every 2 days ( for ball size)
    week 14-18 aromasin 25mg/25/12.5/12.5
    week 14-18 clomid 50mg/50/50/50

    Starting today. Have Researched for about 3 months so I'm aware of sides. i'm going to do it, bought the stuff but just want your guys opinion, maybe cycle needs to be tweaked or maybe i'm missing something? I know i dont know everything so any help will be great.
    All comments are highly appreciated! thanks
    1) 18% bf is just screaming for bad sides. It is my view, and most of this community, that bf should be low when cycling. 12% or lower and you will actually notice the best results.

    2) goal 12%: this is totally doable through diet alone! There is more then one way to get lean. Look at 405. Guys a beast and he didn't run stupid cycles to get there.

    3) speakin of stupid cycles. Man yours sucks. 300mg a week of Tren 'in the butt' and 600mg test? What are you hoping to accomplish here? If you want to run Tren run it at 150-250 (remember its 5x as strong as test!) and test at HRT levels.

    4) dumb, young no clue - I think this still describes you

    5) clomid should be 100/50/50/50

    6) wheres your am fasted cardio? Works wonders

    7) didn't mean to sound rude but you have a lot to learn before you jump into Tren. It's not to be abused and misused. Post your diet up and critique from there. Diet is key

    8) lots of members are going to say wait until your 25 as well

  3. #3
    masso is offline Associate Member
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    Tren really suppressed my appetite. Good luck with it bro, just remember Tren is pretty hardcore.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    No need for tren on your 2nd cycle, your trying to run before your even crawling.

  5. #5
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    ok agreed guys maybe i am being a bit fast forward. I dont care if guys are rude as long as it comes with good advice. I'm 25 in 2 months. I bought the stuff and am going to use it, so please stop saying no need for tren , i've read it a million times. so how about 150mg tren and 300mg test a week, so basically 1 shot a week. Thanks for replying guys, u've already helped alot.

  6. #6
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    oh and will def include am cardio!

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    ok agreed guys maybe i am being a bit fast forward. I dont care if guys are rude as long as it comes with good advice. I'm 25 in 2 months. I bought the stuff and am going to use it, so please stop saying no need for tren, i've read it a million times. so how about 150mg tren and 300mg test a week, so basically 1 shot a week. Thanks for replying guys, u've already helped alot.
    No need for tren on your 2 nd cycle, its for advanced users only. You havent even started cycling properly yet so no need for tren.

  8. #8
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    Morning: protein shake
    mid morning: 6 provita, 2 boiled eggs,2 slices cold meat tomatoe, gerkins, cucumber
    lunch:tuna salad and 1 cup cooked brown rice
    post gym snack 30g whey and 30g high gi carbs
    supper: chicken stirfry, 1/3 cup pumpkin, 1/3 cup peas

  9. #9
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    so can i take test to cut? 300mg twice a week? or once a week?

  10. #10
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    So please advice what would a good cycle for me. please dont say nothing. I'm going to take steroids , what would be a good cycle?

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    so can i take test to cut? 300mg twice a week? or once a week?
    I wouldnt use any steroids yet at 18%, what I would do is start cutting naturally and slowly reduce your bf by diet and cardio, once you come to a sticking point I would adjust your diet and cardio again and reduce somemore then when you hit another sticking consider taking something.

  12. #12
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    No need for Tren .

  13. #13
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    i know u guys are right. i bought the stuff already, whats the best way i can use it? I'm going to use regardless if you guys say dont. I just need help on how to use it please!!

  14. #14
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    On a serious note, I don't think you're mature enough to use AAS. Your attitude is cavalier and almost whimsical. And for many of us here, that spells disaster.

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    i know u guys are right. i bought the stuff already, whats the best way i can use it? I'm going to use regardless if you guys say dont. I just need help on how to use it please!!
    Thats amazing!! you come for asdice because you dont know what your doing and you totally disregard the advice. You might aswell not ask the question in the first place...

  16. #16
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    Guys i know taking steroids is very serious, I 've decided to keep the stuff and try to cut naturally. will evaluate again when bodyfat is 14% or lower. thanks guys

  17. #17
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    By the way brick your post was most informative, thanks

  18. #18
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    i know u guys are right. i bought the stuff already, whats the best way i can use it? I'm going to use regardless if you guys say dont. I just need help on how to use it please!!
    Use it by finding a nice dark cool (not cold) area to store it for another year or two. It will keep just fine and you can use it when you are really ready and will get a lot more out of it.

    Stick around and learn how to do things the right way. Learn how to train properly and how to eat properly. Ive been here 5 years and I'm still learning every day especially about diet/nutrition.

  19. #19
    champ14's Avatar
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    Who does brick think he is calling u you and dumb. Anyways ignore what he said. If your mind is set on doing tren then I think the best thing to do is guide u through it safey. My first cycle was test and tren ad I loved it. I did get the sides but it was nothing I couldn't handle. U can either take test just for normal body function maybe 150-200 mg and let the tren do the work or take more test like 500 gotta see which works better for you. Personally I've tried both and I get better results with higher test. As far as the tren usually 300-400 is good for me. I would throw in HCG 250 iu's twice a week and have caber at around .5 twice a week is good for me or at least have it on hand for prolactin issues. Be prepared for night sweats, higher body temperate, and aggression. Just be mature and responsible. I don't think u should take tren your first go around but if u are do it right!!!

  20. #20
    cj111's Avatar
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    4) dumb, young no clue - I think this still describes you
    People come here for help, not to be put down. Seriously, does calling him "dumb" do anything towards educating someone or pointing them in the right direction? No, it would deter someone. Use your head before you put someone down, the only dumb question is the one that isn't asked.If anything, that statement might describe you brick.

  21. #21
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by champ14
    Who does brick think he is calling u you and dumb. Anyways ignore what he said. If your mind is set on doing tren then I think the best thing to do is guide u through it safey. My first cycle was test and tren ad I loved it. I did get the sides but it was nothing I couldn't handle. U can either take test just for normal body function maybe 150-200 mg and let the tren do the work or take more test like 500 gotta see which works better for you. Personally I've tried both and I get better results with higher test. As far as the tren usually 300-400 is good for me. I would throw in HCG 250 iu's twice a week and have caber at around .5 twice a week is good for me or at least have it on hand for prolactin issues. Be prepared for night sweats, higher body temperate, and aggression. Just be mature and responsible. I don't think u should take tren your first go around but if u are do it right!!!
    So every vet who has posted agrees for op not to run tren and you disagree because you ran it on your first cycle thank you for your input but you are wrong and there are many things wrong with the proposed cycle you don't even see.

  22. #22
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by champ14 View Post
    Who does brick think he is calling u you and dumb. Anyways ignore what he said. If your mind is set on doing tren then I think the best thing to do is guide u through it safey. My first cycle was test and tren ad I loved it. I did get the sides but it was nothing I couldn't handle. U can either take test just for normal body function maybe 150-200 mg and let the tren do the work or take more test like 500 gotta see which works better for you. Personally I've tried both and I get better results with higher test. As far as the tren usually 300-400 is good for me. I would throw in HCG 250 iu's twice a week and have caber at around .5 twice a week is good for me or at least have it on hand for prolactin issues. Be prepared for night sweats, higher body temperate, and aggression. Just be mature and responsible. I don't think u should take tren your first go around but if u are do it right!!!
    No offense champ, but this is horrid advice. OP please disregard.

  23. #23
    champ14's Avatar
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    Did u read what I wrote. I said he should not run tren for his first cycle. Why is this horrid advice??

  24. #24
    austinite's Avatar
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    You're wishy washy about it. you say dont but let me show you how... You either advise it or you don't. Make up your mind.

  25. #25
    champ14's Avatar
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    This guy is gonna take tren . That's done. So of hes gonna do it shouldn't we advice him how??

  26. #26
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Run it, no one will stop you. It's just wasteful, no need for Tren really.

    But, if you must - go for it. Run low doses, I would be running ace not enan. If something goes wrong Tren enan will stick in your system unlike ace.

    Good luck man, you'll be aight.

  27. #27
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho
    Morning: protein shake
    mid morning: 6 provita, 2 boiled eggs,2 slices cold meat tomatoe, gerkins, cucumber
    lunch:tuna salad and 1 cup cooked brown rice
    post gym snack 30g whey and 30g high gi carbs
    supper: chicken stirfry, 1/3 cup pumpkin, 1/3 cup peas
    This looks pretty weak to me.

    What are the calories and macro's.

    And as far as 'some walking' goes, ditch that plan and burn some calories instead. HIIT and normal interval training are your friend at 18% bf.

    And I'd suggest you ditch your post WO 'fast carbs' an switch them for a more complex form.

  28. #28
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    There seems to be a higher carb to protein ratio that's for sure

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by champ14 View Post
    This guy is gonna take tren. That's done. So of hes gonna do it shouldn't we advice him how??
    Since you are going to eventually hang yourself anyways let me show you the proper way to tie a hangman's noose.
    Get the point, if you dont your stay may be short lived.

  30. #30
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by champ14 View Post
    This guy is gonna take tren. That's done. So of hes gonna do it shouldn't we advice him how??
    Champ, did you miss the part where Kisho decided AGAINST using AAS until later and will re-evaluate at that time? If so, here it is again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    Guys i know taking steroids is very serious, I 've decided to keep the stuff and try to cut naturally. will evaluate again when bodyfat is 14% or lower. thanks guys

    Kisho, good call man. Im glad you made a mature decision to abort your decision and wait until you have further educated yourself. This is the best comment in this thread imho.

    Please stick around and continue reading and gaining knowledge - you'll be glad you did.

  31. #31
    Papa-pwn is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by champ14 View Post
    This guy is gonna take tren. That's done. So of hes gonna do it shouldn't we advice him how??
    Spot on man.

    If someone is dead set on running a cycle, they're gonna do it whether they get advice or not. These people think they're doing people a service when all they say is "no don't do it", they think they're some sort of white knight saving someone from making a critical health mistake. When in reality they're just screwing over said person, because even if it's true and that guy shouldn't run whatever they advise against, he probably still will run it. And without solid advice he's gonna run it poorly and **** himself up, and it will be blood on the hands of those who choose to take mightier than thou attitudes who try to tell grown men what to do, instead of helping them do what they have decided to do.

    I understand some people shouldn't take certain AAS yet, or at all, that's fine. Say your peace, tell them you advise against it and why, and then if they choose to accept the risks, who are we to say "nah, not gonna help you just cause You're a grown man who is doing shit with his life that I disagree with."? No. If one is still going to go through with it against the risks, we as people should be implored to help minimize the risks, not try to dictate another grown ass man and what he put in his ass cheek.

  32. #32
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn View Post
    Spot on man.

    If someone is dead set on running a cycle, they're gonna do it whether they get advice or not. These people think they're doing people a service when all they say is "no don't do it", they think they're some sort of white knight saving someone from making a critical health mistake. When in reality they're just screwing over said person, because even if it's true and that guy shouldn't run whatever they advise against, he probably still will run it. And without solid advice he's gonna run it poorly and **** himself up, and it will be blood on the hands of those who choose to take mightier than thou attitudes who try to tell grown men what to do, instead of helping them do what they have decided to do.

    I understand some people shouldn't take certain AAS yet, or at all, that's fine. Say your peace, tell them you advise against it and why, and then if they choose to accept the risks, who are we to say "nah, not gonna help you just cause You're a grown man who is doing shit with his life that I disagree with."? No. If one is still going to go through with it against the risks, we as people should be implored to help minimize the risks, not try to dictate another grown ass man and what he put in his ass cheek.
    Jesus H Christ. Do you think you just wrote a revelation? We're completely aware of this. But as you can plainly see, with a little persuasion the OP changed his mind! Hello? Mcfly??

    Thanks for the recap though.

  33. #33
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn

    Spot on man.

    If someone is dead set on running a cycle, they're gonna do it whether they get advice or not. These people think they're doing people a service when all they say is "no don't do it", they think they're some sort of white knight saving someone from making a critical health mistake. When in reality they're just screwing over said person, because even if it's true and that guy shouldn't run whatever they advise against, he probably still will run it. And without solid advice he's gonna run it poorly and **** himself up, and it will be blood on the hands of those who choose to take mightier than thou attitudes who try to tell grown men what to do, instead of helping them do what they have decided to do.

    I understand some people shouldn't take certain AAS yet, or at all, that's fine. Say your peace, tell them you advise against it and why, and then if they choose to accept the risks, who are we to say "nah, not gonna help you just cause You're a grown man who is doing shit with his life that I disagree with."? No. If one is still going to go through with it against the risks, we as people should be implored to help minimize the risks, not try to dictate another grown ass man and what he put in his ass cheek.
    So if someone wants to commit suicide, instead of discouraging them we should:
    - pull the trigger
    - tie the noose
    - pull the blade across their wrists
    - open the pill bottle and hand them the drugs

    Just because they want to do something stupid doesn't mean we have to endorse it.

    I'm not implored to help the stupid commit stupid acts.

  34. #34
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn

    Spot on man.

    If someone is dead set on running a cycle, they're gonna do it whether they get advice or not. These people think they're doing people a service when all they say is "no don't do it", they think they're some sort of white knight saving someone from making a critical health mistake. When in reality they're just screwing over said person, because even if it's true and that guy shouldn't run whatever they advise against, he probably still will run it. And without solid advice he's gonna run it poorly and **** himself up, and it will be blood on the hands of those who choose to take mightier than thou attitudes who try to tell grown men what to do, instead of helping them do what they have decided to do.

    I understand some people shouldn't take certain AAS yet, or at all, that's fine. Say your peace, tell them you advise against it and why, and then if they choose to accept the risks, who are we to say "nah, not gonna help you just cause You're a grown man who is doing shit with his life that I disagree with."? No. If one is still going to go through with it against the risks, we as people should be implored to help minimize the risks, not try to dictate another grown ass man and what he put in his ass cheek.

    That's one of the worst comments I've read. The whole purpose if this forum is so the uneducated and inexperienced can get good solid advise from guys who have been through the pitfalls if using AAS.

    Why are people becoming more incensed at getting good advise? It's because it's not the advice they want to hear.

    To Champ and Papa your the ones who are given bad advice by saying he should be messing with tren in the first place. The OP has only done one cycle so has much more room to grow and cut using nothing but good old test.

    It seems the OP came on fir good advice, got it and was mature enough to take it yet you guys want to change it back!!!!

    Bad call IMHO

  35. #35
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    Wow, didnt mean to start a commotion. I think its a bit extreme comparing giving someone advice on how to take tren and giving someone advice on how to commit suicide, a bit dramatic. I think its best to offer advice and not force your opinion on someone. I totally agree with giving your opinion first '' dont do it'' but then also providing information for the person so if the person chooses to do the opposite that he does not end up hurting himself. This forum really was unhelpful. I asked you guys to provide me with advice and information so i can make my own informed decision and didnt expect to receive rude, arrogant answers and nor did i expect to be told what to do. I just told you guys what you wanted to hear, didnt have time to go back and forth the whole day. The reason i'm telling you guys this, is so that in the future you guys be helpful to guys like me. At the end of the day, i realise you guys were just trying to help.
    ps took my first shot yesterday
    Last edited by Kisho; 02-05-2013 at 07:18 AM.

  36. #36
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    stem thanks for the advice on the diet, ya it is weak. Sorting it out with nutritionist, they basically make the food for me to eat monday to friday. Macros will be
    220g protein 180 carbs 60g fat 2140calories.
    Last edited by Kisho; 02-05-2013 at 07:28 AM.

  37. #37
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    Wow, didnt mean to start a commotion. I think its a bit extreme comparing giving someone advice on how to take tren and giving someone advice on how to commit suicide, a bit dramatic. I think its best to offer advice and not force your opinion on someone. I totally agree with giving your opinion first '' dont do it'' but then also providing information for the person so if the person chooses to do the opposite that he does not end up hurting himself. This forum really was unhelpful. I asked you guys to provide me with advice and information so i can make my own informed decision and didnt expect to receive rude, arrogant answers and nor did i expect to be told what to do. I just told you guys what you wanted to hear, didnt have time to go back and forth the whole day. The reason i'm telling you guys this, is so that in the future you guys be helpful to guys like me. At the end of the day, i realise you guys were just trying to help.
    Yes a but but we get guys like him who come here and hand out bad advise or give advise to people who are not really ready for it with no regard to their health. This board is different than most and we really do try to take into consideration if someone is ready physically and mentally as well as making sure you are well away of not only immediate side effects but future health risks.

    When someone decided to go against how we like to do things here we make it very obvious and if they dont like it they wont be around for long. We are not a source board and do not have any sponsors per say, no UGL, only ar-r that sells legit research chemicals and the steroid alternative banner at the top.

    To help you we need to know a lot of information otherwise we can only assume and it will be based of past experiences with other newbies which is typically not very good and we know 90% arent ready to cycle.

  38. #38
    austinite's Avatar
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    I think extreme examples come in use when someone simply doesnt listen. Either way, Lovbyts put it nicely above, so we should start a thread about lovbyts!

  39. #39
    Kisho is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yes a but but we get guys like him who come here and hand out bad advise or give advise to people who are not really ready for it with no regard to their health. This board is different than most and we really do try to take into consideration if someone is ready physically and mentally as well as making sure you are well away of not only immediate side effects but future health risks.

    When someone decided to go against how we like to do things here we make it very obvious and if they dont like it they wont be around for long. We are not a source board and do not have any sponsors per say, no UGL, only ar-r that sells legit research chemicals and the steroid alternative banner at the top.

    To help you we need to know a lot of information otherwise we can only assume and it will be based of past experiences with other newbies which is typically not very good and we know 90% arent ready to cycle.
    I understand your point of view. U obviously know alot, and i respect that. really wish could of got advice from you for the cycle. i will learn the hard way if thats fine by you. I'm not going anywhere, gonna use this thread to document sides and hopefully progress.

  40. #40
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Personally I'm glad I listened and followed the advice given here long time ago and stuck with a test only my first couple times and I'm sure I will do test only in the future. No need to try to get your learners permit in a Ferrari.

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