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  1. #1
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Please urgent how to spot underdosed tren

    I started cycle with 250 susta E3D and 50ED Prochem tren A.
    Aromasin and caber in check
    So the thing is, I got more or less all the sides of tren and at the end of week 3 I seemed to be forced to lower the dose, because it was getting very harsh.
    The coincidence was that at the end of week 3, I ended prochem tren 2013 batch, and started 2015 batch.
    I started to feel better, sides were going away, and 3-4 days after, night sweats ended, I woke up dry.
    Yesterday I got paranoid, and shoot 50mg that were left in the old 2013 batch, suddenly, I sweated a little bit more tonight. I think I have one shot left of the 2013 batch, il get it today, and see if its only a coincidence, or nightsweats depends of batch.
    I'm still getting stronger, but I'm about to start week 4 today, so maybe susta is helping for the strenght.
    don't know if its all paranoia, I freakin scared thats its very underdosed, and I'll throw my cycle away, and it will result in a test only cycle...
    Please, someone tell me how to check dosage, and if its underdosed, if I could raise the dose, until reach the right point.
    The only difference I can see between the 2 batches is the PIP, 2013 gives a slight soreness after pin, 2015 gives no PIP at all.
    Is there a rule of a minimum BA content of tren ace for solvent??
    or could it be a simple improvement by prochem???
    shaking 2015 batch, makes a little bit of foam after shaking but colour seems to be the same.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I think your worrying too much! I typically don't get tren sides straight through. They come and go mainly.

    Are you back up to your original dose with the newer gear?

  3. #3
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I think your worrying too much! I typically don't get tren sides straight through. They come and go mainly.

    Are you back up to your original dose with the newer gear?
    Yeah, actually I never lowered the dose, because I started 2015 batch str8 after I was considering lower the dose. I was feeling better so hold it on 50mg ed. I'm considering now to bump up to 75mg ed.
    the main problem is I'm in 4th week and susta is kickin in, so I really don't have any real reference.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I would say...hold where you are and moniter...even if it's dosed low...we are talking Tren so high dosages simply are not neccessary!

    Like I said...the body can regulate sides and mine are nearly non existant under 400mg. Worst case scenario is that it is entirely which case, why inject more oil for nothing!

  5. #5
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    ok, my biggest worry is that's enanthate instead of acetate. I like to have range to play with dose, if it gets too harsh, I can come down easily, like past week.
    But there's no interest from UGL to put enanthate, due its more expensive.
    I'll check out tonight if with the rest of 2013 batch, night sweats come back, if yes, i'll up the dose of the 2015

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You dont judge a compound by its sides.So raising the dose isnt a smart thing.

  7. #7
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    but sondog, if you are on tren , you change batch, and suddenly you stop sweating, what would you think?
    I mean tren is tren, nightsweats are an effect, muscle building vascularity and strenght are another effect, and tren rage is another effect.
    if one effect is suddenly missing, i think there's something failing, don't you think??
    Another problem is, we obviously don't take tren to have side effects, but to have the positive effects.
    The point is, we don't take tren alone, so due every compound does more or less the same positive effect, we can't assure that something works or something is failing by watching our goals.
    For me, the only way to discover for example tren working in my body, are the typical sides.

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