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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Don't run hcg during pct run it before you start.

    I'd run nolva/clomid or nolva/tore.

    100mg. But I've tried recovering with pct meds and can't, run your pct.

  2. #42
    Time1 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    was looking at this thread here

    So before i start PCT. Ill do a few blasts of HCG How much HCG?

    theres a power pct on google that uses 2500ui eod. Some people say 1000ui eod is enough for 10 days. Which is much easier on the wallet to

    How much HCG before PCT? btw i havent used it at all and ive been blasting and cruising for some time now

  3. #43
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Yeast can be very mind altering. You feel like your drunk when your not becuase the yeast overgrowth ferments the carbs and actually makes alcohal so in fact you ARE drunk. You need to low carb it if thats the case....NO SUGAR ever at all. Coconut oil can help with yeast overgrowth.
    Also check your SHBG if you havent already. DHEA and pregnenolone should also be checked as even trt doses can lower these two very important NEURO-steroids 10 weeks of a VERY HPTA suppressing roid (tren ) could do the same. Also, RBCs and hemotacrit, ck that as well. Maybe your blood levels are too high, blood too thick.

  4. #44
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    Yeast can be very mind altering. You feel like your drunk when your not becuase the yeast overgrowth ferments the carbs and actually makes alcohal so in fact you ARE drunk. You need to low carb it if thats the case....NO SUGAR ever at all. Coconut oil can help with yeast overgrowth.
    Also check your SHBG if you havent already. DHEA and pregnenolone should also be checked as even trt doses can lower these two very important 10 weeks of a VERY HPTA suppressing roid (tren) could do the same. Also, RBCs and hemotacrit, ck that as well. Maybe your blood levels are too high, blood too thick.
    OK i will make sure to have all this tested! Cheesr mate

    possibly have canditid which is what im leaning towards.

    Does anyone else think this could be e2 related. Woke up today still feeling crappy/dont wanna do anything but sit on the PC. Dont feel good lol

  5. #45
    chickenstirfry is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2012
    Dude honestly if you really don't wanna come off, then at least:

    - Go give blood right away.
    - Lower your Test dose down to 50-60mg twice per week injected sub-Q.
    - Get your e2 under control. No-one can say for sure if it's high or low unless you get bloods. To me it sound like it could be a little high.
    - Many people are relieved from a 'burnt-out' feeling when they add HCG at small frequent doses.
    - Some people claim to feel healthier on Aromasin . I doubt this will make a huge difference though.

    Bottom line lower your dose or come off... let your body find balance.

  6. #46
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by chickenstirfry View Post
    Dude honestly if you really don't wanna come off, then at least:

    - Go give blood right away.
    - Lower your Test dose down to 50-60mg twice per week injected sub-Q.
    - Get your e2 under control. No-one can say for sure if it's high or low unless you get bloods. To me it sound like it could be a little high.
    - Many people are relieved from a 'burnt-out' feeling when they add HCG at small frequent doses.
    - Some people claim to feel healthier on Aromasin . I doubt this will make a huge difference though.

    Bottom line lower your dose or come off... let your body find balance.
    First time this morning waking up feeling better for once. Placebo effect. I think so lol.

    How much HCG a week?

    Does ar-r sell aromisian? What do they call it on there site?

    Any difference to injecting test subq as opposed to IM?

    Yeah was contemplating coming off but my source is waiting for some pct stock to come in which may be a few days.

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