Hey guys so this is going to be my second cycle and trying to figure out what would be better for me to run between deca and EQ. Im looking to bulk and put on as much mass as possible. For my cycle I was thinking

1-12w Test cyp 500mg EW 250mg e4d
1-12w Deca 400mg EW 200mg e4d
1-6w Dbol 50mg Ed
6-14w var 100mg Ed

I'm 24, 185lbs, 13%bf and been lifting for about 6 years consistently. I recently ran a tbol only cycle at 75mg Ed for 8 weeks and gained about 20pounds. But I've been told countless times if I added a test I could have seen alot more in gains so this time I'm going for it.

Now. Alot of people are telling me deca is the way to go for mass. And others are saying EQ is better just for the simple reason you get to keep more of the gains you make from it. My questions are. How much would I be expected to gain off the cycle I've listed and how much would I loose afterwords. Would it be more beneficial for me to run the EQ instead and not put on as much as much size and keep more. I'm kind of at a lose between the two. Please help. Like I said I'm looking to bulk big. But I'd also like to keep as much as I've gained as possible. Please give feed back and opinions any help as well as suggestions will be much appreciated just looking to gain information. Thanks alot.