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Thread: RE: the cream

  1. #41
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    ok, whatever. Only insecure people feel the need to only point out negatives, and hold on to wrong assumptions.

  2. #42
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    Thanks, I'll try that. I guess wrong first impression are a true bitch to live with. There are a couple who are being decent, and see the truth.

  3. #43
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Your biceps are question. Hell I'm 240 lbs and they are as big as mine.

    What about the rest? Glutes, Hams, Abs, Back, calves.

    I am hella muscular and pretty damn strong...but I consider myself fat because I am 22% and I have fat around my mid section.

    It comes down to how YOU want to look. You dont have to be cookiw cutter version of what others expect...but, dont lie to your self either (not saying you are so chill).

  4. #44
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    Thanks, Lunk1. Calves are 18.5" and hard, bulging even when I walk. My thighs/ham/quads are 26", mostly muscle, could loose a little fat. Abs need work, not a lot of fat, but really needs work to show my abs, I have strong developed abs covered up from the way I ate to do powerlifting. I am fine with thick muscle, the way mine is, cause I know fat doesn't expand an inch when flexed. I want bigger muscle and increased strength. What I do everyday in life, and in the gym, most of these people would be whining about doing. my back has good separation on each side of the spine.I max out all my gym's back machines for quite a bit of reps no real effort. I max lout all our leg machines, 20 reps or more, inlcluding the hack and leg sled. again, no real effort,I need a better gym, or something.

  5. #45
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    Thanks, Lunk1. Calves are 18.5" and hard, bulging even when I walk. My thighs/ham/quads are 26", mostly muscle, could loose a little fat. Abs need work, not a lot of fat, but really needs work to show my abs, I have strong developed abs covered up from the way I ate to do powerlifting. I am fine with thick muscle, the way mine is, cause I know fat doesn't expand an inch when flexed. I want bigger muscle and increased strength. What I do everyday in life, and in the gym, most of these people would be whining about doing. my back has good separation on each side of the spine.I max out all my gym's back machines for quite a bit of reps no real effort. I max lout all our leg machines, 20 reps or more, inlcluding the hack and leg sled. again, no real effort,I need a better gym, or something.
    Are you planning to compete??

    There is no doubt a difference between ppl wanting to look like a BB and ppl concerned with raw strength. While not impossible you will rarely see a cut power lifter.

    It's up to you to decide how YOU want to look and what YOU want to acomplish.

  6. #46
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I know. I was thinking of a completion years from now, with that goal in mind. I keep telling them I'm not fat in terms of unhealthy And I always have done a lot of cardio.I don't even drive or own a car, I walk everywhere, so when I'm done with my 45 min on the stairmaster, I have 7 mile walk home, where they'd hop in their car. This is all a complete opposite from my normal diet and routine. I never claimed to be cut or anything near it. I claimed a lot of muscle, which I have, with a small amount of fat on it. But as you can see, most everyone on here sees no definition,, assumes all fat. I sure as hell wish I could show a video of me flexing. That would clear all this bs up.
    Last edited by MUSCLENUTANT; 04-25-2013 at 11:20 PM.

  7. #47
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    I know. I was thinking of a completion years from now, with that goal in mind. I keep telling them I'm not fat in terms of unhealthy And I always have done a lot of cardio.I don't even drive or own a car, I walk everywhere, so when I'm done with my 45 min on the stairmaster, I have 7 mile walk home, where they'd hop in their car. This is all a complete opposite from my normal diet and routine. I never claimed to be cut or anything near it. I claimed a lot of muscle, which I have, with a small amount of fat on it. But as you can see, most everyone on here sees no definition,, assumes all fat. I sure as hell wish I could show a video of me flexing. That would clear all this bs up.
    I think it coming down to definition (I mean the type in a dictionary). When you talk about being defined I think you seeing all this massive musle...when the typical BB on a site like this talks of being define he is talking about low percentage BF.

    I can tell from your pics you have a high BF percentage. Am I saying your fat? NO! Am I saying you dont have tons of muscle? NO!
    I'msimply saying your carrying a high percentage of fat along with a ton of muscle...I feel ya. I'm in the same boat!

    If you want to LOOK shredded then you have to adjust the diet...plain and simple.
    If you want to keep gaining size then you will gain more other way around it!
    Again...goals are up to you...we are here to help with whatever you choose!

  8. #48
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I know exactly what you're explaining, I'm doing the clean eating. Those pics do not show where I'm currently at, my flexing video would clear all this up, and people would eat their friggin words. I'm getting told I'm all fat, that all I work is biceps, and that they're all fat as well.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    I know exactly what you're explaining, I'm doing the clean eating. Those pics do not show where I'm currently at, my flexing video would clear all this up, and people would eat their friggin words.
    Nobody is here to "eat there own words". Everyone is here with the best intentions and want to help...believe it or not.

  10. #50
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    Not everyone hun. Some of the stuff said is highly insulting, and only meant to be mean.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    Not everyone hun. Some of the stuff said is highly insulting, and only meant to be mean.
    Lots of personalities and sometimes they clash but believe me...i spend a TON of time here. They ALL have the best intentions even if it falls of track sometimes. This site eats those with shyty attitudes alive. Seen it over and over.

    Give em a chance and sometimes give em a's like volunteer work

  12. #52
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    When they go as far as to say if someone stuck a pin in the back of my hand, my forearm or bicep, it would pop. If they saw the damn video, they wouldn't think the same.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    When they go as far as to say if someone stuck a pin in the back of my hand, my forearm or bicep, it would pop. If they saw the damn video, they wouldn't think the same.
    You will learn who to ignore and who to listen to. I can tell you...Baseline means well so cut him some slack

  14. #54
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    Take it easy When I came here I too wanted things to speed up butas you can see people are just trying to help. They actually care and they have actually tried aas. Test is no joke its powerful and it has many side effects. Honestly I havent tried aas yet and will not for a while until I have my nutriton and plan better. That doesnt mean I just dont want to try it at all now, AS a matter of fact its a good thing told me to research more because now I see the harm I would have put into my body with less results. You have to have your macros together and al;so have a good pct in hand. LEt them help you they arent being Jerk they are actually trying to help you so you wont hurt your self .

  15. #55
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    Welcome. Post the video and let them all see they are wrong then. Pretty simple.
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  16. #56
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I'm not referring to baseline. This is going on in all my threads.

  17. #57
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I tried a few times, it kept telling me I had to have 25 posts. Not sure if I have enough now.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    I tried a few times, it kept telling me I had to have 25 posts. Not sure if I have enough now.
    You have 89 posts...

  19. #59
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    No, stuff has been said that is highly insulting with the intention to be mean and hurtful.

  20. #60
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I didn't have enough last time I tried, I'll get the url, and put it in

  21. #61
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    I didn't have enough last time I tried, I'll get the url, and put it in
    I just went to your diet thread and saw the full body pick you posted.You stated that was an old pic and you look different now. Can you elaborate. Please dont take this wrong but in THAT pic you are carrying alot of fat from the chest down. Having big ass biceps doesnt make me less fat. I have over 18" arms butI wear a 38" waist. I should wear a 34 IMO. I am 6' 240 and 22%

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT
    When they go as far as to say if someone stuck a pin in the back of my hand, my forearm or bicep, it would pop. If they saw the damn video, they wouldn't think the same. could always just post up the video...or upload it somewhere, like YouTube, and post up a link.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I just went to your diet thread and saw the full body pick you posted.You stated that was an old pic and you look different now. Can you elaborate. Please dont take this wrong but in THAT pic you are carrying alot of fat from the chest down. Having big ass biceps doesnt make me less fat. I have over 18" arms butI wear a 38" waist. I should wear a 34 IMO. I am 6' 240 and 22%
    Lunk I am stuck at 17 and half arms for like a year now I want 19s!!! hehe My waist is 32 it is ok I guess. Are you really a size 38?

  24. #64
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  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehor View Post
    Lunk I am stuck at 17 and half arms for like a year now I want 19s!!! hehe My waist is 32 it is ok I guess. Are you really a size 38?
    36-38..depends but I would love a 32. I'm pretty wide all the way around

  26. #66
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I hear ya, I never said I had low body fat, I was honest with what mine is. I have had a lot of fast fat loss too fast for shit to go back from what id was stretched, no thyroid really fks it all up too. my stomach and hips, the worst.

  27. #67
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    [QUOTE=Lunk1;6513686]36-38..depends but I would love a 32. I'm pretty wide all the way around[/QU
    I was a 30 waist for like the longest ever. Its going to be funny but my motivation to workout was a wrestler lol.

  28. #68
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    That video was really very useless if you are looking for help. It was good for a laugh but nothing else. Sorry
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  29. #69
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    Its obvious you have big biceps and are very proud of them...but you lack everywhere else and you know it...thats why all of your pics and videos are of your biceps.

    Time to "man up" and face the truth her girl...

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by capetown View Post
    That video was really very useless if you are looking for help. It was good for a laugh but nothing else. Sorry

  31. #71
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    what the fk ever, and you were all so great your first year? you are all a bunch of pompus jerks who forget what it was like when you started.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    what the fk ever, and you were all so great your first year? you are all a bunch of pompus jerks who forget what it was like when you started.
    Thats not the case at all...
    I have been fighting my weight for years. I was thin as a kid but after I left the military I got lazy and complacient. I got up to a very fat 280 at one point. I have managed to get down to a more muscualar (but still fat) 235ish.

    There are TONS of success stories on here girl. Just don't be afraid of the critisism. It's not meant to hurt..only to help.

  33. #73
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    ok, right, I don't lack everywhere else, I'm sick of showing stuff to people who can't be honest or decent enough not to add insults and ignorant judgements to the feedback. I would show other stuff, but wtf for no matter what I say, you have it stuck in your small brains that I'm just about my biceps. and that I don't do this and don't do that. funny when you achieve so called greatness, that you forget what your first year was like, and are too selfish to remember. oh, btw, hope you all feel real good making fun of a cancer survivor who can now out lift just about all the men and all the women in her gym. As my friends tell me, internet provides safety and you can say whatever you want to whoever you want and not have to worry about dealing with them.

  34. #74
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    and you all assume that I'm only biceps. all I've shared is that, I have other stuff I could show that would prove otherwise, but why bother, you find something to make fun of no matter what.

  35. #75
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    ok, why aren't you using your own picture then, afraid to show your real face?

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    ok, right, I don't lack everywhere else, I'm sick of showing stuff to people who can't be honest or decent enough not to add insults and ignorant judgements to the feedback. I would show other stuff, but wtf for no matter what I say, you have it stuck in your small brains that I'm just about my biceps. and that I don't do this and don't do that. funny when you achieve so called greatness, that you forget what your first year was like, and are too selfish to remember. oh, btw, hope you all feel real good making fun of a cancer survivor who can now out lift just about all the men and all the women in her gym. As my friends tell me, internet provides safety and you can say whatever you want to whoever you want and not have to worry about dealing with them.
    Your attitude reflects hostility. It doesnt seem called for. I have been nothing but polite and helpful. I realize the truth stings...My wife who is 5'5" got up to 220lbs and NOT muscle. She worked her ass of for 3 years to get down to under 140. Ive dropped over 40lbs myself and have another 20 to go for sure.

    My point is...we can relate. Your not alone! As much as your fighting, you need to let your fists down and LET ppl help you.
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  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    ok, why aren't you using your own picture then, afraid to show your real face?
    Ill post one for you if ya like. My job requires I not show my face on here but I will change my AV.

  38. #78
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I'm not referring to you Lunk, I'm talking about the guy using Arnold as his. Talk about wishful thinking,lol

  39. #79
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    Maybe I wouldn't be so hostile if people would back off and not have to be insulting or rude with their help. Cause it's not helping, it's making me think losing 53 lbs in 4 months with it being mostly body fat isn't good enough. I feel like now, I have to do cardio all day, and starve myself to speed up my fat loss.or just simply quit, this and everything else.

  40. #80
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I think it's ironic how the only medication I take, that I need to live, is one that pops up on here in a search with other drugs for you all to use- Cytomel ring a bell?

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