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Thread: RE: the cream

  1. #81
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    Maybe I wouldn't be so hostile if people would back off and not have to be insulting or rude with their help. Cause it's not helping, it's making me think losing 53 lbs in 4 months with it being mostly body fat isn't good enough. I feel like now, I have to do cardio all day, and starve myself to speed up my fat loss.or just simply quit, this and everything else.
    Congratz on the loss. Thats amazing! Wish I could have that discipline. As I said have to let some ppl's post just be ignored. There are 10's of thousands of members here...your bound to get varied comments.

    I understand you had an enmergenvy that has left you in a crappy situation currently. I saw your diet and there is NO way of sugar coating sucks. How soon do you feel before you will be able to get on real food?

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    I think it's ironic how the only medication I take, that I need to live, is one that pops up on here in a search with other drugs for you all to use- Cytomel ring a bell?
    Yes...I'm using it now as a matter of fact. my wife is also precribed for thyroid. It can increase fat loss but also the down side is it causes some muscle loss if done done correctly

  3. #83
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    Wednsday, I get paid and can get stuff to cook with and the food to go back to the right diet, the one I'd been following, before I had to move and start all over with nothing.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    Wednsday, I get paid and can get stuff to cook with and the food to go back to the right diet, the one I'd been following, before I had to move and start all over with nothing.
    That sounds fantastic. Can we do this mam? Let's get out of QA..,there is NO need for AAS use at this point for soooo many reasons. Let's get you back over to the nutrition forum and make sure your on the right track for Wed. when you get the neccessary things you need. I'll bet your body will thank you for real food again.

  5. #85
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I'll send a pic of my calves, but my cam I take my pics with sucks, and the lighting and stuff might not show it.Attachment 137821

  6. #86
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    I have got to say I have read this entire thread. People have not been rude to you. They have tried to help you but you don't want to hear it. You want to get defensive and as you say make people eat their words. No one has said anything that is not true. You have a lot of work to do. Which is fine we all start somewhere. But your attitude is deplorable and you are slightly delusional about your physic. I'm not saying this to be mean but if you don't know where you actually are how can you know where to go. I hope you lose the attitude and let the people here help. First thing I would do is apologize to baseline and ask for his help. Good luck.

  7. #87
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I don't want to get butchered there again. I'm a fighter though, 2nd degree Karate, purple Aikido, so I 've taken it so far, why back out now.Let's do it

  8. #88
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    Def. hard to make out what ya have going on there...I can tell it's a leg lol.
    Lets get crackin over there in nutrition and see if we can drop some more BF and really expose that base you def. have under there.
    You think you look muscular now...drop 10% and you will look like a freak (in a good way)

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    I don't want to get butchered there again. I'm a fighter though, 2nd degree Karate, purple Aikido, so I 've taken it so far, why back out now.Let's do it
    This is the last post I will make in this thread and hopefully yours as well. I will meet you in nutrition and am going to,call in the troops to help. Be open minded....your fight is with yourself, mot those here to help!

  10. #90
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    ok, whatever you say. The only person that has truly tried to help without being rude is Lunk

  11. #91
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    ok, Lunk, I tried to tell people this from the start, I guess I got caught up defending what I've already accomplished and have, and forget all I still have to do. bvtw, re the pic, I told you my cam sucks,lol.

  12. #92
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT
    ok, whatever you say. The only person that has truly tried to help without being rude is Lunk
    Everyone has tried to help you by giving their honest advice. It is you that has chosen to take offence to it.
    With that attitude don't expect things to go your way, that is applicable in all aspects of life not just here.
    Good luck with everything. You are the only person holding yourself back.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I have got to say I have read this entire thread. People have not been rude to you. They have tried to help you but you don't want to hear it. You want to get defensive and as you say make people eat their words. No one has said anything that is not true. You have a lot of work to do. Which is fine we all start somewhere. But your attitude is deplorable and you are slightly delusional about your physic. I'm not saying this to be mean but if you don't know where you actually are how can you know where to go. I hope you lose the attitude and let the people here help. First thing I would do is apologize to baseline and ask for his help. Good luck.

    Humility goes along way.

  14. #94
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    and look how it's still going, even though I apologized, and admitted people were right about some things, and dropped it.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    I feel like now, I have to do cardio all day, and starve myself to speed up my fat loss.or just simply quit, this and everything else.
    Umm don't know if you're still reading this thread or not but starving yourself fit is NOT the way to do it. When I went from 272 to 205 (6' 4") all natty I actually ate MORE by volume of calorie light foods. IE veggies, chicken breast, brown rice than I ever did of fattie processed foods. I ate myself stuffed I mean thanksgiving stuffed. I complained to my trainer I was eating TOO much and the number on the scale didn't move. He told me to stick with it. I weight myself on D13 and was the same. Weight on D14 was down 5 lbs. And it just kept coming off. I was full and losing fat. How cool was that???

    I've told tht to many of my friends. It's quite simple really but they like their sh!tty foods and booze more than being fit. To each their own.

  16. #96
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I wasn't eating shitty foods. I have no problem and usually do only eat healthy stuff

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    I wasn't eating shitty foods. I have no problem and usually do only eat healthy stuff
    Where did I say word one that you were eating shitty foods? Milk is healthy. Bananas are healthy. Nuts are healthy. Avocados are healthy. They are also calorie dense foods. I said calorie light foods.

    I was just pointing out that starving yourself to lose weight is not the best way to do it. They don't say it's 80% diet and 20% exercise for nothing. I used to be a fatass but one day I decided to stop make excuses and get results.

    Best of luck to you.

  18. #98
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    I stopped making excuses 9 months ago, and got my ass in gear hard core with the correct diet and exercise in Dec, lost 53 lbs since than. most of it being fat, so just cause I'm a fatass now, doesn't mean Im not quite a bit less of one now.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Yes. I was rejected due to neurasthenia.
    Well, who rejected you? The school?

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by humbleman View Post
    Well, who rejected you? The school?
    twas a joke

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  21. #101
    MUSCLENUTANT is offline Banned
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    austinite- A little off topic, but that pic is just too damn cute! What mix? Pit and?

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