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Thread: Looking for PCT. Tbol winny stack

  1. #1
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Looking for PCT. Tbol winny stack

    So when I started this stack I was made to believe there was no need for a PCT. After checking around a bit more seems like I should have planned a bit better. I have a couple friends that didn't two times on this same stack. Anyone done tho stack before who can give me a good PCT. 40 tbol Ed 50 winny Ed ( no test)

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    That's not a stack, that's being irresponsible and shutting yourself down with no test to replace your endogenous production.

    Do not be uninformed (dumb) like your friends. Oral only cycles are not recommended.

  3. #3
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Just wondering dosage for clomid on this stack? This is my first crack with aas and as I said before I have friends who have done this a couple times with no pct. after searching around I think they may be wrong. Anyone?

  4. #4
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Too late looking for dosage not criticism

  5. #5
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    I'm on day five only now

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Connectorhector View Post
    Just wondering dosage for clomid on this stack? This is my first crack with aas and as I said before I have friends who have done this a couple times with no pct. after searching around I think they may be wrong. Anyone?
    You're just wondering what the Clomid is for this "stack'? Is that right?

    Did you bother to read what i wrote? Or are you simply ignoring the fact that this its a horrible decision to run an oral only cycle, let alone TWO orals? Your friends are fools. Do you want to be like them, or would you prefer to be educated on the right way to administer AAS safely?

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Connectorhector View Post
    Too late looking for dosage not criticism
    Quote Originally Posted by Connectorhector View Post
    I'm on day five only now
    Its not too late at all! Who told you that, your friends? Smarten up, seriously.
    BBJT200 likes this.

  8. #8
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    That's not a stack, that's being irresponsible and shutting yourself down with no test to replace your endogenous production.

    Do not be uninformed (dumb) like your friends. Oral only cycles are not recommended.
    This is his second thread. I spent all morning goin over this already. With test base suggesting research he's dosin tbol way too low etc...

    Do I need to PCT

  9. #9
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    I'm wondering dosage. I want to take it like my friends did not

  10. #10
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    This is his second thread. I spent all morning goin over this already. With test base suggesting research he's dosin tbol way too low etc...

    Do I need to PCT
    Enough said. Thank you Chive.

  11. #11
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    So basically very bit of info I ask about is either shot down or picked apart. Obviously i am not the only one doing this stack because I know of others. I have done research. Lots and I know what some others do but I am doing this now. The only suggestions I get are you are stupid and to stop. Great help that is. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you can't help out. Thanks for nothin. Anyone got a suggestion that may help with this instead of shooting it down

  12. #12
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    We're not going to give advice that can cause your body damage. Don't you understand that? And the "lots" of research? I guarantee if I knew nothing about PCT I would be able to take dosin and schedule in less than 5 min of looking at the pct stickeys. Your putting of in your body you can take the few minutes to learn about them. We preach safety here. We don't spoon fees everyone all the info they want. It's part of the process learning what you're doing to your body man... I'm not even bein an ass about it

  13. #13
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Hey man Chive spent the better part of this morning trying to help you but all you have done is ignored his advice and put up resistance, so don't make another thread and start crying the blues. And now i have given you solid advice and you have ignore that too. Grow the fuk up.

  14. #14
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    As chive said add test? I'm open to whatever but stop and don't be stupid just don't cut it for me. With the results I have seen others get I don't see the problem with proper pct and two orals. Obviously I'm not the only one doing this here. Sure it's maybe not the best but what steroid is. If there was no risk everyone would do it

  15. #15
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    What advice is that. Stop. Good advice thanks

  16. #16
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    And I see the standard doses for most stuff just never find much specifically for me but whatever. Safe not safe who are you to say anyway. People are doing this together and so am I. No maybe it's not but at least in my case I know people doing with no PCT. I thought I'd check it out an now I see I should. Instead of yes use this standard dosage(which is safer than not using any) you say it's dangerous and stop. Nice safe advice. I'm already doing it and looking for some answers I am not getting from my circle of friends. So stop because you shouldn't do it doesn't make sense because I see this done and it does work for some obviously. Spoon feed? Spoon feed what? You haven't given me anything except its dangerous and you shouldn't do it

  17. #17
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    1. As I already to you your best choice is to stop and learn.

    2. If you're going to continue we will never recommend orals only to anyone
    This is because you are shitting down your natural test production without putting test in to replace it

    3. If you're goin to continue you I told you that the prop ester of test is the only one that makes sense since you already started

    4. You need to take an AI. Adex or aromasin . Pick one. At .25mg EoD or 12.5mg ED respectively.

    5. Your PCT should minimum include Nolvadex for four weeks. Clomid ideally for the same length of time. 40/20/20/20 and 100/50/50/50 respectively.

    There it is. I did all the work for you. I can come lift for you too if you need it. Cycle responsibly, or do whatever you wanted based off of some guys at the gym you're sorta friends with. They probably know best

  18. #18
    dumpslugzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Connectorhector View Post
    As chive said add test? I'm open to whatever but stop and don't be stupid just don't cut it for me. With the results I have seen others get I don't see the problem with proper pct and two orals. Obviously I'm not the only one doing this here. Sure it's maybe not the best but what steroid is. If there was no risk everyone would do it
    man you need test on EVERY cycle or else it shuts you natural test down, witch even test does and do you know what that means??? no sex drive and a limp dick not to mention depression, lack of energy and other sides, and honestly this site is very informative! you can get all the answers you want if you read... if your scared of needles dont do AAS its that simple

  19. #19
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    I didn't hear what your AI is. If none then a big a$$ mistake and you might well pay for that with some bitch tits. But if I'm lost there , sorry. But that's first. Second , generally what they are telling you is they do not want to give you advice on how to proceed when WE all agree on the cycle you have put together is wrong. Why because it has shown to be dangerous and we don't want to enable you. So we suggest you stop and get it right before you go further. If you came for advice and we give you straight out what we said then you should respect us and what we say. We will not condone something we think (as a whole) is bad. You only want us to tell you how to load your gun. Do you know your friend's labs where he is and what's going on, think not. But anyway my point is what I said about enabling you or anyone. There is a SAFER WAY to do aas. ...crazy mike

    PS: I'm a fan of Winni, years of it but never without Test. You need test.

  20. #20
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Yes I see that it's not an ideal way to start off but hey this is my circle and by the sounds of it their way is not ideal. But they are doing it. Among other things. I thought this way seemed quite low risk compared to what I've seen some doing(needles and eight different drugs to offset the other) now that you guys are so harsh I guess I've been reading a bit more and I still don't see why this is not doable. I can see it shuts you down and is not good for the liver and all that but if you pct isn't that what clomid and nova are for. Pct? After taking aas? Or are you saying the low doses are not gonna do anything? I don't see the problem I guess. I'm not trying to be stupid or rude. I have been working out for ten years a few times a week. I decided to bump it up a bit nothing large or so I thought now to find out that what I am doing you are saying is worse than what my friends are saying (and doing) is irresponsible? Aas is irresponsible. But I guess I do wanna do it right and not be a stubborn ass. What are you saying. STOP and what listen to advice from PEOPLE I DON'T KNOW LIKE YOU

  21. #21
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    And I'm not scared of needles I'd have done it if my guys would have suggested that but they didn't and you guys are so a bit of a decision I have to make today I guess. If I stop I wasted a few hundred bucks and trust in who I hang at the gym with. And if I keep going and trust them and it all ****s up ill regret. Holy moly

  22. #22
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    Then stop posting. If you trust them they must know what they're talking about. Never mind the forum of unbiased bodybuilders and recreational users with vast amounts of knowledge ready and willing to share thier experiences and everything they have learned and seen through trial and error. F*ck us right? So please. Cycle winny and tbol. But quadruple your doses, forget the AI, stay on all summer, and pct however you want. Or don't. I've lost interest in your pathetic attempt at trolling us. It's not worth any of our collective time. So do US a favor and stop asking since you're already decided on doing whatever you want

  23. #23
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    I'll hit a few things. If you have to worry about your friends and your relationships with them because you verified what you are doing , good , bad or indifferent and might change you cycle then what kind of friends. You knew I would say that. Also listening to me, or mickey, or chive or lunk or any of us we talk as a whole or we disagree with each other, but you are hearing it from not one but many. Look at some of the track records, pics etc.. Look at some of what they do for a living and the education and years in this. Man when you ask a question on here you get it from many. And then you should put the consistency together.
    Oh and by the way did you lay out you stats. Sorry I'm old and could have missed it. I'll go look. But if not tell us your stats and goals. We might come up with some other suggestions. Also if you stop, save your gear and put it with other cycles. Get out of yourself and your buddies. My track goes back to the 80's. ...crazy mike

  24. #24
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    So if I stop now(day five)I need no pct yet?

  25. #25
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    I do wanna do it right. I read lots of threads of lots of different ways and went with a real life person I guess. But I'm willing to stop and learn more with help from here. It's not like I'm in a rush. Can someone point me in a different direction then for next time? Maybe with stats and goals? This is my first feedback on what I'm doing as I believed what I was doing was just another method. Again can I just stop now without any PCT

  26. #26
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Why do think I'm here asking? I'm concerned about my information and you have opened my eyes a bit. Trolling you for what? Now that you all say the same I would like to do it right and stop. So don't be so quick to judge. I can use all the help I can get so can I just stop or what?

  27. #27
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Because I didn't know better in the 80's I never used PCT and never knew. I knew about gyno but never cared. Ha now I do, and I can show why. Now that I'm 61 I used an AI. But even still things didn't go right. User error Now that I'm 61 for my reasons I don't need PCT per say, however my PCT is to stay on Test. At your age and for most anyone, I would not suggest that rout.
    So you should get another of the guys experience and knowledge but I say you don't if for only five (5) days. ...crazy mike

  28. #28
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Ok thanks crazy mike

  29. #29
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Connectorhector View Post
    Ok thanks crazy mike
    Now here is what I would do. I would stop NOW today. Do some more reading. then get an idea from reading up on the compounds what you would like and or am able to do for a cycle. I would start a new thread and post all your stats. Everything you can that would be needed for us to know. How long training but the consistency , the intensity, the schedule. Talk about diet and your basic caloric intake. What are your goals, near and far. Then ask your questions. Don't argue listen, talk about it, and you are always free to what you like to do. But when you get several of us telling you, advising you, then shut up listen and do what you want. Disagree and question, but be eager to have agreement or disagreement. You can't argue with success and with the majority. ...crazy mike

  30. #30
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Can anyone suggest another route for me. I'm very low body fat I'm 36. 6'. 185. I have been working out since I was young but became more serious the last couple years. I always stay tight got good muscle definition everywhere but my chest always stays flat. I want to stay lean and I'm not in a rush. 4000 calories a day seems like I can barely eat that. Chicken fish lean meat. Doesn't seem to help build my chest or get me much bigger anywhere really. I lift close to the same as a lot of my bigger friends I seem just not to GROW. Help seems like I chose a wrong path already once

  31. #31
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Seems like TEST is the way to start? And go from there. Just seems like there a lot of different ways to go and I dunno what to choose I guess. Just looking for a little BUMP or kickstart to the next level. I'm strong just not big

  32. #32
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks everyone for the info it opened my eyes quite a bit. Sorry if I seemed like I don't think you know, I came here to seek advice(good and bad) I have decided to stop for now so thanks for that. I did come here because I only know a few guys that do it and this is what they do. And I wondered what others thought. I wasn't planning on Coming on here and then deciding to stop. I did research more than you think maybe just ignored the negative and took all the positives and my friends advice. Ill keep pumpin my skinny ass can still bench 3 sets 240 lol. I am disappointed but greatful. Thanks crazy mike and chive on

  33. #33
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Last on this. Read more about compounds (steroid profiles) learn what do what. what goes good with what and for what desired purpose. Remember you can't have it all in one cycle. They build on one another as your body changes. So find your way armed with this knowledge and do your planning. Get your knowledge about AI and PCT. They will help you with AI and PCT dosages but you need to understand why your self. Be patient back up and get a head start by knowledge and asking, not asking and then tell the what for and you only want a partial answer. Be cool man, begin again, we're right here when you need us. ...crazy mike

    Now say your sorry to the big boys...............haaaa, just joking

  34. #34
    Connectorhector is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry. Lol

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