Thread: Tren/Prop/Anavar cycle critique
05-08-2013, 02:38 PM #1
Tren/Prop/Anavar cycle critique
Heres what I am thinking:
Tren A- 150mg/ EOD 1-10wks
Test Prop- 50mg/ EOD 1-10wks
Anavar - 80mg/ ED 2-10wks
Clomid- 100/50/50/50 11-15wks
Nolva- 20/20/20/20 11-15wks
Caber- 0.5mg/ E3D 1-10wks
A-dex 0.25m/ E3D 1-10wks
I want to try and run more tren then prop this time. Tren is awesome and sides don't bother me. Looking for lean gains. Seems like people have mixed feelings about running more tren then test.
34 5'5" 170lbs 15% bf
05-08-2013, 03:00 PM #2
Last edited by itsjayman02; 05-08-2013 at 03:04 PM.
05-08-2013, 03:02 PM #3
you to get the most out of your cycle but
05-08-2013, 03:07 PM #4
Good luck]
05-08-2013, 03:13 PM #5Originally Posted by go4gold
Averages to 175mg test a week and 525mg tren a week. To me this looks good, most members I've seen suggest tren higher than test to limit the sides, but it can be run either way, it's just a preference. I don't know about caber dosing, but your Adex might still be high, with slightly more than a TRT dose of test I would say maybe just do E3.5D or maybe even E4D. The Anavar dosage looks fine too, I would love to see before/after on this cycle if you keep your diet in check.
Just my minor feedback until someone else chimes in buddy.
Originally Posted by itsjayman02
05-08-2013, 03:30 PM #6
you always do test 2 weeks longer then come off it works really well and not so much body shock of stopping all of a sudden
05-08-2013, 03:37 PM #7
Test question answered my friend......still think the var will be overpowered by the tren IMO
05-08-2013, 03:37 PM #8
Agreed with the pics, I'm doing something similar later on in the year and would love to see your transformation
05-08-2013, 03:42 PM #9Banned
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Drop the var. Complete waste with Tren . Caber looks good. I like 40/40/20/20 for Nolva, but everything else looks ok. I wouldn't worry about stopping Tren 2 weeks early if running caber and an ai
05-08-2013, 04:12 PM #10
Under 25's should concentrate on getting the best out of training and advice from vets IMO
05-08-2013, 05:54 PM #11
I will drop the var to 4-10 weeks then, I have plenty. I will use for var only cycles then. I have done only like 12-15 cycles in the past. I have done, Sus, deca , d-bol, GH. I have always loved the tren /Prop cycles. Easily the most changing (in good way) cycles i've done. Gains are always great and feel good as well with great strength gains. Lean out and grow a bit as well. I have never been those try and gain 30lbs on a cycle type guys. And as always. Proper diet is always key.
I only use the AI to prevent water retention even though I am on short esters. I will drop the dosage though with this. This cycle is to be done here in the next few months. I know I have been on this board for a long time, but like to make sure if I may try something different with my cycles. Just me being cautious I guess. I will also start GH 3 iu ED for probable a year. If this cycle goes well, I will try it two more times in that year. But the reason for increase tren will be for the tren to do most the work and limit sides with the test.
some pics from a past post BF% Estimate
05-08-2013, 06:09 PM #12Banned
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so you want to do like 20 weeks on Tren and last 10 at 800mg? I just don't understand. if u want to do 800, do that the whole time and just do a 10-12 week cycle. And drop the var completely. You are wasting it. You wont have any different effect while on that much Tren.
05-08-2013, 06:38 PM #13
sry man, I am confused. I am only doing a 10 week cycle of tren and prop. I could run it out to 12 weeks, something to consider. I am not sure where you are getting 20 weeks from. I am good with dropping the var all together and saving it for later cycles. and what do you mean by 800mg? 150mg EOD comes out to 525mg a week of tren.
05-08-2013, 07:59 PM #14Banned
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You said after ten weeks you were going to double the Tren dose?
05-08-2013, 08:15 PM #15
oh. Nope, the plan is to keep the test prop at 50mg EOD and tren at 150mg EOD all the way through the cycle. after 10 weeks, the cycle ends. I have thought about 12 weeks, but that might be too long. But no 20 weeks man, I have no idea what would happen with a cycle that long for me, lol.
05-08-2013, 08:42 PM #16Banned
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I had you confused with another guy. Sorry. Yeah looks solid
05-09-2013, 12:36 AM #17
all good man!
05-09-2013, 03:01 AM #18
fav cycle cept i could never afford the var....always went with the winny. 8 weeks was plenty!
05-09-2013, 07:17 AM #19Senior Member
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sorry man, but I suggest you to go to the diet section, and also to the workout section and learn before cycling.
Maybe you have a very bad genetics, I saw your photos, and you look the same or worst than the most newbies in my gym eating junk food, no matter the age.
you say you did 12-15 cycles before???? Man something is failing very strong, I don't want to be cruel, but if you look like in the photos right now, cycling is not your thing ATM.
Its only my opinion, but AAS only do miracles if stacked with a good diet and workout
05-09-2013, 07:39 AM #20
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