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Thread: Test E only input

  1. #1
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    Test E only input

    Hey, guys. First ill start off with my stats.

    Age:19 (Read full thread before commenting please.)
    Height: 6'0" (maybe just barely under)
    Weight started: 185
    BF: roughly 11%

    Now, i'm sure you all are eye balling that age. I know the "risks", but what i want to bring to attention/question is how do all of these collegiate athletes around me use steroids and turn out fine; yet there is all of this hype about long term effects?? Disregarding the advise i have taken the risk and i'm currently on my second week of taking one shot of 250 ml/week. I decided to keep it low so i would blow up but honestly i'm liking what i'm seeing. I've gained 7 pounds of muscle and still truckin without any side effects. Also i'm not currently taking any AIs or anything along those lines, but i plan on taking a PCT two weeks after my last injection..

    Really i just want to see you're guys' input. I've considered taking a .5 cc shot half way through my week to get an extra edge but i'm not sure about it. I feel like i lose that edge that i have during the first half of the week after the injection. Regarding side effects.. Before my cycle even started i've had a kind of bitch tit condition.. I just have that damn lump behind both nipples and seem to gain weight on them. They also don't seem to go down when I cut so i don't know what the deal is on that.. But what i'm getting at is that it makes me wonder if, because i already half way have them and have had them for years, that may play a factor in me not getting sides? I don't know.
    Also what could i do to make sure i don't loose my gains after my cycle?

    If you guys could drop some information and feedback on me that'd be great!
    Last edited by DreamChaser; 05-09-2013 at 06:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    No ai at your age your asking for trouble I dot know if you have read stickys here or anything eles but no side doesn't always mean you won't get any, or worse ruin your hormones for life. But looks like your mind is made up get an ai start it and what's pct plans?

  3. #3
    3day's Avatar
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    You have not gained 7 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks. Heres my question. Why are you in such a hurry?

  4. #4
    mmaelite is offline New Member
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    im sure you meant 250mg/week. I was 21 when I ran my first one and there was no forum like this. I got it and ran it. I had no idea about sides or ai or pct. I just recently started using those myself. I must have dodged the bullet in the beginning days but you should definatley listen to these guys and run an ai and do research on pct asap.

  5. #5
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    I implore you, you do not know the risks, how could you at such a young age....a whole generation of insecure limp dick mother ****ers

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
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    How do you know wat these other guys are going through? That was really a stupid statement.Do you really think a guy who is having ED problems is going to tell anyone? Beacuse if you want info like that.You need to hang around the ladies locker room.And dont worry problems like ED depression no libdo can start 2 or 3 yrs down the road.So dont think beacuse you are having no sides now.That you are out of the woods.
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  7. #7
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    Why do you say i haven't gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks? Test E isn't a hard water retention unit and I've gained size for sure. On week one i also did a creatine load and i'm currently using Kris Gethin's DTP principles. I'm in a hurry because i work my ass off more than anyone around here and DEFINITELY have a MUCH better diet than everyone around me especially the athletes, but i don't have nearly enough to show for it. I research this shit (training) day in and day out and my gains aren't substantial. I'm thinking this could possibly be due to the higher estrogen that may have produced my lumps..

    As for the AI, what do you suggest? And a lot of my information is through these forums but also athletes that have used them. Some information from a dude my age that competes himself and also damn near engineers these things. But my pct plan is simply a test booster and aromasin (I think... my buddy has it.)

  8. #8
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    How do you know wat these other guys are going through? That was really a stupid statement.Do you really think a guy who is having ED problems is going to tell anyone? Beacuse if you want info like that.You need to hang around the ladies locker room.And dont worry problems like ED depression no libdo can start 2 or 3 yrs down the road.So dont think beacuse you are having no sides now.That you are out of the woods.
    Solid point. I get on that AI asap.. Just need a suggestion of which one. Do you have any input on the lump behind my nipples? How will Test E deal with my possible already occuring high estrogen levels?

  9. #9
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    1) Cycling at your age is playing with fire.
    2) You've gained WATER weight; you have 'childhood gyno' due to high estrogen levels. That's what those lumps are- it's gynecomastia . Not using an anti estrogen on cycle will make them grow and eventually you're going to be shopping for bras, and or getting surgery.
    3) "Why do you say i haven't gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks? Test E isn't a hard water retention unit and I've gained size for sure."
    ---Yeah, you've gained size--in the form of WATER. Testosterone has just as much possibility for water retention as dbol , it just depends on the person. You likely have a high natural rate of conversion of testosterone to e2 (thus the gyno prior to steroids )
    4) Long term side effects of steroids are just that--LONG TERM-- they show up years down the road. If you were to get bloodwork regularly, you'd "see" the effects sooner, but most people don't detect them until they actually FEEL them.

    I understand you're unlikely to stop your cycle, so I will give you the best advice I can offer given that you will probably ignore the risks:

    **You need to get on an AI as soon as possible.
    **Get your PCT lined up - Clomid, nolvadex , and HCG . Two weeks after your last shot, you start PCT.
    Dosing low on a cycle does not reduce your chances of having issues down the road. 250mg is barely above TRT levels, but if you are making gains on it, cool.

    I really wish you would stop injecting, do PCT, and learn how to train/eat properly.
    You have so much potential at your age to make those gains naturally--By not having your eating habits and training routines down to a T prior to starting steroids, you're setting yourself up to lose most if not all of your gains. It's as simple as that.
    3day, DreamChaser and ryanvvc like this.

  10. #10
    AXx's Avatar
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    Oh brother. Let me give you some solid info like my man SongDog said, you don't know what they are going through. I did exactly what your doing at your age and keep doing them like a dumbass.

    From 25-28 I struggled with ED. My wife would look at me and ask "is it me". Then I have to explain I was dumbass and listened to the other dumbasses in the gym that "told" me how to run things properly and they ALL told me "oh you will be fine" guess what I wasn't.

    Hard work, dedication and diet are the key. Without those you can take all the gear you want and you will still look like you look.

    I would advise you to stop, collaborate, and listen!!!!

  11. #11
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    1) Cycling at your age is playing with fire.
    2) You've gained WATER weight; you have 'childhood gyno' due to high estrogen levels. That's what those lumps are- it's gynecomastia . Not using an anti estrogen on cycle will make them grow and eventually you're going to be shopping for bras, and or getting surgery.
    3) "Why do you say i haven't gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks? Test E isn't a hard water retention unit and I've gained size for sure."
    ---Yeah, you've gained size--in the form of WATER. Testosterone has just as much possibility for water retention as dbol , it just depends on the person. You likely have a high natural rate of conversion of testosterone to e2 (thus the gyno prior to steroids )
    4) Long term side effects of steroids are just that--LONG TERM-- they show up years down the road. If you were to get bloodwork regularly, you'd "see" the effects sooner, but most people don't detect them until they actually FEEL them.

    I understand you're unlikely to stop your cycle, so I will give you the best advice I can offer given that you will probably ignore the risks:

    **You need to get on an AI as soon as possible.
    **Get your PCT lined up - Clomid, nolvadex , and HCG . Two weeks after your last shot, you start PCT.
    Dosing low on a cycle does not reduce your chances of having issues down the road. 250mg is barely above TRT levels, but if you are making gains on it, cool.

    I really wish you would stop injecting, do PCT, and learn how to train/eat properly.
    You have so much potential at your age to make those gains naturally--By not having your eating habits and training routines down to a T prior to starting steroids, you're setting yourself up to lose most if not all of your gains. It's as simple as that.
    I know you're thinking i'm a dumb ass, but your post was almost exactly what i was looking for.
    For PCT.. you're suggesting all three??
    By taking my AI during cycle will that help prevent long term sides?
    Is there something i can do about the lumps?
    If i were to stop now, would i start my PCT in two weeks also?

  12. #12
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AXx View Post
    Oh brother. Let me give you some solid info like my man SongDog said, you don't know what they are going through. I did exactly what your doing at your age and keep doing them like a dumbass.

    From 25-28 I struggled with ED. My wife would look at me and ask "is it me". Then I have to explain I was dumbass and listened to the other dumbasses in the gym that "told" me how to run things properly and they ALL told me "oh you will be fine" guess what I wasn't.

    Hard work, dedication and diet are the key. Without those you can take all the gear you want and you will still look like you look.

    I would advise you to stop, collaborate, and listen!!!!
    As for diet.. For a college kid eating at a caf.. my diets on point.
    Oats in the morning mixed with half scoop of protien plus some fruits from caf. I have a protein shake with glutamine and BCAA's as a bridge, lunch usually consists of tuna salad or turkey with plenty of veggitables, another bridge shake then for dinner.. about the same as lunch. Then obviously post workout shake and one scoop of casein with glutamine at bedtime. Totaling, usually, around 220 grams of protein. My excercises are generally all apart of body builders workouts. Yet after all of this for 2 years.. i only look decently fit.. And i'll out-hardwork and dedication anyone else in the Wichita area.
    Wouldn't your solution be to gear up too?
    Last edited by DreamChaser; 05-09-2013 at 07:17 PM.

  13. #13
    3day's Avatar
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    Dreamchaser Test E hasn't even kicked in good yet. Just a prime example that you need to research more. Im pretty sure its half life is at least 1 week if not more. Any muscle you have gained could have been done naturally. Trust me its mostly water.

  14. #14
    AXx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser

    As for diet.. For a college kid eating at a caf.. my diets on point.
    Oats in the morning mixed with half scoop of protien plus some fruits from caf. I have a protein shake with glutamine and BCAA's as a bridge, lunch usually consists of tuna salad or turkey with plenty of veggitables, another bridge shake then for dinner.. about the same as lunch. Then obviously post workout shake and one scoop of casein with glutamine at bedtime. My excercises are generally all apart of body builders workouts. Yet after all of this for 2 years.. i only look decently fit.. And i'll out-hardwork and dedication anyone else in the Wichita area.
    Wouldn't your solution be to gear up too?
    Your last sentence!!!

    Not after all the shyt I went through. No I would not have done them. Knowing what I know now I would have never touched them, until of course I read my ass off and knew exactly what to do, when to do, how to do.

    I'm not trying to bust your balls I simply telling you my experiences and how I would have changed things if given the opportunity.
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  15. #15
    3day's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser View Post
    As for diet.. For a college kid eating at a caf.. my diets on point.
    Oats in the morning mixed with half scoop of protien plus some fruits from caf. I have a protein shake with glutamine and BCAA's as a bridge, lunch usually consists of tuna salad or turkey with plenty of veggitables, another bridge shake then for dinner.. about the same as lunch. Then obviously post workout shake and one scoop of casein with glutamine at bedtime. Totaling, usually, around 220 grams of protein. My excercises are generally all apart of body builders workouts. Yet after all of this for 2 years.. i only look decently fit.. And i'll out-hardwork and dedication anyone else in the Wichita area.
    Wouldn't your solution be to gear up too?
    Thats not a muscle gaining diet. You can't rely on protein shakes to be the biggest part of your protein intake. Get in the nutrition section and get a real diet set up if you wanna make and keep any gains. How many calories did you eat today and at what macros?

  16. #16
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AXx View Post
    Your last sentence!!!

    Not after all the shyt I went through. No I would not have done them. Knowing what I know now I would have never touched them, until of course I read my ass off and knew exactly what to do, when to do, how to do.

    I'm not trying to bust your balls I simply telling you my experiences and how I would have changed things if given the opportunity.
    And that's what i'm lookin for. Thank you.

  17. #17
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    So can someone tell me how to safely cycle off now? Is it just as any other PCT would be?

  18. #18
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser View Post
    So can someone tell me how to safely cycle off now? Is it just as any other PCT would be?

    clomid 100 100 50 50 / or 75 50 50 50

    nolva 40 40 20 20 / or 40 20 20 20

    you're taking test E so 14 days after last shot starts PCT

  19. #19
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    You dumbass , you argue with the one's you come to for advice. You are screwed with the lumps and you have them more pronounced because you thought you knew better. We on here have the experience if not by our own body but from watching ignorant or uneducated people play around with this kind of fire. I have gyno from when I was young like you. Hey bud I am 61 yrs. old have had a gym, trained competitors, as well as myself. Check my profile, just so let you know I'm not making this Sh!t up. I have had ED from my anti-bi -polar meds and it is NOT FUN. It will drive you crazy as well as your GF or WF down the line.
    You knew so much you didn't think you needed AI , so your lumps get worse. And the end has not come. This will follow you after this cycle. How long I DON"T KNOW. but I DO KNOW by myself it is not over for you. Stop arguing and start reading and listen. Your gold right now should be to get you system back on track, and try like hell to reverse what damage you have done.
    Learn this in life, if you come to the people who know and you ask questions for what you don't know, don't be telling them how much you think you know.
    From what I know and what I have experienced and witnessed you are in deep sh!t. crazy mike
    ryanvvc, BBJT200, songdog and 1 others like this.

  20. #20
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    You dumbass , you argue with the one's you come to for advice. You are screwed with the lumps and you have them more pronounced because you thought you knew better. We on here have the experience if not by our own body but from watching ignorant or uneducated people play around with this kind of fire. I have gyno from when I was young like you. Hey bud I am 61 yrs. old have had a gym, trained competitors, as well as myself. Check my profile, just so let you know I'm not making this Sh!t up. I have had ED from my anti-bi -polar meds and it is NOT FUN. It will drive you crazy as well as your GF or WF down the line.
    You knew so much you didn't think you needed AI , so your lumps get worse. And the end has not come. This will follow you after this cycle. How long I DON"T KNOW. but I DO KNOW by myself it is not over for you. Stop arguing and start reading and listen. Your gold right now should be to get you system back on track, and try like hell to reverse what damage you have done.
    Learn this in life, if you come to the people who know and you ask questions for what you don't know, don't be telling them how much you think you know.
    From what I know and what I have experienced and witnessed you are in deep sh!t. crazy mike
    Mike is dead-on here. Listen to him, for your own sake.

    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser View Post
    I know you're thinking i'm a dumb ass, but your post was almost exactly what i was looking for.
    For PCT.. you're suggesting all three??
    By taking my AI during cycle will that help prevent long term sides?
    Is there something i can do about the lumps?
    If i were to stop now, would i start my PCT in two weeks also?
    Taking an AI will not 'fix' damage you have done. it will stop your lumps from getting BIGGER.
    You're more than likely screwed unless you get surgery to remove them.

    I would have suggested all three if you had decided to continue the cycle.
    BTW, the reason you feel low by the end of the week is because you are pinning once a week, and should have been pinning test E twice a week.

    Stop pinning, wait 14 days, start clomid and nolvadex at the dosages the others suggested. your bridge meals, consisting of shakes, are ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS.
    Protein shakes have ONE time they are actually useful: immediately post workout. Other than that, they are a waste of time and money.

    You get bigger by eating MORE....not taking steroids . If you can't grow naturally, you won't keep ANYTHING you gain on steroids. If anything, you'll shrink smaller once you stop.
    I understand the difficulties of having to rely on a college dining facility; there are ways to work around just have to get creative. Don't be afraid to eat a little bit more....this is why people bulk, then cut, then bulk, then cut. If you rely on a dining facility to eat, thats pretty much your only choice. Until you can micro-manage your caloric intake and macro-nutrients, a 'lean bulk' isn't going to work.

  21. #21
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser View Post
    Why do you say i haven't gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks? Test E isn't a hard water retention unit and I've gained size for sure. On week one i also did a creatine load and i'm currently using Kris Gethin's DTP principles. I'm in a hurry because i work my ass off more than anyone around here and DEFINITELY have a MUCH better diet than everyone around me especially the athletes, but i don't have nearly enough to show for it. I research this shit (training) day in and day out and my gains aren't substantial. I'm thinking this could possibly be due to the higher estrogen that may have produced my lumps..

    As for the AI, what do you suggest? And a lot of my information is through these forums but also athletes that have used them. Some information from a dude my age that competes himself and also damn near engineers these things. But my pct plan is simply a test booster and aromasin (I think... my buddy has it.)
    Most likely it has to do with.That test E doest kick in until week 4 or 5.But you knew that after all the research you did LOL

  22. #22
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Most likely it has to do with.That test E doest kick in until week 4 or 5.But you knew that after all the research you did LOL
    Haa you make me laugh songdog. 7 pound of muscle. Where would the pro's be after all those years, not to mention me and you..haaaa ....crazy mike

  23. #23
    mmaelite is offline New Member
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    heres the diet I use when im bulking up. its kind of costly. you can make some cheaper subs but this works perfect for me while im on.
    Meal 1 – 10 oz cod, 2 whole eggs, 2 cups oatmeal
    Meal 2 – 8 oz cod, 12 oz sweet potato, 1 cup veggies
    Meal 3 – 8 oz chicken, 2 cups white rice, 1 cup veggies
    Meal 4 – 8 oz cod, 2 cups rice, 1 cup veggies, 1 tbsp fish oil
    Meal 5 – 8 oz steak, 12 oz baked potato, spinach salad
    Meal 6 – 10 oz cod, 2 cups rice, salad
    Meal 7 – 30 grams casein protein, 10 egg-white omelet, 1 cup veggies (onions, peppers, mushrooms), 1 tbsp omega-3 fish oil

  24. #24
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmaelite View Post
    heres the diet I use when im bulking up. its kind of costly. you can make some cheaper subs but this works perfect for me while im on.
    Meal 1 – 10 oz cod, 2 whole eggs, 2 cups oatmeal
    Meal 2 – 8 oz cod, 12 oz sweet potato, 1 cup veggies
    Meal 3 – 8 oz chicken, 2 cups white rice, 1 cup veggies
    Meal 4 – 8 oz cod, 2 cups rice, 1 cup veggies, 1 tbsp fish oil
    Meal 5 – 8 oz steak, 12 oz baked potato, spinach salad
    Meal 6 – 10 oz cod, 2 cups rice, salad
    Meal 7 – 30 grams casein protein, 10 egg-white omelet, 1 cup veggies (onions, peppers, mushrooms), 1 tbsp omega-3 fish oil
    cod as in the fish? ive never tried it tbh but im not huge on seas food

  25. #25
    Doom44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser

    As for diet.. For a college kid eating at a caf.. my diets on point.
    Oats in the morning mixed with half scoop of protien plus some fruits from caf. I have a protein shake with glutamine and BCAA's as a bridge, lunch usually consists of tuna salad or turkey with plenty of veggitables, another bridge shake then for dinner.. about the same as lunch. Then obviously post workout shake and one scoop of casein with glutamine at bedtime. Totaling, usually, around 220 grams of protein. My excercises are generally all apart of body builders workouts. Yet after all of this for 2 years.. i only look decently fit.. And i'll out-hardwork and dedication anyone else in the Wichita area.
    Wouldn't your solution be to gear up too?
    More protein doesn't mean more muscle. I'm a high carbs person.
    Go check out George farah or Dorian Yates nutrition tips.

  26. #26
    Champ2012's Avatar
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    If you look at my profile pic,that's me giving it all I got at the gym,100% natural...I've been planning my first cycle and reading my a$$ off,educating myself...Always remember OP,easy come easy go! I seen so many guys on e4o!ds taking gear an most of them don't even look like me...Why? Because my diet is in check,I get enough rest,and I train for hours...Not like these guys who go into the gym saying I can't workout for more than 45 minutes or else it's over training...You wanna grow an get big,then give it all you got for two or three hours,an report back...
    Last edited by Champ2012; 05-10-2013 at 12:13 AM.

  27. #27
    cantstopkane's Avatar
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    Lol I was a ncaa athlete at a major university and I definatly know some guys who are NOT ok now only 3-4 years later lol, especially some of the dudes I knew who didnt make it into thier perspective big sport org like nfl mlb and nba.

    Trust me dude no offense but I was a smartass who thought he knew everything at that age too.

    Its not like these guys are jelious of how swole you gonna get from starting early lol

    If you post about somthing and and 3 pages of people, some of which are experts with over decades of use, some who abuse year round, and all tell you what your doing is stupid and you should stop. Then logic says its probly stupid and you probly should stop

    If you cant respect individual opinions then at least follow logic, it wont lead you wrong

  28. #28
    cantstopkane's Avatar
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    LOL perfect and today no less

    Hormonal Imbalance?

  29. #29
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Best advice right now:
    stop everything right now and pct

    What you want to hear:
    Take an AI asap .25mg arimidex EOD
    -fast acting AI very efficient. Ar-r (banner on top) carry it.

    Get hcg 250ui 2x/week.

    Pct: nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    Now, what you dont want to hear:
    You are too young to do aas and clearly misinformed. Your cycle is bad and you seems to havent done any research. If you want to hope to be "fine" after a cycle you should at least do a good planned cycle. What you clearly didnt. And like everyone else said LONGTERM EFFECT. the word said it... You feel feel it after years... But at your age you are taking a big risk. It do not worth it.

    Important thing to add:
    I dont pretend to know you and know what you are going through.
    But if you were really willing to take the risk and if you really "needed" to do it you would at least do some real research.

    I'll tell you a secret...

    I turn 20 next week and I plan to do my first cycle in next september.
    Im young, too young for most of them(even for me)
    However, It as been more that 9month minimum 10h/weeks that I read on how to do the most efficient cycle with the less risk.
    And i've already pass de past 3 years fixing my training and diet. And believe me their is alot more...

    And still its not enough for any of them because im 20...

    Their is a real danger using aas at young age. No one(with common sense) will deny it
    But IMHO their is a way to minimize the risk.

    And you didnt.
    You didnt try to minimize the risk you just jump off on a cycle plan without knowdledge.

    Do what you please we are not in position to stop you... But you are clearly missing the point.

    I hope It have helped you...
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 05-10-2013 at 05:27 AM.
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  30. #30
    mmaelite is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBreaker View Post
    cod as in the fish? ive never tried it tbh but im not huge on seas food
    yeah cod is fish, I use tilapia also. I love fish, you can use chicken instead.

  31. #31
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    Well thanks to you guys who weren't assholes about it. I posted this to get feedback based off facts; opposed to all other threads where old dudes just bash the youth saying they're dumbasses. How could you guys expect us to take your advice seriously if it's not backed up with information and science.
    Thanks for the advice though. I'm gonna hit my pct in 9 days.

  32. #32
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    Also from my source all i was told to take was anotest..? I planned on taking other things but thats just one thing i was told? How effective is that?

  33. #33
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser
    Also from my source all i was told to take was anotest..? I planned on taking other things but thats just one thing i was told? How effective is that?
    As a PCT?

  34. #34
    mmaelite is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aimology View Post
    Similar to mine but half the carbs. My body just gets fat with carbs. I enjoy my fats instead.
    sometimes its hard for me to keep up so ill though in some almonds or avocado instead of rice or veggies lol.

  35. #35
    DreamChaser is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    As a PCT?
    Yes. It wasn't something i was going to follow up on. I'm wondering why he suggested that..

  36. #36
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser

    Yes. It wasn't something i was going to follow up on. I'm wondering why he suggested that..
    Does he not stock PCT compounds? Or is currently 'out of stock'?

  37. #37
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser View Post
    Well thanks to you guys who weren't assholes about it. I posted this to get feedback based off facts; opposed to all other threads where old dudes just bash the youth saying they're dumbasses. How could you guys expect us to take your advice seriously if it's not backed up with information and science.
    Thanks for the advice though. I'm gonna hit my pct in 9 days.
    Well NOW WE HAVE YOUR ATTENTION ! You asked questions but argued the answers. I stood back until I thought you needed you head turned. That's the reason I cam off harshly towards you. I also gave you a hint of my qualifications and that was to let you know if I agree with advice you were given then it must be right. Look at what I posted again and read up on most of your come backs and you will see your attitude.
    So now that you are listening we can and are helping you. That's what this is all about. I hope you were slightly educated. Do as the majority advice with the pct. and Ai etc.. And get yourself better. You have so much time. Look at me at my age, I'm running out of time so I listen and wish I had this help years ago. Good luck now, I feel better for you already. ...crazy mike

  38. #38
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmaelite View Post
    heres the diet I use when im bulking up. its kind of costly. you can make some cheaper subs but this works perfect for me while im on.
    Meal 1 – 10 oz cod, 2 whole eggs, 2 cups oatmeal
    Meal 2 – 8 oz cod, 12 oz sweet potato, 1 cup veggies
    Meal 3 – 8 oz chicken, 2 cups white rice, 1 cup veggies
    Meal 4 – 8 oz cod, 2 cups rice, 1 cup veggies, 1 tbsp fish oil
    Meal 5 – 8 oz steak, 12 oz baked potato, spinach salad
    Meal 6 – 10 oz cod, 2 cups rice, salad
    Meal 7 – 30 grams casein protein, 10 egg-white omelet, 1 cup veggies (onions, peppers, mushrooms), 1 tbsp omega-3 fish oil
    You could have had a breakfast without fish lol dieting sucks already don't need a cod breakfast in there lol IMO it looks alright tho besides that.
    mmaelite likes this.

  39. #39
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamChaser View Post
    Well thanks to you guys who weren't assholes about it. I posted this to get feedback based off facts; opposed to all other threads where old dudes just bash the youth saying they're dumbasses. How could you guys expect us to take your advice seriously if it's not backed up with information and science.
    Thanks for the advice though. I'm gonna hit my pct in 9 days.
    glad to hear you are wising up and taking the advice given to you.

  40. #40
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Don't go with any "source" except ar-r - for PCT.

    You can't afford to take a risk on getting bunk stuff...

    Ar-r is sure stuff, expensive but 100% Legit.(greatly worth the little extra money)

    Anotest is Worhtless... It's a suplement(test booster) It won't do shit in your case...
    It may be a good product in natural low testosterone .

    I think you will be fine but once you've done your pct have Blood work done(1 month after last dose of nolva/clomid) could be a good idea.
    Just to be sure that your testosterone is back to normal.

    And about longterm possible damage... Only time will tell us...

    Good luck, Happy to see that you changed your mind.

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