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Thread: Cycle Review

  1. #1
    spiderman87 is offline Junior Member
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    Cycle Review

    I'm about to take my 3rd cycle.
    First cycle was Test E only. 250mg weeks 1-4 and 500mg weeks 5-12.
    Second was Test Prop 100mg EOD and EQ 300mg/week
    for 12 weeks.

    This will be pest cycle in 2 years. I'm 28. 5'10 and sitting right at 200 pounds. Somewhere around 10% BF.

    I'm planning on running Test Cyp 250/Tren E 250 blend along with Anavar .
    I thought about running one ML every 5 days of the blend along with 50mg/day of Var for 12 weeks.

    I'm looking to cut! I would like to get to 185. My diet will be fine. I have great will power and know how to diet. Cardio 3 days a week and lift 5 days a week.

    Would you change anything?

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    I would forgo the blend and pick up Tren E and Test Cyp separately. Run your Cyp at 125/wk and your Tren E at 375/wk to start. I would also increase your Var to 80mg/day and run it 6-8wks - not 12.

    hCG ?
    Dopamine Agonist?

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Spiderman. It seems from your cycle history that you are not ready to run tren yet. Your Test/EQ cycle is very strange, both in dosage/compound selection and length of cycle.

    There is no need to run Var and Tren together, it just doesn't make sense. I don't know anyone experienced with these compounds that would advise that.

    You may want to consider running a more entry level cycle with Test/Var only.

    Good luck.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Spiderman. It seems from your cycle history that you are not ready to run tren yet. Your Test/EQ cycle is very strange, both in dosage/compound selection and length of cycle.

    There is no need to run Var and Tren together, it just doesn't make sense. I don't know anyone experienced with these compounds that would advise that.

    You may want to consider running a more entry level cycle with Test/Var only.

    Good luck.
    I agree with the above, no need for the tren with your history and cycle experience. Stick with a decent dose of test and var along side a solid diet and training routine.

  5. #5
    spiderman87 is offline Junior Member
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    What are the problems with the blend?
    I'm pretty set on running tren . Not to say I don't value what your thoughts because I do appreciate the in put. I've been around gear for years and just haven't ran much, just been going clean.

    The blend is good quality. Are the MG's off as to what I should run?
    I do understand the VAR. if I should cut it out, I will run just the test c and tren

    Thoughts if I'm dead set on tren?

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    For the most part, I find that blends are not properly dosed and cannot be counted on.

    Tren for your third cycle is fine, perhaps not the best choice, but fine none the less. Just keep your dose amounts reasonable and grow into your dose. Yes, your history of AAS use appears at first to be confusing, but you seem to have a handle on AAS.

    Tren can be a handful for someone who is unaware of the sides that often accompany it. But i certainly dont recommend it for a 1st, second, or even third cycle. However, if the user is determined like you are, then i would much prefer to advise you on how to use it properly rather than see you hurt yourself.

    IMHO, I would stick with the mg's i have outlined and monitor your cycle. Can you use Test Cyp 250/Tren E 250 blend every five days? Of course you can. But i wouldn't recommend that in your case. I would rather see you ease into it. That's just me though.

    As for your Var, you can use it or not. I know lots of guys that report gains with long estered Tren and Var up front being that it take about 4wks plus for Tren E to kick in. I assume the other member up top neglected to factor this in. I also know guys that don't. So it's up to you. You may want to save it for an other cycle where it can be over shadowed by Tren.
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 05-15-2013 at 10:35 AM.

  7. #7
    spiderman87 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Mickey. It's much appreciated. I know my body very well. I know what I should feel and what I shouldn't. While I'm not experienced with Tren , I know the effects it can have. If there is anything I don't know as much of is dosages an what AI to run while on? I'm a firm believer in test with every cycle.
    What are the effects of running 250/200? Should your tren dosage be that much higher than your test? Will I have much of a reason to run AI with low dosages? I def plan on PCT but can run AI if needed....

    As for VAR, I was going to run it solely to cut and harden even more.
    If the tren will in fact over shadow it, I will use it another time.
    Would tren also over shadow Winstrol ?

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Youre very welcome my friend.

    Here's a solid thread on Tren and has all the answers your looking for. Take a read and then if there is anything you feel that is not covered, you can pop that question up for review.

    *FYI, i believe orals like Var are covered in here and also suggest that it's fine to run Var up front when using long estered Tren like i just suggested. So im not sure where the above members are going with that comment?? Sounds like parroting to me.

    Anyway, good luck bro.

    Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About TREN.

    Atomini's all-you-need-to-know about TREN and how to use it effectively thread!

  9. #9
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Tren with var is pointless. Save it for another time. Var is used for longer than 4 weeks,, so that kick start doesn't really fly with me. Save it for later if you're using Tren. Tren will do plenty of hardening
    austinite likes this.

  10. #10
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Tren with var is pointless. Save it for another time. Var is used for longer than 4 weeks,, so that kick start doesn't really fly with me. Save it for later if you're using Tren. Tren will do plenty of hardening
    Agree. Another case of blind leading the blind here...

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I would nix the tren and just do Test at 400mgs or 500mgs and Var at 80-100mgs. Trust me when you run more than two compounds it's a orgy. You won't knw what compounds are doing wht! The Var will kick in quick and the test will bring it home. Save your Tren for a rainy day. So basically ditto to Patrick and Austin.


  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiderman87 View Post
    What are the problems with the blend?
    I'm pretty set on running tren . Not to say I don't value what your thoughts because I do appreciate the in put. I've been around gear for years and just haven't ran much, just been going clean.

    The blend is good quality. Are the MG's off as to what I should run?
    I do understand the VAR. if I should cut it out, I will run just the test c and tren

    Thoughts if I'm dead set on tren?

    There is no need for tren on your third cycle when all you have ran previously is test and eq. Grow into your compounds and don't start using something so powerful when you haven't experience basic compounds yet. Also blends are not worth it usually they don't contain what they state anyway.

    Listen to people with experience and not parrots. Best of luck

  13. #13
    spiderman87 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the input guys. I think y'all have talked me out of the blend.
    I'm not scared of Tren , but the blend just isn't what I want.
    I'm wanting to shred. I have a good build currently and am pretty solid...
    I'm looking to cut cut cut. I have some Paddock Labs Test Cyp, Anavar Tabs,
    Winstrol Tabs and some deca on hand. I don't think I have enough Var to run 100mg a day, but I have enough to do 50 ED for 6 weeks.


  14. #14
    spiderman87 is offline Junior Member
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    Test Cyp 250 every 4 days for 10 weeks
    Anavar 50mg/ED for 6 weeks?

  15. #15
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    The cycle you're proposing now is contained in this thread.

    **Most Common Beginners Cycles**

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