Hey guys, long time reader first time poster.
Let me know if I'm breaking any rules here or theres already a post about this. but here's what a need help with.
I've started a test prop only cycle at 150mg eod about 3 weeks ago. Now in 2 weeks I will be heading overseas for 2 weeks for a wedding and will not be able to continue injecting. I really don't want my levels to drop mainly because of not having any and the sides of a raised estrogen level.
What should I do to either bridge or suggestions on what else I can use to bridge for 2 weeks until I get back. Bearing in mind I'm struggling to find any longer estered injectables. Also for orals, I will be drinking a fair bit of alcohol as I'm on vacation and the festivities that will be going on so something that's not too liver toxic?
Hope there's an easy solution. Thanks guys.