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Thread: Aromatase Excess Syndrome

  1. #41
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Nobody will protect your ass Yannick your a fool and time will prove this

  2. #42
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Nobody will protect your ass Yannick your a fool and time will prove this
    OMG that made me laugh sorry did not mean to flame you but it did make me laugh like i need protection hahahaha on a board

    cool as shit and knows his stuff really that is a bold statement do you have a tattoo of your mom on your arm, that would only confirm what i saw on a cruise once. Sorry out of subject back on now. Glitch in the matrix
    Last edited by yannick35; 06-09-2013 at 03:35 PM.

  3. #43
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    The fact of the mater is you people don't know squat, mmmmm there you go bigger fool then me, i started to know my body, and what works for me, would be foolish to give advise to someone else when i don't know how they respond to something right.

    Simple. And its not just this board its everyone who writes diet books, and more they all seem to have the perfect plan, low carb will site studies, vegetarien studies, high carb low fat, and more.

    Squat and deadlift the most dangerous exercise of them all and yet people still preach on them, they compress the spine the lower back and people get disc hernia and issues but they still need to do those exercises.

    Its like if you got different views or point of views you are not part of the pact, testosterone is king, squat is king, deadlift is king, lift heavy heavy weights, eat 300g of protein in 6 small meals and that should apply to everyone everyone.

    This is a caveman thinking and immature.

    Bless the guy that is training me right now to have is open mind, in fact to cause more stir i am going on a semi vegan diet, i will still eat eggs but cut the meat out of my diet.

    I am wasting my time trying to make you people understand that its not a one size fit all, and before going on a tren win cycle no T i have spoken to many that did with excellent results, i hate the bloated look that testosterone give me deca and more.

    I have asked a few times on this board why my weight was stuck at 230 pounds, and i got laugh at, saying i eat junk and other stuff like this, but when you are on 200mg of testosterone for 6 months and HCG and then you get switch to 100mg you go has high has 261 pounds and then get back down to 245 from a start point of 217, if using steroids you lose all your gains then why did i not shrink back to 217, why did i have so much trouble from 245 to 230 and even at 230 i still need to eat clean cause i gain easy.

    Age..... true i am 40 still many people in there 40 and 50 lose a lot of weight and slim down. So my guess is that testosterone did something to my hormones and now i am stuck at 230 and no mater what i do i just cant lose weight.

    I don't see the goal of using so much steroids either people going on huge cycle then crying out they lose all there gains, the worst thing in gyms and god its still present today, i have been out for 11 years is the balloon effect, you see people on cycle then they lose all there gains, by doing smaller cycles with less water you get to at least keep some of the gains.

    You see its a mater of putting things in perspective, in those 11 years i was amazed how muscle memory really is, i was able to get back lost stenght within a few weeks of serious training, muscle size came back good, and even when i was inactive i did not lose all my muscles after all i trained hard between 13 and 30 before injury and did my first roid cycle at 28.

    Hormones is where its at, you see someone that has low thyroid hormone and many of us do if the body temp is not around 98.5 well low carbing might not be for you, also weight training needs glycogen, i have read many books about high protein and low carb diet saying to take in more potassium, drink more water and get more sodium and it takes 6 weeks to adapt to ketosis and body use ketones for energy well i did that when i did atkins and after 3 months i still felt foggy terrible in ketosis.

    Same with paleo diet and intermittent fasting they are new fad diets that everyone is talking about, or coconut oil suppose to make people lose weight but still some people gained with it, and people react in a bad way cause they lost weight on it and some gain.

    I tried the warrior diet fasted for 20 hours and ate for 4 hours sometimes i even ate on meal and cut the window at 2 hours, that did not work, i cut out grains and dairy and still did not work. I try renegade diet fasted for 16 hours ate for 8 hours with small meals, that did not work either i was eating well under 2000 cals per day, sometimes 1600 low carb and still almost no weight loss. In fact my body temp while fasting went straight down, i was on the board of fast 5 and ask bert the guy that wrote the book why, and he replied a dumb reply that i was cheating during my fasting hours which i was drinking water and tea only, so people who praise theses diets all have a way out if someone does not respond to them and that makes me sick to my stomach.

    Until people are ready to accept the fact that we are all different and there is not a one size fit all we will never make progress, the easiest way to disagree with someone is to flame them and prove immaturity like this board has in so many of there members like 20 inch muscular caveman with no class.
    Last edited by yannick35; 06-09-2013 at 03:34 PM.

  4. #44
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35

    Time has not been nice to you, who is the fool now brawo.

    I don't need protection from people who don't know what they are talking about either, boars free advise and you get what you pay for.

    In fact how do i close my account honest i have wasted too much time on this board listening to patriotic americains try to prove how superior they are and dumb flamers who wasted there lives on drugs and bunch has sad homos.

    In fact a big fukk all ya biyatch a$$ nigazz might do it.
    Firstly I'm English
    And time hasn't been nice to me?
    You don't know me buddy

    PM admin and don't let the door hit you in the way out

    Good bye

  5. #45
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    Lunk is wrong for making the comments that he did. However, I would say that he is merely too confident in himself and close-minded rather than an idiot. This board, as a general rule, preaches the idea that if you burn more than you eat, you will lose weight. It also centers its information around a one-size fits all type of program/cycle advice. We are not all the same, and what works for one person may not work for another. I've found that every time I jump onto a testosterone cycle, I just get overly fat. I will gain some muscle, but most of my weight gain is water and fat regardless of how I eat or follow the suggested AI protocols.

    I wish you luck on the tren /winstrol cycle; let us know how it works out for you. You may want to include something like 50mg/week of testosterone, just to keep a little bit circulating in your system. According to all of the information on this site, tren will shut down your natural production completely and leave you with little to no testosterone; however, our case is not the norm so I guess it will take a case study to find out what will really happen.

    Please keep us updated!
    There will always be the exception to the rule.Like yours but we dont deal with these a lot and there is always something new to learn.And calling Lunk a idiot is really simple minded and uncalled for.And yes we do group everyone togeather.We are not your doctor and we are not there everyday seeing wat you eat.And the sad truth is not everyone tells the truth.So if you have a special problem.There is a very good chance we wont pick up on it.And in Vannicks case I dont know why he didnt run a Ai if he was holding so much water.That is something he shouldve thought about or read about in his research.But sitting here bad mouthing people will get you banned.

  6. #46
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    You say "patriotic Americans" as though that is a bad thing.

    And squat and deadlift are dangerous, as is every single move involved in weightlifting, especially if done improperly. But when done properly and intelligently, the positive aspects outweigh the negative All moves have inherent risks, anyone with a functioning brain knows that.

    Take your BS somewhere else.

  7. #47
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitchindude View Post

    You say "patriotic Americans" as though that is a bad thing.

    And squat and deadlift are dangerous, as is every single move involved in weightlifting, especially if done improperly. But when done properly and intelligently, the positive aspects outweigh the negative All moves have inherent risks, anyone with a functioning brain knows that.

    Take your BS somewhere else.
    And there you go you know it don't you

  8. #48
    pitchindude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35

    And there you go you know it don't you
    Huh? There I go? Know what? That you are some lame attention seeking troll with serious issues? Yeah we know that.

  9. #49
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    riged dapen
    Last edited by yannick35; 06-09-2013 at 03:53 PM.

  10. #50
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    The fact of the mater is you people don't know squat, mmmmm there you go bigger fool then me, i started to know my body, and what works for me, would be foolish to give advise to someone else when i don't know how they respond to something right.

    Simple. And its not just this board its everyone who writes diet books, and more they all seem to have the perfect plan, low carb will site studies, vegetarien studies, high carb low fat, and more.

    Squat and deadlift the most dangerous exercise of them all and yet people still preach on them, they compress the spine the lower back and people get disc hernia and issues but they still need to do those exercises.

    Its like if you got different views or point of views you are not part of the pact, testosterone is king, squat is king, deadlift is king, lift heavy heavy weights, eat 300g of protein in 6 small meals and that should apply to everyone everyone.

    This is a caveman thinking and immature.

    Bless the guy that is training me right now to have is open mind, in fact to cause more stir i am going on a semi vegan diet, i will still eat eggs but cut the meat out of my diet.

    I am wasting my time trying to make you people understand that its not a one size fit all, and before going on a tren win cycle no T i have spoken to many that did with excellent results, i hate the bloated look that testosterone give me deca and more.

    I have asked a few times on this board why my weight was stuck at 230 pounds, and i got laugh at, saying i eat junk and other stuff like this, but when you are on 200mg of testosterone for 6 months and HCG and then you get switch to 100mg you go has high has 261 pounds and then get back down to 245 from a start point of 217, if using steroids you lose all your gains then why did i not shrink back to 217, why did i have so much trouble from 245 to 230 and even at 230 i still need to eat clean cause i gain easy.

    Age..... true i am 40 still many people in there 40 and 50 lose a lot of weight and slim down. So my guess is that testosterone did something to my hormones and now i am stuck at 230 and no mater what i do i just cant lose weight.

    I don't see the goal of using so much steroids either people going on huge cycle then crying out they lose all there gains, the worst thing in gyms and god its still present today, i have been out for 11 years is the balloon effect, you see people on cycle then they lose all there gains, by doing smaller cycles with less water you get to at least keep some of the gains.

    You see its a mater of putting things in perspective, in those 11 years i was amazed how muscle memory really is, i was able to get back lost stenght within a few weeks of serious training, muscle size came back good, and even when i was inactive i did not lose all my muscles after all i trained hard between 13 and 30 before injury and did my first roid cycle at 28.

    Hormones is where its at, you see someone that has low thyroid hormone and many of us do if the body temp is not around 98.5 well low carbing might not be for you, also weight training needs glycogen, i have read many books about high protein and low carb diet saying to take in more potassium, drink more water and get more sodium and it takes 6 weeks to adapt to ketosis and body use ketones for energy well i did that when i did atkins and after 3 months i still felt foggy terrible in ketosis.

    Same with paleo diet and intermittent fasting they are new fad diets that everyone is talking about, or coconut oil suppose to make people lose weight but still some people gained with it, and people react in a bad way cause they lost weight on it and some gain.

    I tried the warrior diet fasted for 20 hours and ate for 4 hours sometimes i even ate on meal and cut the window at 2 hours, that did not work, i cut out grains and dairy and still did not work. I try renegade diet fasted for 16 hours ate for 8 hours with small meals, that did not work either i was eating well under 2000 cals per day, sometimes 1600 low carb and still almost no weight loss. In fact my body temp while fasting went straight down, i was on the board of fast 5 and ask bert the guy that wrote the book why, and he replied a dumb reply that i was cheating during my fasting hours which i was drinking water and tea only, so people who praise theses diets all have a way out if someone does not respond to them and that makes me sick to my stomach.

    Until people are ready to accept the fact that we are all different and there is not a one size fit all we will never make progress, the easiest way to disagree with someone is to flame them and prove immaturity like this board has in so many of there members like 20 inch muscular caveman with no class.
    And running is bad for your knees.So should we cancel all the marathons? Wish you well bro.

  11. #51
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Running is bad for your joints, you need to understand this too, what you people don't know is that in my 11 years of chronic pain i have been around the bloc more then once, i have spoken to specialist on back pain, i have spoken to many that did squat deadlift and yes runners and they are all on the bench today.

    What you people don't realize is that we all grow old there is no avoiding it, when you are young you think you are invincible, but when you get older you realize that you are not. I have been getting a lot of prolo treatment to fix my back and more then it takes, and its true that i have some fear that people might think they are so invincible and end up injured like i did and on the bench for the rest of there lives.

    Do some of you know how it feel to go from competitive tae kwon do, boxing, weight lifting to lying in bed and not being able to go for a walk because your pelvic is out of alignment, and you been given exercises to do that make your pain worst, do you know how it feel when you want to kill yourself because life is not worth living and you cannot find a solution to your pain. I have hit rock bottom and i know where i have been.

    Getting older my goal is to stay injury free, squatting might be a king exercise but how many people do it right, there is a powerlifting cage at my gym and most people who do squat and deadlift get injured, or muscle spasm and more.

    I have spoken to many older athletes who at 40 decided to turn into ironman tri athletes and are now in there 60 and unable to walk. People need to realize that what they do now will reflect in the future when they get older.

    When i reach 60 i plan on being able to feel good and go for hiking and still be able to do things, i know that at a bodyweight of 230 this will be impossible.

    You can see this is not BS but theses are my views and again i get disrespected for pointing them out.
    Last edited by yannick35; 06-09-2013 at 03:53 PM.

  12. #52
    pitchindude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35

    And there you go you know it don't you, older lifters that i spoke to people in there late 50-60 who where squatters and deadlifter all have bad knee arthritis, cartillage injuries, hip pains and more. But they are the staple of bodybuilding.

    Patriotic is wrong because and a terrible thing, its the main reason america is so hated in all other countries, and why americans are not allowed to go to cuba. Its like we are everywhere, we are the best and we get our nose in everyone business, hahahaha, when i was in mexico enjoying the sun they where the only people that where always shooting loud, you need to notice them hey here we are Bill 450 pounds from Texas, yeah and they all got theses ugly tattoos and stuff. What is so great about america obesity or the fact that its a nation of lies and all athletes are on steroids .

    Yeah i will take my BS somewhere else you suckers are not worthy of my new found knowledge, god forbids.
    The level of idiocy that you bring to the table astounds me. Patriotism is wrong and a terrible thing...hmm. Well don't you worry your pathetic little self about it. You stay out of the US and you don't have to deal with it.

  13. #53
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    I think post #42 that was edited (and Pan managed to quote in #44) should about take care of this problem.

    By the way...the guy training you is going to be as open minded as you pay him to be.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35
    Running is bad for your joints, you need to understand this too, what you people don't know is that in my 11 years of chronic pain i have been around the bloc more then once, i have spoken to specialist on back pain, i have spoken to many that did squat deadlift and yes runners and they are all on the bench today.

    What you people don't realize is that we all grow old there is no avoiding it, when you are young you think you are invincible, but when you get older you realize that you are not. I have been getting a lot of prolo treatment to fix my back and more then it takes, and its true that i have some fear that people might think they are so invincible and end up injured like i did and on the bench for the rest of there lives
    So according to you we shouldn't squat, deadlift or

    And we people understand perfectly the risks.

  15. #55
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yannick 35 has left the building

  16. #56
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    very well written...

  17. #57
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I will contribute one last post to this board, and it will be at the end of my tren win V anavar cycle, i will post some of my diet changes, and training around injury.

    After that i will leave this board for good promise, i am seriously never really around here, i just pop up from time to time.

    This last post will go pretty much against the grain and be controversial to all your so called knowledge, it will have no testosterone , it will have low dosage and it will be a semi vegan diet i will still eat horse meat, eggs and get some protein from egg and milk powder which i am not allergic like whey.

    I believe that at some point if we want to keep healthy lots of veggies and fruits are king.

    Squat fans fear no more, i found a perfect squatting machine the hammer squat at the gym which has no pressure on the upper and lower spine, i can now squat full range on this machine and feel it in the legs, i got for higher reps.

    Needless to say lots of you people have been added to my ignore list, i feel that if someone has new ideas and other he does not have to get flamed all the time by people who are one sided.

  18. #58
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitchindude View Post
    So according to you we shouldn't squat, deadlift or

    And we people understand perfectly the risks.
    And when you injure yourself you will PM me like everyone else crying out for my help because you will have gone to the chiro, massage therapist, sport medicine and found no relief. And you will ask me for advise on prolotherapy and how it could save your life.

    Don't worry i once tough i was invincible myself, and would have replied the same thing has you. But once you are injured its over because i wont reply to anymore PM about prolotherapy and i am light years ahead on this technique that can save lives, regenerate cartilage and sooo much more.

  19. #59
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitchindude View Post
    The level of idiocy that you bring to the table astounds me. Patriotism is wrong and a terrible thing...hmm. Well don't you worry your pathetic little self about it. You stay out of the US and you don't have to deal with it.
    You are only an idiot if you think you are, i think of myself has being a bit more brilliant i am a patriot Canadian, best there is best there was best there ever will be, Bret Hart

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35

    And when you injure yourself you will PM me like everyone else crying out for my help because you will have gone to the chiro, massage therapist, sport medicine and found no relief. And you will ask me for advise on prolotherapy and how it could save your life.

    Don't worry i once tough i was invincible myself, and would have replied the same thing has you. But once you are injured its over because i wont reply to anymore PM about prolotherapy and i am light years ahead on this technique that can save lives, regenerate cartilage and sooo much more.
    You promised you'd only plague thirst forums with one more've posted three. Just leave.

    And no, I would never sink so low to ask you, the cancer of these boards, for advice or help on anything. Injuries will happen, no doubt. No weight lifter and multi-sport athlete can get by without an injury here or there. But to ask you how to deal with an injury...lmao.

  21. #61
    HORSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    And when you injure yourself you will PM me like everyone else crying out for my help because you will have gone to the chiro, massage therapist, sport medicine and found no relief. And you will ask me for advise on prolotherapy and how it could save your life.

    Don't worry i once tough i was invincible myself, and would have replied the same thing has you. But once you are injured its over because i wont reply to anymore PM about prolotherapy and i am light years ahead on this technique that can save lives, regenerate cartilage and sooo much more.
    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    You are only an idiot if you think you are, i think of myself has being a bit more brilliant i am a patriot Canadian, best there is best there was best there ever will be, Bret Hart
    A brilliant patriot Canadian not willing to lend a helping hand to a fellow countryman (via pm) that is desperate need of your expertise in prolapse's....

    Doesn't not seem very patriotic....

  22. #62
    pitchindude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35

    i am a patriot Canadian,
    So being a patriotic American is wrong...but a patriotic Canadian is okay? drunk or something?

    You yourself said "Patriotic is wrong"

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