Quote Originally Posted by dinogoesrawr

I gained weight sure - thats how I got to 85. But everything stopped and I'm even loosing weight even though I'm eating the same/more. I uploaded myfitnesspal screenshots so I dont think I calculated it wrong. I measure everything I eat.
Idk what TDEE is.
Bloodwork? Like test levels? No.

Cycle 1 = test cyp + prop
Cycle 2 = mix of 4 substances (waiting for the exact names but one included tren )
I did HCG and tamoxifen PCT after (I'm on tamoxifen atm as my previous cycle is finished).
Do you did a cycle without even knowing what you were taking, or what doses. How many cycles have you done, and in what time frame?
I would suggest getting blood work ASAP.

TDEE is explained in the nutrition section as a sticky, and how to calculate it.