06-24-2013, 05:13 AM #1
42 year old: review my first time anti-aging cycle (HGH + test)
Hey, I'm age 42, 75 kilos, 5 foot 10 inches... been working out for 3 years now, reasonably lean, just started HGH injections last week, strongly considering adding a cycle of test.
My plan is:
1. HGH 1 iu/ day to start for 2 weeks, bump up to 1.5 iu/ day, reach 4iu/ day at around 8-12 weeks.
2. After 12 weeks, add 250mg/ week of Test Cypionate , run for 15 weeks, keep a bottle of nolvadex on hand in case I encounter sides.
3. PCT (as recommended by my supplier) is Clomiphen tablets and some vitamin E
Purpose: mainly interested to see if this cycle will enhance my workouts while making me 'feel' younger, more energized... perhaps giving me an 'edge' in my life beyond the gym. If this works out well, I would consider running one test cycle per year.
Main concern: don't want my balls to stop producing their own test, don't want to become physically reliant on test.
What do you think about my plan?
06-24-2013, 05:45 AM #2
How long are you running the HGH? 6mos, a year or longer?
06-24-2013, 05:46 AM #3
Reasons for my interest:
* general tiredness
* lift 3 times per week, always mildly sore
* lifting numbers are not progressing (still can't make bodyweight bench presses, deadlifts just 10 kilos over bodyweight, squats about the same -- mainly due to postural issues which I am working on)
Diet is good, indulgences are 3-5 beers/ month, 2-3 McDonald's lunches/ month.
I got interested in HGH for the fat loss/ general well-being aspects. My supplier proposed the addition of Test Cypionate .
I won't be bothered if I don't get massive gains. I'll be happy to boost my workouts, further my lifts, feel more alpha energy... nothing drastic, erring on the side of caution.
I'm gonna roll with the HGH for now, perhaps do a cycle about a month from now. Hopefully some people with experience can point me in the right direction with my plan!
Last edited by Thanos_of_Titan; 06-24-2013 at 06:02 AM.
06-24-2013, 05:47 AM #4
06-24-2013, 08:57 AM #5
have u had ur testosterone checked?? with your symptoms it may be low.. also 250mg test per week is not a cycle dose. it will shut down your natty production. why risk HPTA damage if ur only planning on running a high TRT dose?? u may wanna reconsider ur dosage. i would also suggest u learn more about it before running a cycle. you should already know this..
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