I found Mike's post about starting too young. Here it is:

Originally posted by Mike
I started when I was 16, had a heart attack at 24 (am 28 now), have had severely high blood pressure since I was 16 that seems to be uncurable - medicated it is about 190/115, no meds it is resting at about 215/135, I have done extensive tests - had an MRA done, protein analysis, blood panel, urine tests...everything. Never came up with anything - it was steroid provoked hypertension - doc says if it doesn't come down 30 doesn't seem like an attainable age for me. Trust me - you gotta be safe brother - research lots and when you're ready to cycle - hit me up if you want to - I will set ya straight. Not trying to scare you just give you unbiased information so you can see ALL sides of the story.
Here's the link to the original thread:
I haven't done juice before but