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  1. #1
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    Week 3 tmrw. Prop not kicking in

    Stats: 22yrs 6'0 190lbs working out for 4 yrs.
    -If this matters...bench 260, squat 350 deadlift 560

    I found a similar thread, I'm pretty sure i'm in the same boat as this guy -
    3 weeks in and Prop still hasn't kicked in

    I'm starting my 3rd week of test prop tomrrow.
    First 2 cycles I did were were last year. Test E for 10 weeks each with aromasin 25mg eod and I ate ate ate as much as I could, over 300g protein a day 300-350g carbs and lots of fat in 6 meals (and 1-2 shakes) (3200-3500cals) All these two cycles did was give me a ton of acne and make me really lethargic and no weight gain. No strength. No Libido increase or anything.
    Also all 3 cycles were from 3 different labs, all considered g2g....

    So I'm on 200mg eod of prop (2cc) right now, and i'm eating lots like I would normally. I got gyno symptoms in the first week so I took adex at 0.5mg eod and it's helped a lot, and nolva to get rid of it. I know you guys will say it's probably my diet that is off but even without a proper diet there should be something happening right? No weight gain at all, no strength, don't feel different, sex drive is pretty shit like it always is. No oily skin and this time actually no acne but my nipples did get really sensitive and painful to stretch, couldn't even workout chest for a week so I started adex.

    I mostly wanted to know if maybe tren or something might work instead? I had bloodwork done last cycle and it was like way up the dr was asking me wtf I was taking.
    Thanks for the advice. I'm sure it's just my body that's the problem.

  2. #2
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    You shouldn't necessarily feel different unless your natural levels are just really low. I def have a libido increase but some don't. Did you gain size and strength from previous runs?

  3. #3
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    No I gained 0lbs. 0 strength.

  4. #4
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    Weird. Are you sure the gear you are using is genuine? Tren is a VERY powerful compound, one of the strongest available. It normally takes about 3 or so days for anyone's prop to kick in.....

  5. #5
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    No one is 100% sure but they're good labs. Is time actually I'm on the 2nd bottle which is different so it would be my 4th lab. And I got gyno n a little fever like test flu but it's gone now. At this point I'm wondering if any steroids would work. I have a nice physique train hard. Drink 2x a year.

  6. #6
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
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    Your guess is as good as mine, cant say ive ever heard of aas not being effective but im sure it can happen....

  7. #7
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    I'll throw in winny tmrw and if that doesn't work I'll be watching Layne Norton videos instead lol.

  8. #8
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    I'm about 195 and about 12% and maintenance calories is about 3300 for me. Ill wager you're not eating enough.

    And 700mg of test on only your third cycle?!?!

  9. #9
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    When I go on cycle I add carbs so I'll go from 40g per meal to about 50-60 and then I get a bit Chubby. I'm about 10%bf I'd say. Abs are really good in the morning lol

  10. #10
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    I took peptides even for 4 months. The max saturation dose 3x/day cjc and ghrp 6 for those familiar. It did nothing. No increase in hunger or anything.... so you guys think different things might work like tren lol.

  11. #11
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    When bulking you generally gain fat as well as LBM.

    Why add other compounds? What do you think they will do when you don't eat enough to gain?

    Add 300cals to your diet and see what happens. I'm eating 450g carbs every day!

    And get a blood test and see how legit your gear is.

    Are you taking an AI?

  12. #12
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
    Chx beach 79 is offline Senior Member
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    Don't over complicate things, get bloodwork like B in B said... Then ALL your questions will be answered. There is no room for assumptions when putting hormones into your body!!! Best of luck!

  13. #13
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    I'll add in more carbs for more cals. Bw I'll get too. Adex is used now at 0.5 eod. It's just weird..well time to eat lol I'll respond later. Thanks everyone

  14. #14
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dtrain17
    I'll add in more carbs for more cals. Bw I'll get too. Adex is used now at 0.5 eod. It's just weird..well time to eat lol I'll respond later. Thanks everyone
    ^^^^^ good call! Good luck!

  15. #15
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    Update: I added in 40g oats in my shake during work, otherwise I have the same diet because I'm already eating as much as I can, tbh I'm not always crazy hungry so I do what I can do, that's why I tried ghrp-6/cjc 1295 but that didn't even increase hunger whatsover like it apparently should.

    I'm about the same weight anyways, 2lbs heavier depending on the day but I'm not leaner, I actually gained fat from the extra carbs. I'm on day 21 of test prop at 700/week and I added in on monday 50mgs of winstrol /day which being an oral I thought something might happen like, I would feel something or my bench might go up by a pound or two,

    So i'm getting bw on monday, oh and my nuts didn't shrink at all like the previous 2 cycles, and the last cycle when I got bw it did show my test was really high the dr said. But nuts didn't shrink. My sex drive is low like it's always been also, even on 700/test. Just thought I'd keep you guys updated. If you go to the top of the thread and read that guys post, it's basically the exact same as this one and everyone basically says it's his fault but for some people steroids don't do anything. I feel like I could do 1g/tren /week and It wouldn't do anything.... there goes my goals of being 220lbs...

  16. #16
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Don't add winstrol if you want to gain mass... DAFUQ!

    Seriously 40g of oat... It's only 160cals...

    3500cals for an ectomorph 190lbs its not much... you should eat more. Way more. And if you are getting fat instead of LBM then clean your diet.
    try to reach 4500 cals clean. if you don't gain mass with it your oil is bunk... Try high dose b12 for appetite.

    If your oil is not bunk, if you really eat enough.

    I would say that you have another condition associated...
    Maybe you have issue with your digestive track you makes your macro useless, or any other health issue who makes muscle gain VERY HARD.

    Before saying that even steroid don't works on you, you should have way more proof.
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 07-20-2013 at 04:01 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Don't add winstrol if you want to gain mass... DAFUQ!

    Seriously 40g of oat... It's only 160cals...

    3500cals for an ectomorph 190lbs its not much... you should eat more. Way more. And if you are getting fat instead of LBM then clean your diet.
    try to reach 4500 cals clean. if you don't gain mass with it your oil is bunk...
    Yeh. Man its hard when u get over 200lbs. I'm trying to get over the 110kg mark (240lbs I think). N I know 100%. Only thing holding me back is food. U gotta eat.ALOT.

    Ha. Ate a 40oz rump steak challenge earlier (blue of course).

    N I could a probably ate more!!!

    6 months ago. I struggled with a 20 oz. No I'm not saying eat a 40oz steak. U could'nt use up the protein. But u gotta add more protein n a bit more complex carbs to EVERY meal. Not one. If that's hard. Then at least add half a protein shake to wash down each meal. Its all about making the availability better overall. U getting a good meal it just before bed? Lot of ppl rely on casein. Personally. If a decent meals too heavy. Have a smaller meal AND casein. Protein shakes too quickly digestable. Good for boosts b4 meals. Or small boosts with meals but that's it. Eating a lot n regular outranks shakes every time

  18. #18
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey so this is my update, I should have posted earlier. I got to 3.5 weeks into test prop and 5 days into winny and still not a single extra rep like my previous 2 cycles. One week after my last pin/oral my bench went up quite a bit, but I'm not looking at all more vascular or weigh any more and I'm eating lots and lots.
    I talked to a guy at my gym who trains an ifbb and he said i'm ****ed, it's my body probably...

    So I will get a full bloodwork panel when my levels are back. I didn't on cycle because I'm sure the test was real (acne/gyno/sweating/good source) And I've done 3 cycles now with 5 labs. Maybe pro hormones would work.. Anyways thanks for the help, just thought I'd get back to you guys.

  19. #19
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bunk batch thats all...

  20. #20
    Cuz's Avatar
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    if u don't feel prop 3 weeks in its probably fake. Your dL is 560? that from the floor?, id expect bench to be more than 260?

  21. #21
    Dtrain17 is offline Associate Member
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    It's not fake, i've researched today and I found a member who had the same problem, it's a problem with my body for sure, I kind of realized it for sure today so I'll have to see a specialist. Take a look it's interesting.

    Okay, I found the problem.

    And yeah my bench went up like crazy like I said, it's probably at around 285 now but I don't weigh more as I said. The deadlift is from the top then I go down usually, I'm 190 almost did 6 plates a few weeks ago lol. Basically 'all natural' since aas never did anything anyways...everyone has something going for them.

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