Its the internet, why does spelling have to be so important when you get the point across. Everyone knew what i was asking besides fit2bold so that says something about you. It's a question you don't gotta be ****ing dick about it. Yes it is stupid to inject something i know nothing about, but my friend knows everything about it, he's been on gear for 3 years and knows what he is doing. He's going to give me the thing that fits my situation. As for post cycle shit he told me to let him know when i'm about to be done with my stuff, and he was going to let me know what to buy, and tell me all about it. I'm not a ****ing idiot i created this to ask a question either help me out with an answer or don't. To tgunn saying i should not reproduce you know nothing about me except that i asked a quick question before i went to work, and i did not care about taking time to spell everything correctly.