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  1. #1
    Wingman1 is offline Junior Member
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    Help with possible first cycle

    Ok a little about me Im 43 5'10" fluctuate between 185 and 190 pounds with about 19% bf,, that's what im at now I was 240 with lots of bf 3 years ago.

    im looking to possibly cycle just to help with lowering bf while gaining muscle, so end result is I would like to keep around same weight but in lower teens bf.

    my macros and diet are about 95% right on as I found out from past experiences that I need two little cheats during a week so I don't fall off the wagon, im at a 400 calorie deficit right now and work out 4-6 times a week, with 4 of those being weights for an hour cardio for an hour and other 2 days no weights just abs and cardio...

    anyway ive tried ECA stack in past but was looking for something that was more efficient as I got a little trip coming up early next year and would like to see just a bit of result by then,, so that will give me some time to research and really look into it before commiting tpo any cycle,,,

    ive seen bulk cycles and cut cycles but is there one for leaning out while adding muscle.,..

    thanks in advance for any help

  2. #2
    Elijacked is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013
    You should really stick to diet and exercise for the time being. Bring down your bf% first..
    On a side note, Congrats on the weight loss!

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    5'10 185 and nearly 20%? That doesn't sound like you have managed to add much muscle while losing the weight. Congratz on the loss by the way. I would say you need to look at your current routine and diet first. Make sure you have a solid muscle base to work with before considering AAS as they are not really a weight loss supplement and you wont gain muscle if you are not busting your ass in the gym.

  4. #4
    Wingman1 is offline Junior Member
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    Reason was that I went off the wagon screwed up then tried to make up for it by cutting too much and was on 1500 calorie for a really long time. Do yeah I lost weight but wasn't all fat being lost as I learned. I'm now on a better balanced diet and better exercise routine.

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wingman1 View Post
    Reason was that I went off the wagon screwed up then tried to make up for it by cutting too much and was on 1500 calorie for a really long time. Do yeah I lost weight but wasn't all fat being lost as I learned. I'm now on a better balanced diet and better exercise routine.
    That sounds great. I would keep hitting the weights hard and pack on as much fat burning muscle as you can. Get that BF down and build a base before you consider AAS

  6. #6
    Wingman1 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks bud that's probably my best bet for now. But as a side question any good thermogenics. Over the counter or not. Or are they more hype in the billion dollar fat lost industry. I have tried ECA stack in past but don't want to keep doing same thing like pre workout supplements I believe in switching them around to keep body from getting used to them

  7. #7
    bdos's Avatar
    bdos is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wingman1 View Post
    Thanks bud that's probably my best bet for now. But as a side question any good thermogenics. Over the counter or not. Or are they more hype in the billion dollar fat lost industry. I have tried ECA stack in past but don't want to keep doing same thing like pre workout supplements I believe in switching them around to keep body from getting used to them
    Look for austins thread in the supplements forum its been getting great reviews around here try it out.

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