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Thread: Relationships and dbol?

  1. #1
    XOX is offline New Member
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    Relationships and dbol?

    I'm not the one going on roids, I know NOTHING at all about it. My boyfriend has always been working out. I go through phases where I stop and start again but My body thankfully changes dramatically
    the other day told me he is starting his first cycle of dianabol , although i do appreciate his honesty i was Doing my own research and freaked out lol. When I asked him about what I was reading he just said they abused the drug blah blah.
    I don't understand why he wants to go on it. He is already huge bein half islander. It might be a self esteem thingy or whatever.
    I do have alot of questions about it though that I can't ask him because he try's to make everything sound good.
    He said his taking a low dosage and its a 6week cycle. His 24 and already a big boy. His smart I know his been doing alot of research and knows what his doing, but iv read its hard to control the feeling when u see yourself progress in a week so fast. It's never really just "one cycle"
    Will these dosages affect his mood? if they do I wanted to know how long will it take to see changes?
    He does have a short temper, can be aggressive sometimes. I go through phases where I can't handle him anymore without him being on anything. I am worried about my safety but I'm also worried he might do something stupid that will revolve to him going back in.
    Ive read that there could be Emotional changes and I'm worried that he might become distant? And when I told him he said he might even become to clingy lol probably not in a good way.
    His sexual drive ? I have a high sexual drive to the point where I get upset when he can't lol and iv read that his libido might be down for a while.
    And worse case scenario If i decide to leave, once he does finish his cycle will be go back to normal? Will he want to sort things out with me or if the drug makes him emotionally distant will he remain that way?
    Is there a way I can convince him that he doesn't need size or maybe a alternative?
    A part of me is saying let him do what he needs to and whatever happens happens but then I am worried? The only good things iv heard about dbol is they work and he will see dramatic changed but the rest is negative.

    Am I over reacting ?

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Steroids can amplify whoever you already are. If you're a happy person, you'll be super happy. If you're a mean person, you'll be super mean. But for most, there really isn't any changes. Side effects can lead to some irritability.

    That being said, if you did not know that he was going to cycle, you probably wouldn't have noticed much, if anything.

    He's too young to cycle. Could cause some permanent damage if his endocrine system isn't fully developed. Anyone under 25 is at risk. Could possibly not recover from being shut down and left with erectile dysfunction, testicular atrophy and more.

    Good luck. I don't think couples should know about steroid use between each other. Nothing but trouble. You'll be "looking" for anything to blame steroids......
    Muscleduke likes this.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
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    As aust said. N dbol as a first cycle ud advise against. Should start with relatively low test base. If he's aggressive to the point u already fear ur safety. Sry to hear that. No one should feel like that in a relationship n its hard not to rant on about. Pfft. There'll be a risk he could become even more aggressive. Especially if he decides to get drunk on it. Not good. Bit too young n definitely can't have researched that much. Or he's not be doing dbol as a cycle. He'll simply fill with water gaining strength. Then drop it all as its not a great compound for keeping gains.
    Check out

    Anabolic ratings.
    The young and steroids
    Ai's n why we use em
    First cycle

    Etc etc.
    Good luck

    Edit. Personally sry aust. I do believe couples should be free to talk and discuss if needs be. My missus. My friends. Her friends. I'm open n honest had no behind back talk. Worlds starting to change n ppl are more accepting than they used to be. Only one that dint approve was my ex n month later she's fine after I told her to research it. (Properly n not from news/tabloid reports only medical facts)

    She's noticed now I sorted out my trt too that I'm more like how I used to be. Word of advice for ur bf. If he's ever in pain long term. Never ever take tramadol or similar painkiller for years. Cuz it messes up ur natty test. Or did mine. Happened so slowly I didn't realize until too late. But I'm all good now.

    But yeh. Just give the right advice.
    Last edited by MajorPectorial; 09-16-2013 at 10:22 AM.
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  4. #4
    tdoe11's Avatar
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    A dbol only cycle is a bad idea for a list of reasons. As previously stated there should always be a testosterone base. Aside from the health risks he is going to blow up with water weight in which he will lose after the cycle.

    You will notice little to no change in his behavior. The bummer and stigma about steroids is you ONLY hear about the guy that freaks out. He is always doing 10x the amount most people do, has mental problems and issues to begin with and almost always alcohol or other drugs are involved. There are thousands and thousands of people around the world using these hormones safely. It is just a very hush situation mainly due to the BS stigma associated with it.

    I am married, and I cycle quite often. My relationship is the best it ever had been. My Sex drive is insane and things are good. As Austin said though if you are "looking" for a reason to blame fights or irritability on you have just found it. So be cool. You have nothing to worry about, He might though doing a dbol only cycle. I would suggest to him to google search "dbol only cycle" and read read read. Good luck.

  5. #5
    XOX is offline New Member
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    After reading your replies it did calm me down. Your right I don't want to look for something to blame. You hear so many negative things about roids I didn't really know how to accept it. I appreciated his honesty but i dont wont to over react and make him regret telling me. I really hope he stays 'normal' lol
    Any answers about his sex drive? Will that be affected?

    I also have another question, when I train I'm natural. I have a addiction to duromine iv been on and off it for a couple of years now. I use to use it for weight loss but then my body started to become addicted to it I use it for the energy to train and suppress my appetite.
    It's at a stage now where it has no affect on my body and if I don't see improvement I lose motivation and give up.
    I don't want to jump on roids or anything but is there anything you guys recommend that is similar to duromine? Or anything i can do to make duromine mode effective? Iv used phen375 and hydroxycut but it doesn't have the same results.

    Thanks for your help

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
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    Depends on what he is taking. Dbol alone will likely ruin him. You have to take testosterone , hCG , and aromatase inhibitor,etc.. in order to manage blood levels, have a healthy libido and recover properly.

    Really no answer there unless we know details. But if he's not doing anything to control estrogen and maintain testicular function, you will be dating another girl. Crying over the titanic and what not... Might even put makeup on if his estrogen levels rise too high and shop at victoria secret to hold the newly found breast tissue.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  7. #7
    CanAmBrah's Avatar
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    I'm not one to lecture, but I've been around the block a few times....

    If you are in a relationship where you have even one iota of fear of your safety, you need to get out. No one deserves to live that kind of life.
    As one who is also familiar with addiction, you don't need to be looking for a replacement drug of any sort. Fat burner or otherwise. Getting naturally fit and healthy is easy, just takes a little more time and determination, but the reward at the end is so much greater.
    And unfortunately, those two issues often go hand in hand. And it all stems from low self esteem.
    You need to worry about yourself, your health and mental welfare. You are worth more than any of that stuff. Find who you really are, and who you want to be. Because I'm sure you're not happy where you are. And everyone deserves to be happy. Including you.... Especially you.

    Good luck and god bless.

  8. #8
    cj111's Avatar
    cj111 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You'll be "looking" for anything to blame steroids......
    This is the truest statement ever. The one cycle I did do my gf knew about it, and anytime we got in a lil spat or whatever it was all the "steroids " talking..

    Nope sorry, I'm still a stubborn ass and fly off the handle even when I'm not sticking needles in my ass. Crazy women I tell ya

  9. #9
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Aas make jerks even bigger jerks.

  10. #10
    CanAmBrah's Avatar
    CanAmBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    Aas make jerks even bigger jerks.

  11. #11
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    Aas make jerks even bigger jerks.
    I don't think I'm any more of an asshole because of gear. If anything, I've been calmer than I was before I ever started.

    Quote Originally Posted by XOX View Post
    He does have a short temper, can be aggressive sometimes. I go through phases where I can't handle him anymore without him being on anything. I am worried about my safety but I'm also worried he might do something stupid that will revolve to him going back in.

    It sounds to me like your boyfriend probably needs to see a therapist and maybe a psychiatrist. And I think you should also see one. I don't know what your domestic life is like and who is the cause of the anger and why you're sticking around if you're already a bit afraid of his anger problems.

    I don't think the dbol is going to make him any worse as that whole "roid rage " thing is pretty much just bullshit. I do think that if he has one of his anger episodes, you'll falsely be blaming the gear thinking that if he stops, it'll all be better. It's not the cause and it wont be the remedy.

    As other said, dbol only cycles aren't good ideas. And he's also a little on the young side. And when you said he's already a big guy, what exactly did you mean by that? Is he lean? Or does he have a high body-fat percentage?

    I think it'd be a good idea for you to invite your boyfriend to make an account here and start learning from a lot of the vets here. They got some good info and can teach both of you a lot.

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  13. #13
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Dbol only is not a cycle, it is a waste of time, effort & can have potential long term damage.

    If he's running dbol on it's own, he is very uneducated about AAs.


  14. #14
    Red Bastard's Avatar
    Red Bastard is offline Member
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    A question for the OP, XOX, which may help others tailor their advice for you. Are you a Man or a Woman?

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    ^ Not sure how that matters.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  16. #16
    Darkness's Avatar
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    Dbol alone is only going to give him moon face. No roid rage . What's worse is he's not going to keep his gains after the cycle as most of it will be water weight. If you want to do the right thing advise him to come to the forums and do some proper research first.

  17. #17
    XOX is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post
    A question for the OP, XOX, which may help others tailor their advice for you. Are you a Man or a Woman?
    I'm a women 23 years old.

  18. #18
    XOX is offline New Member
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    Lol I feel stupid just askin when the first thing I said was I don't know anything about roids.
    I'm pretty sure his taking something with it but if I know him well enough he won't tell me the other half.
    I just wanted to know if its something I should be worried about coz most the stuff I seem on other sites freaked me out. Thought instead of assuming i be straight up and ask

  19. #19
    Red Bastard's Avatar
    Red Bastard is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XOX View Post
    I'm a women 23 years old.
    And, I'm sorry if that was a crass question. I just couldn't figure it out from your posts. Figured it might help people who were offering relationship advice... Best wishes, for a rational discussion, with your boyfriend...

  20. #20
    XOX is offline New Member
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    All good
    Is there a way I can reply privately to some posts ?

  21. #21
    Red Bastard's Avatar
    Red Bastard is offline Member
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    I think that one needs to have a certain post count, to send personal messages... 50?

    Gotta do what some do, and reply to everything, for a day...

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