Hello world.. first of all stats..

H- 6
Weight 210

Im going for my 2nd Cycle ..first was a bulk cycle with Test E , Deca and Dbol .. now.. im planning to do a 6 week Cut Cycle.. i cant do anything more than 6 because of my exams .. s
This is what my trainer has planned for me... its going to be.. Stanazolol ED (idk the mg.. 40mg prolly), Masteron EOD and Tren Ace EOD. (75mg a dose ie almost 230mg a week) + Masteron.

So.. i was full of doubts as to whether i should go for a test base or something and even.. if its right to take all these.. because thought it sounds promising.. im very much worried about the sides.. PCT will be Nolvadex and 1 more thing which i forgot the name :P.. will edit n add when i get it ..
AS for now.. this is the planned cycle..asking for your opinions and thoughts.