Hey guys just have a 10 week cycle planned of test & deca . I am thinking 500 mg test 250 mg deca (a fairly low dosage of this if my understanding is correct which would suit my experience) and .25 arimidex each day to stop bloat and also have nolva on hand for afterwards. I have done one cycle before which was dianabol , I ate well and gained well with it and now I'm looking to step into this. The questions have are; does the deca run for 10 weeks with test or do I need to run the test a few weeks longer? How long after the end of my cycle until I begin my PCT? Does arimidex and nolvadex work well with the test/deca cycle? Anything else some experienced users could help with will be appreciated.

Also about me. I'm 21 (22 in under 2 weeks) been in the gym for about 3 years (on and off) was struck with pneamonia at the start of this year and was forced out of the gym for 6 months so my stats don't quite represent myself. Currently 190 pounds, 6'1. Also for the last year had a niggling left rotator cuff injury which I fix then slowly returns so really hoping the deca could help out there with the inflammation that may come.

In advance thanks for helping out I know you will probably get these questions a lot and I have done research but answers differ depending on the person.