Hi Guys,

I need your advice about Arimidex . Bear with me on this as its a strange one!

First of all I should point out that I understand that Arimidex is usually used amongst bodybuilders to limit the effects of aromatisation and keep E2 levels in check when using anabolic steroids such as testosterone etc.

However, my situation is a little bit different. Just over a year ago before I started training again (after a very long lay off due to injury, depression and other life circumstances etc which I won't get into) I went to see my doctor for a routine blood test because I just wanted to make sure everything was ok before I started training again and started my diet.

Now at that stage I was seriously obese at 253lb and 35% + bod fat, with a terrible diet consisting of junk food and heavy alcohol intake. My estrogen levels (E2) came back as extremely high, it was something like 168 and my doctor told me it should be less than 100 for normal males and that's why I was getting man boobs etc.

He decided at that stage to prescribe me with Arimidex at 1mg each day which worked great and along with the diet an exercise I lost over 81lb and got down to 13% BF.

However the arimidex gave me the following side effects:

1) Absolutely zero sex drive and no libido.
2) Thinning of hair. I always had a full head of hair and very thick and it seemed to thin out quite a bit. Also apparently by Zinc levels were very low.

After about 3 months after I had my blood tests done again and my E2 levels were showing at less than 50.

I told my doctor about the loss of sex drive and he told me to reduce my dose to 1mg EOD which is the dose I have on for over a year now.

I should point out at no stage was I using testosterone or any other AA's etc and I am 100% natural so far and was doing severe cardio and low carb dieting etc.

I had some recent tests done and its showing my E2 levels as "undetectable" and my doctor has told me to stop the arimidex now as he is concerned with long term use and possibility of developing osteoporosis.

Now my sex drive has improved a little bit, I can get an erection just fine but its like I have absolutely no libido or desire for sex and it's been like that for one year. I honestly don't have a problem with that, I know it sounds like a strange thing to say but in a way I find it liberating not to have a libido etc. It's weird because when I was fat I had a huge sex drive!

I have tried coming off the Arimidex a few times and every time I do my libido comes back with a vengeance but more disconcertingly I feel like I am getting fat and bloated and I lose my vascularity and muscle hardness and my face gets bloated. I don't know if this is all in my head or not? In any case I jumped straight back on the Arimidex.

I also feel like I get more emotional when I stop taking the Arimidex and while I take the Arimidex I almost feel like my emotions are more fact of the matter and I don't seem to get bothered about things as much and it gives me a sense of control which I like.

So I want to know is it possible to drive your E2 levels too low and what would be the health consequences for staying on Arimidex indefinitely without using steroids etc.

The one thing I have noticed with the Arimidex is an awful lot of bone and joint pain and its as if my bones are somehow weaker.

If I stop taking the Arimidex will I get fat, how can I prevent this, this is my main worry!

I have some Nolvadex should I switch to that instead.

Sorry for the long explanation and I appreciate your thoughts.
