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Thread: Tren and libido

  1. #41
    Ibasmusi's Avatar
    Ibasmusi is offline Junior Member
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    And what point is your question making? It al all objective information. Some of you guys on here are completely ignorant and give bad advice. What in the WORLD does it pertain to the information where i learned this at? It is true.

  2. #42
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    OMG. Dude seriously. I have been nice to this point but you are preaching nothing but bro science you have read on other boards. There are plenty of AR receptors to go around. In fact while on cycle you grow new receptors even quicker. There is no fight between compounds for receptors.

  3. #43
    Ibasmusi's Avatar
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    Lmao! Ok "bro". Go ahead and keep running them with your limp dick. Last time i try and help anyone.

  4. #44
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I will agree with the point you made about there being no need to run nandrolone with Tren considering Tren is a stronger compound. Most ppl do it for the noted therapeutic benefit of low dose nandrolone therapy.

  5. #45
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibasmusi View Post
    Lmao! Ok "bro". Go ahead and keep running them with your limp dick. Last time i try and help anyone.
    What if I told you I am running tren and deca together now along with 100mg of test EW and I have no libido or ED issues and my E2 is in range proven with blood work?
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  6. #46
    Ibasmusi's Avatar
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    I have an idea, why dont you show me YOUR scientific knowledge of why these compounds CAN be ran TOGETHER. Lets hear it.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibasmusi View Post
    I have an idea, why dont you show me YOUR scientific knowledge of why these compounds CAN be ran TOGETHER. Lets hear it.
    I always love that argument when someone can't back up their statement. Show me yours THEN I'll show you mine. I did that with a cpl girls in middle school once and it worked like a charm lol.

    Thats my point. You are not likely to find scientific studies on the effects of Tren (with or without nandrolone ) considering it's never been approved for use in humans. Yet you stated it was a scientific fact. Since you claimed such..I wanted to see it.
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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibasmusi View Post
    And what point is your question making? It al all objective information. Some of you guys on here are completely ignorant and give bad advice. What in the WORLD does it pertain to the information where i learned this at? It is true.
    If you didn't learn it in school, then there's no need to boast about being in medical school. If you did learn this in school, I would like to know which books are you reading.
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  9. #49
    Ibasmusi's Avatar
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    You cant fix ignorance. I gave you my standpoint from a basic scientific view, yet you say it is ok to run this cycle and quite frankly, if that is you in the picture, you cant be running those compounds. You look like shit. Maybe your diet or training is off. Anyway, lets hear why you can run these together.

  10. #50
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibasmusi View Post
    You cant fix ignorance. I gave you my standpoint from a basic scientific view, yet you say it is ok to run this cycle and quite frankly, if that is you in the picture, you cant be running those compounds. You look like shit. Maybe your diet or training is off. Anyway, lets hear why you can run these together.
    You need to find another board.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  11. #51
    Ibasmusi's Avatar
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    I think it is funny you want me to do your research for you. Clowns. Keep running your shitty cycles

  12. #52
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibasmusi View Post
    You cant fix ignorance. I gave you my standpoint from a basic scientific view, yet you say it is ok to run this cycle and quite frankly, if that is you in the picture, you cant be running those compounds. You look like shit. Maybe your diet or training is off. Anyway, lets hear why you can run these together.
    Yes that's me. I'm 240+ lbs and I think i'm fkn sexy as fuk lol. yeah my diet is my kryptonite. I also have no desire to look like an Abercrombie model.

    You gave me your opinion based off of things you read on a steroid board.

    You can run them together because they are simply different compounds. They don't blend together and form some sort of toxic cocktail. It's not like mixing ammonia and bleach. They are both suppressive compounds but running them together will do no more harm then running them deperate. 500mg of a 19nor compound is 500mg of a 19nor compound. Makes no difference whether that's 500mg of tren, 500mg of Deca or 250mg of each combined.
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  13. #53
    Ibasmusi's Avatar
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    So what is the point if tren being tren and deca being deca?

  14. #54
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    You need to find another board.
    It's all good old friend (not emphasizing the old part ). I have thick skin...literally lol. We all know that diet is an Achilles heal for me. I have been called worse by better as you can imagine.

  15. #55
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibasmusi View Post
    So what is the point if tren being tren and deca being deca?
    They are two different compounds but in the same family. That doesn't mean running them together is harmful.

  16. #56
    Ibasmusi's Avatar
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    Explain why running them together isnt harmful. If you know what these two compounds do in the pituitary and how they effect LH then you should know the answer.

  17. #57
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    I've heard people say they liked the cycle I'm on. I've also heard you can't run too 19s together. Like I said, Ive been wreckless with my body. I gotta get bloodwork done not only for hormone levels, but other shit too. Everybody's body is different and reacts differently to compounds. I know alot of guys that have taken Deca /Tren cycles and said they liked them better than either alone. I also know alot of guys that said they canyt handle the sides. I feel good. I just don't want limp dick when I come off. You can call me an idiot for doing it, but thats not gonna stop me, because I've had experience with alot of other things, I've heard this is a good cycle, and I wanna try it. I'm gonna drop the letro and get another AI

    XXXAndesXXX weren't you the guy trying to Put a little extra bloat on after an anadrol tren mast var winny dbol cycle a few months ago lol?

  18. #58
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibasmusi View Post
    Explain why running them together isnt harmful. If you know what these two compounds do in the pituitary and how they effect LH then you should know the answer.
    Look, Tren is simply a structurally altered version of Nandrolone . It's been double bonded at the 9th and 11th carbon atom to prevent it from aromatizing. They are both testosterone without the carbon atom at the 19th position. Tren is simply more effective at binding to the AR which makes is a stronger compound.

    yes I know how they cause shutdown of the HPTA.

  19. #59
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    That escalated quickly. Sorry guys lol

  20. #60
    Ibasmusi's Avatar
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    I agree with you 100% that everyone's body is different. And in knowing this i can agree that for one person it could be fine and another could be a disaster. I am only preaching because i dont want people to think they can do it with no repercussions. I apologize for the comments i made toward you and coming off as arrogant, it is just not safe at all.
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  21. #61
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Hey this has been fun but my give a shyt has run out. There is no sense arguing when someone says they know something for a fact and want you to prove that they do.
    Last edited by Lunk1; 11-09-2013 at 11:42 AM.
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  22. #62
    Ibasmusi's Avatar
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    Agreed man

  23. #63
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco View Post
    I've heard people say they liked the cycle I'm on. I've also heard you can't run too 19s together. Like I said, Ive been wreckless with my body. I gotta get bloodwork done not only for hormone levels, but other shit too. Everybody's body is different and reacts differently to compounds. I know alot of guys that have taken Deca /Tren cycles and said they liked them better than either alone. I also know alot of guys that said they canyt handle the sides. I feel good. I just don't want limp dick when I come off. You can call me an idiot for doing it, but thats not gonna stop me, because I've had experience with alot of other things, I've heard this is a good cycle, and I wanna try it. I'm gonna drop the letro and get another AI

    XXXAndesXXX weren't you the guy trying to Put a little extra bloat on after an anadrol tren mast var winny dbol cycle a few months ago lol?
    yeah its me, but it was a bad idea, I found out, nolva is very slow to work, once you discontinue an AI, you start retaining water, but if you already have gyno, gyno will get worse. I think you have to start nolva some weeks before discontinue AI. but next time I'll start a bloat cycle with nolva to get big fast, and then I discontinue nolva and start the other compounds like tren, mast and AI to get ripped. I'll see if it works.
    but back on your problem, flacco, consider too, that your test might be fake or terribly underdosed! or your letro is fake and your E2 are high enough, to let prolactine rise due the 2 19-nor compounds. everything is possible, thats why I suggest you to discontinue compounds, to see where the problem could be, without haveing to interrupt your cycle or do a BW. and later on, if you see, that it was really the letro, then you can end your cycle with a limp dick, and get back normal in PCT, once discontinuing letro. but if its not the letro, you can get in real troubles

  24. #64
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    If you're really worried, about your booty call, as a "band-aid", have some ciallis on hand, just in case...
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  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibasmusi View Post
    "When cycleing 19-nor steroids it is best to follow these certain rules so you do not get undesired side effects. It is very importan that you follow all of these rules i have listed . The two main 19-nors i am talking about are steroids in the trenbolone family and the nandrolone family. Heres a list of rules .

    -Never combine nandrolone and trenboone in the same cycle.
    -Never use a 19-nor as a stand alone cycle. This will destroy your endocrine system.
    -When cycling with a 19-nor dont use nolvedex as your choice or anti-estrogen.
    -Use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG ) during cycle due to the high natural test suppresion.
    -Nevr use a higher 19-nor dosage than your test base.
    -when cycleing prefebly end the 19-nor a few weeks before ending your test.
    -alswys stack witha test base.
    -If your a sanctioned athlete be careful as most 19-nors do have long detections times .

    Now its time to benifit from these amazing steroids which will give you unhuman like gains."
    Never use a 19 nor higher than you test base? So these guys that use 250mgs of test a week and 400mgs of tren a week are idiots? Cmon now.. there's no reason to make a statement like that.
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  26. #66
    killer41qc is offline Junior Member
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    I'm running Test E 150mg/week and tren a 500mg/week without any problems. E2 is so much easier to manage as well

  27. #67
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    I stopped the letro. Getting some adex in a couple days. Adex is fckin expensive. Thats really why I went with the letro. Ya get what you pay for I guess. Like I said, I can still get it up, I just miss wanting to get one off a few times a day, minimum. I got Viagra if I need it. But being able to get/keep it up is one thing, actually wanting to bang 7 times a day is another. I hope stopping the letro works. Thanks guys

  28. #68
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    IMO i dont think its necesarry to always run test higher than you 19 nor to prevent ED, i have ran deca , npp a few times with double the nandrolone than test and still was horny and functional. I think its overall E2 management, but everyone is a lil diff.
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