Hello everyone, I have been doing test for years, but have always bought little viles that seemed to be made from professional labs. I recently found a local guy who sold me some "home-brew." It is nicely packaged, but a few days after receiving it the contents seems to be separating inside each bottle. There is a clowdy substance that almost looks like crystals forming in the bottles that make up about 20% of the contents. I asked my guy what this is and he assured me it is fine. He told me to place a bottle in very hot water before injection days and that the material will mix back together; but that I would most likely have to do this each time I want to inject it. Before it started becoming clowdy I already started and have already gained my 15lbs of water weight causing me to beleive it may be fine. But I wanted to double check with some experts who have probably dealt with this in the past. I am sure it has been written about on here before, but I was unable to find anything as I do not know what to call the separation other than clowdy and could not find anything. Sorry if this is the thousandth post on this. Thank you for your time.