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  1. #1
    motoman1182's Avatar
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    Planning my first cycle!

    Hi Everyone,

    New here, but not to the sport of bodybuilding. I have been training my whole life, and seriously for the past 4 (all a learning experience). I have stayed natural so far, the whole time considering steroids . It has been 4 years now that I've considered using them, so I don't think my mind will change, I am ready for my first cycle.

    My current stats are as follows...

    Age: 22
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 198.5 lbs
    Body fat: 10-11%
    Waist: 32"

    Max BB flat bench: 365 lbs
    Max BB squat (ass to the floor): 460 lbs
    Max BB dead lift: 495 lbs??

    My goal for this cycle is to put on a little size and gain strength all while getting ripped. My diet has been in check for 16 weeks now (down 17lbs and still making strength gains) and so is my sleep schedule (usually 7 hours plus a 20-30 minute nap). Here is what I am planning on running and though I am pretty set on this, I would like to hear what everyone has to say.

    (Wk 1-10) Test Prop 100mg/wk
    (Wk 1-10) Tren Acetate 200mg/wk
    (Wk 1-8) Oral Winstrol 350mg/wk
    (Wk 11-12) OFF
    (Wk 13-16) Nolva 40/40/20/20

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Too young too Advanced of a cycle for a first timer. No ai? No hcg ? You will get no help from anyone on here. Your stats are good if true so keep going natty.

    Just so you no i got gyno and ed from aas at a young age.

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
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    The biggest problem I see is using the tren for a first cycle. Test only will blow you away for your first cycle. Add clomid to pct, run an ai through the cycle and hcg wouldn't hurt either.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^ Redz, did you miss his age?!

    Motoman read this first so you know the risks,

    The Young and Steroids

    Things to consider before starting a first cycle

    you might need this before you reach 30 if you continue, not trying to scare you, its reality, you're still developing.

    Finding a TRT Physician

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
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    took me some time to find this thread:***.html

    hope you read it before you start.

  6. #6
    motoman1182's Avatar
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    This is why I'm here guys, I'm obviously not an expert on cycle's. I'm going to read the links you have all provided. And I really wasn't sure about using tren ; a lot of the info I read about it said it is for advanced users. So now I'm leaning towards a test and winny cycle? Or should I just run test alone, maybe with dbol ? As far as HCG , I have read that it's very helpful but not absolutely necessary, and the only reason it wasn't in my cycle would be to save money, but I'd rather do this correctly than cheap out.

  7. #7
    motoman1182's Avatar
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    Bass, I read all three links. I do agree with the age factor, and I was aware of the brain not being fully developed until usually 26 (what I learned in school); it is scary, but I am willing to take the risk, I truly believe that if done safely, I will be just fine.

    The second article was helpful too, these are things I have a pretty solid base on as of now. The owner of my gym is a former Mr.Universe and has seriously helped me with diet and nutrition for over a year now, training as well. I am not comfortable asking him about steroid advice though.

    The last article is the scariest of them all, but in all honesty, even if it came to that, I do still think it would be worth it. Like I stated in my OP, I want to be an IFBB pro, I'm not just doing this for shits and giggles; I'm tired of fantasizing about it, it's time to make it a reality. I do need to start somewhere though.

  8. #8
    motoman1182's Avatar
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    AD, read through some of the threads on there, and jesus, it's definitely a scary thought to just be injecting random formulas in your body and it's sad to see how screwed up some of these people have become. I'm pretty firm on NOT becoming an addition to that list or giving a bad name to the sport or steroids , once again, why I am here and posting this.

  9. #9
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Testosterone only first cycle, but you are 22 and I cant recommend this. As it is potentially unsafe in the future of your life.

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Keep in mind, even the safest cycle doesn't guarantee a complete recovery. If you search the threads here, you will find several posts by guys your age who ran basic cycles and after suppressing their HTPA and natural hormones, they didn't fully recover and had numerous problems post cycle (depression, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, reduced muscle tone, joint pain, muscle pain, etc.).

    Many of the members here will advise against your plan, and for very good reason. We've seen and had to help guys your age try to get back to some level of "normal" after shutting down from a steroid cycle. There are simply no guarantees and no one can say for sure you will or will not recover. At 22, not being able to perform for the ladies or feeling depressed all the time, or having to start testosterone replacement therapy at your age for the rest of your life, aren't things to look forward to. Many of the guys that didn't recover regret their decision to cycle early.

    It's your body and your choice, but once you've decided to move forward with this, there may be no turning back and you may be faced with more problems than you realize if your body does not recover.

    Whatever choice you make, be safe and accept any consequences.

    Good luck.

  11. #11
    motoman1182's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Keep in mind, even the safest cycle doesn't guarantee a complete recovery. If you search the threads here, you will find several posts by guys your age who ran basic cycles and after suppressing their HTPA and natural hormones, they didn't fully recover and had numerous problems post cycle (depression, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, reduced muscle tone, joint pain, muscle pain, etc.).

    Many of the members here will advise against your plan, and for very good reason. We've seen and had to help guys your age try to get back to some level of "normal" after shutting down from a steroid cycle. There are simply no guarantees and no one can say for sure you will or will not recover. At 22, not being able to perform for the ladies or feeling depressed all the time, or having to start testosterone replacement therapy at your age for the rest of your life, aren't things to look forward to. Many of the guys that didn't recover regret their decision to cycle early.

    It's your body and your choice, but once you've decided to move forward with this, there may be no turning back and you may be faced with more problems than you realize if your body does not recover.

    Whatever choice you make, be safe and accept any consequences.

    Good luck.
    I do understand the consequences, and I am aware that steroids do not make a champion and will not make me an IFBB pro. That being said... if I do try a cycle, would my original plan minus the tren and adding arimidex and clomid to PCT be a better alternative? Goal is to cut, gaining size is not my main focus but always a positive.

    Thank you

  12. #12
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoman1182

    I do understand the consequences, and I am aware that steroids do not make a champion and will not make me an IFBB pro. That being said... if I do try a cycle, would my original plan minus the tren and adding arimidex and clomid to PCT be a better alternative? Goal is to cut, gaining size is not my main focus but always a positive.

    Thank you
    Best to stick with a single ester like prop, cyp, or enathanate.

    Run prop 8-10 woks
    Cyp or E 12 wks if you chose that route
    Adex (.25mg EOD) OR Aromasin (12.5mg ED)
    PCT Nolva + Clomid

    I urge you to include HCG during cycle.

  13. #13
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoman1182 View Post
    Bass, I read all three links. I do agree with the age factor, and I was aware of the brain not being fully developed until usually 26 (what I learned in school); it is scary, but I am willing to take the risk, I truly believe that if done safely, I will be just fine.

    The second article was helpful too, these are things I have a pretty solid base on as of now. The owner of my gym is a former Mr.Universe and has seriously helped me with diet and nutrition for over a year now, training as well. I am not comfortable asking him about steroid advice though.

    The last article is the scariest of them all, but in all honesty, even if it came to that, I do still think it would be worth it. Like I stated in my OP, I want to be an IFBB pro, I'm not just doing this for shits and giggles; I'm tired of fantasizing about it, it's time to make it a reality. I do need to start somewhere though.
    its not about how safe you cycle, its about interrupting your hormonal development, once you disturb it there is no going back. just saying.

  14. #14
    Megalodon6's Avatar
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    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    Good luck

  15. #15
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Keep in mind, even the safest cycle doesn't guarantee a complete recovery. If you search the threads here, you will find several posts by guys your age who ran basic cycles and after suppressing their HTPA and natural hormones, they didn't fully recover and had numerous problems post cycle (depression, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, reduced muscle tone, joint pain, muscle pain, etc.).

    Many of the members here will advise against your plan, and for very good reason. We've seen and had to help guys your age try to get back to some level of "normal" after shutting down from a steroid cycle. There are simply no guarantees and no one can say for sure you will or will not recover. At 22, not being able to perform for the ladies or feeling depressed all the time, or having to start testosterone replacement therapy at your age for the rest of your life, aren't things to look forward to. Many of the guys that didn't recover regret their decision to cycle early.
    It's your body and your choice, but once you've decided to move forward with this, there may be no turning back and you may be faced with more problems than you realize if your body does not recover.

    Whatever choice you make, be safe and accept any consequences.

    Good luck.

    What I was trying to say. Best advice.

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985

    What I was trying to say. Best advice.
    Pretty much the message all of us are sharing here. Oh well, at this point, I'll hope it works out. These young guys say they understand the risks, but its the "it won't happen to me" mentality that guides their decision.

  17. #17
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    give yourself 1-2 more months to consider, think of this as the cooling down period. so that you dont make this decision at the spur of the moment.

    if you still think you're going to be more lucky than most other 20 yos, then read this:
    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

    you must read every word of it in detail and if you decided to go ahead, you must follow it word for word, dont make any changes, dont omit any steps, dont add anything.

    good luck, you might need it.

  18. #18
    motoman1182's Avatar
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    AD, I did see that post a while back before I joined, it's a great read. I think if I do decide to do a cycle, I will be going with the example in that post only with test prop. Thank you for sharing that.

  19. #19
    motoman1182's Avatar
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    And it will be at least a month or two before I make any moves, I don't have a source to buy from as of now. And believe me, I am listening to what everyone has to say on here, I appreciate all the help and advice you have all given me. Thank you.

  20. #20
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoman1182 View Post
    And it will be at least a month or two before I make any moves, I don't have a source to buy from as of now. And believe me, I am listening to what everyone has to say on here, I appreciate all the help and advice you have all given me. Thank you.
    glad i could help.

    here's another must-read.

    Beware of UGL: Chemical Muscle - Worrisome Recent Events - Contaminated Gear

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